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.September 2, 1914.<br />

A JfAMlLY PAPEIt<br />

Inthe Sabbath<br />

School<br />

Lesson XII. September 20, 1914.<br />


By Rev. Owen P. Thompson.<br />

Golden Text.—Inasmuch as ye did it not unto<br />

one of the least, ye did it not unto me. Matthew<br />

25:45.<br />

Lesson Text—Matthew 25:31-46.<br />

Time—April,-A. D. 30. Place—Mount of Olives.<br />

Suitable Psalms.—2, 50, 89, 60.<br />

Exposition.—This account of the Judgment is<br />

not in the form of a parable as tbe former nart<br />

of the chapter is. It is the description of an<br />

actual event that is to take place. It may be<br />

that some question about the last sentence of the<br />

parable of the pounds led Christ into giving this<br />

account.<br />

What a time it will be for us all when we st<strong>and</strong><br />

before God <strong>and</strong> hear judgment pronounced. On<br />

Friday evening there was often a spelling match<br />

at school. How anxiously each one waited till<br />

their name was called <strong>and</strong> how a thrill went<br />

through them as they realized that they were on<br />

the side that they expected to win or on the<br />

other.<br />

Can you imagine the time when you will st<strong>and</strong><br />

before God with that great multitude <strong>and</strong> how<br />

anxiously you will watch one after another as<br />

they take their place among the saved or the<br />

lost And what of you -when your name is called<br />

Are you to thrill with unutterable joy or are you<br />

to feel your heart sink into the depths as you<br />

hear your condemnation<br />

<strong>The</strong>re are many lessons to be drawn from this<br />

passage. We might notice first that it teaches<br />

the certainty of the judgment. A great many persons<br />

in the world today say that they do not believe<br />

in a judgment other than the working<br />

out of the laws of nature. A man judges himself<br />

<strong>and</strong> condemns himself to his rightful punishment<br />

or at least to all that he is to receive. But Christ<br />

says that there is to be a judgment in which he<br />

is to be the Judge <strong>and</strong> it is not a saying to he<br />

passed over lightly when we read, Prepare to<br />

meet thy God!<br />

God does not value time as we do but he doe^<br />

value justice far more than most people in the<br />

world now seem to do.<br />

We are taught in this passage that there is a<br />

place of happiness which we commonly call<br />

Heaven. To .believe in Heaven <strong>and</strong> to have a<br />

hope of reaching that place does not mean as<br />

some think that we are dreamers <strong>and</strong> have lost<br />

interest in all practical things. It is a solid fact<br />

<strong>and</strong> it is a fact that will make one stronger <strong>and</strong><br />

bettter in every way if it is looked at as it should<br />

be.<br />

Another thing that we are taught here is that<br />

there is a place of punishment. A great many<br />

say that they do not believe in eternal pui.ish-<br />

least of these my brethren yo have done it unto<br />

me.<br />

Sometimes we think that we do not have a<br />

chance to serve Christ. He shows us here how<br />

we are to do it. We mee-c with Christ in every<br />

one about us <strong>and</strong> our treatment of them is our<br />

treatment of the Savior.<br />

We serve Christ when we serve but a single<br />

soul. "Inasmuch as ye have done it unto ONE."<br />

You are not wasting your time when you are<br />

interested in individuals <strong>and</strong> worKing with<br />

them. Men are coming more <strong>and</strong> more to realize<br />

that the most effective work is done with individuals<br />

<strong>and</strong> that the work with the crowd which<br />

seems so important when we read the figures<br />

does not mean so much in the end. I think we<br />

do not put the right value on a single soul. Christ<br />

said that a man's soul was of more value to himself<br />

than all the world beside <strong>and</strong> the soul is<br />

of more value to Christ than to yourself.<br />

We serve Christ when we serve the LEAST<br />

or the lowliest. "Inasmuch as ye have done it<br />

unto one of THE LEAST." You hear persons<br />

say sometimes tnat if they could only get this<br />

one or that one to come, the rest would be easy.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y are depending on their help or their presence<br />

as an advertisement <strong>and</strong> f<strong>org</strong>et that It is<br />

God's strength that will -win. How often the<br />

rich <strong>and</strong> the well dressed or the popular are<br />

sought rather than the poor <strong>and</strong> so called undesirable.<br />

It was not so with Christ. He sought<br />

the lost.<br />

We serve Christ when we serve those immediately<br />

about us. "Inasmuch as ye have done<br />

it unto one of the least of THESE."<br />

Your first duty is toward the person at your<br />

side. If several persons were drowning <strong>and</strong> you<br />

were in a boat would you row past some close<br />

at h<strong>and</strong> to save another far oft in the water<br />

But if you could row faster in your boat <strong>and</strong><br />

there were others at h<strong>and</strong> to save tuose close,<br />

then ought you to go past in order to save<br />

others farther off. We are called sometimes to<br />

leave the salvation of those at home in the h<strong>and</strong>s<br />

of others to go to foreign l<strong>and</strong>s, but we are never<br />

called to leave one by your side without a<br />

chance to hear the gospel in order to take the<br />

gospel to those who are in foreign l<strong>and</strong>s.<br />

We serve Christ when we serve his BRETH­<br />

REN. "Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one<br />

of the least of these MY BRETHREN."<br />

Christ's teaching is plain enough as to those<br />

who are called brethren. Every one who is in<br />

need of a brother. It is our duty to help all.<br />

But there is a special sense in which this word<br />

brother can be used. It means one of our o.vn<br />

household. We have a special duty to those of<br />

<strong>The</strong>re are far more angels than there are people<br />

in the whole United States,, "ten thous<strong>and</strong> times<br />

ten thous<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> thous<strong>and</strong>s of thous<strong>and</strong>s," <strong>and</strong><br />

they will all be with God. We will use these<br />

white pieces of paper cut out to represent angels.<br />

Will many people st<strong>and</strong> before God's throne on<br />

the Judgment Day,, Ellis "Everybody will be<br />

there." Yes, "Before him shall be gathered all<br />

nations." <strong>The</strong>re will be so many you cannot<br />

imagine the size of the crowd. Everyone who<br />

has ever lived will be there, both good <strong>and</strong> bad.<br />

All who are in their graves—old <strong>and</strong> young—<br />

when they hear God's voice, will come before<br />

him, all that have been buried in the sea—all<br />

that are dead shall come <strong>and</strong> those who have<br />

not yet died. Could the earth hold them all,<br />

Alvin "No, they will have to meet in the air."<br />

Use these clothespins <strong>and</strong> sticks,, a great, great<br />

number, for all the people, <strong>and</strong> st<strong>and</strong> them in<br />

the s<strong>and</strong> before the throne.<br />

Did you ever see a flock of sheep <strong>and</strong> goats<br />

grazing together At this end of the table we<br />

will st<strong>and</strong> these cardboard sheep <strong>and</strong> goats in<br />

the s<strong>and</strong>. Use black for the goats <strong>and</strong> white for<br />

the sheep. This clothespin is the shepherd. Here<br />

he st<strong>and</strong>s facing his flock. As they come toward<br />

him one at a time, with his staff he turns the<br />

sneep to the right <strong>and</strong> the goats to the left. Now<br />

he has all the gentle sheep grazing in one fleld<br />

<strong>and</strong> the goats in another. Jesus says the sheep<br />

st<strong>and</strong> for good people <strong>and</strong> the goats for bad.<br />

In this great throng before the throne, would<br />

it be easy to separate the good from the bad,<br />

Ellsworth -lou would think the bad could<br />

hide." But each one must come up, one at a time,<br />

<strong>and</strong> st<strong>and</strong> alone before God. Here comes a little<br />

girl like Mildred, who one day gave a thirsty<br />

tramp at ;the gate, a drink of cold water, just because<br />

she loved Jesus. As she st<strong>and</strong>s before<br />

God he looks at her, then turns her to his right.<br />

Now comes a girl who turned a thirsty old man<br />

away from the door because she did not want to<br />

bother running to the kitchen for a drink. God<br />

.turns her to his left. This woman coming up, always<br />

gave food to hungry people,, even if she<br />

had to go short herself. God turns her to his<br />

right. This one put a sign on her gate, "No<br />

beggars allowed," <strong>and</strong> never in all her life gave<br />

food to a starving man. Where will she go,<br />

Marion "On God's left." Here is a boy who<br />

was given a new overcoat. On a stormy night a<br />

tramp shivered at his door. This boy ran with<br />

his nice warm coat to the tramp, <strong>and</strong> the next<br />

day went to school without any himself. As he<br />

comes before God where is he placed, Charles<br />

"On God's right." <strong>The</strong> next man who comes was<br />

wealthy. He always dressed warmly himself, but<br />

let his servants go out in the rain <strong>and</strong> cold without<br />

enough clothing to keep them warm <strong>and</strong> dry.<br />

He is turned to God's left. Now comes a man<br />

who visited those in prison., telling about Jesus<br />

<strong>and</strong> trying to help them. And here is a young<br />

girl who called on the sick <strong>and</strong> brought flowers<br />

<strong>and</strong> fruit. Both these are placed on God's right.<br />

But where is this man sent who would not go to<br />

see those in prison <strong>and</strong> this woman wno would<br />

our own household. It is often a neglected duty<br />

but it is one that ought to be especially pldasing<br />

to us. It is harder for many to speak to<br />

their own people in their home than to speak<br />

to strangers about their souls.<br />

ment Others do not believe in punishment at Now then when you think of doing some'-iing<br />

all except what comes to one through the working<br />

out of the laws of nature. <strong>The</strong>y speak of the mind that they are not deserving of it <strong>and</strong> that<br />

for another <strong>and</strong> the thought comes into your<br />

Judgment Day as though it were a theory of the they have treated you in some way that was<br />

dark ages which no one holds nowadays except<br />

Lesson wrong, XII. or that they are your September enemies, 20, or 1914, that<br />

a few old fogies. That is like stretching a cloth<br />

not visit sick folk because it made them sad<br />

they are LESSON filthy <strong>and</strong> FOR loathsome THE CHILDREN. so that you are<br />

over a broken br'dge or a washout on the road.<br />

Yes, David, they go on God's left. This boy whg<br />

ashamed to By be Anna seen Pritchard helping them, Ge<strong>org</strong>e. then remember<br />

that THE they JUDGMENT are brethren OF THE of Christ NATIONS. <strong>and</strong> that<br />

It is all right to talk about but when you try to<br />

comes up now, felt sorry for new boys in town,<br />

go over it you find there is nothing in it. Christ<br />

<strong>and</strong> took them into the games. He was always<br />

you will count Matthew it an honor 25:31-46. some time to have<br />

does not preach theories. He speaks as one who<br />

a friend of strangers <strong>and</strong> made them happy. Yes,<br />

been We the will means talk today of bringing about the them time back when into God the<br />

has authority <strong>and</strong> Christ says that the wicked.<br />

Polly, God places him on his right. But this girl<br />

will family come <strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> the sit home as a of king God, on the his throne Father. to judge<br />

are to he punished in hell.<br />

who would say, "We don't -^ant that strange boy<br />

the <strong>The</strong> world. last What thing is that a king's I will throne speak of like,. in Joe this<br />

<strong>The</strong>re is this interesting thing as it is given<br />

in our games," <strong>and</strong> who made strange lonely<br />

"A passage great is big that chair." the wicked Some thrones are condemned are beautifucause<br />

high they backed neglected chairs Christ of carved <strong>and</strong> not wood. because God's of<br />

be­<br />

to us in the passage. It speaks of the place prepared<br />

for the devil <strong>and</strong> his angels. God made all<br />

places with those on his left. So the whole<br />

boys <strong>and</strong> girls stranger <strong>and</strong> lonelier still, God<br />

throne certain when evil actions he comes or flagrant to judge sins. the world, It was will for<br />

men to be saved a:nd the place of punishment<br />

crowd is divided. Some are placed on God's<br />

be sins far of more omission. beautiful We than often man f<strong>org</strong>et can that make. what His we<br />

that the wicked are sent to is the place that was<br />

right <strong>and</strong> some on his left.<br />

throne have omitted will be to a do glorious often one. measures "<strong>The</strong>n our shall lack he of<br />

prepared for the devil <strong>and</strong> his angels. Those<br />

Now God says to those on his right h<strong>and</strong>,<br />

sit love high more upon than the our throne mistakes of his or glory." actual sins We do. can<br />

who have thrown in their lot with the devil in<br />

"Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom<br />

prepared for you from the foundation of the<br />

only Neglect use this <strong>and</strong> small ingratitude chair with is a harder high back. to f<strong>org</strong>ive First<br />

this world will find that their lot is still cast in<br />

lay than a thick actual piece offence.<br />

wood on the s<strong>and</strong> tahle -for a<br />

with him <strong>and</strong> his in the world to come.<br />

world; for I was hungered,, <strong>and</strong> ye gave me<br />

platform, <strong>and</strong> place the chair on it.<br />

Another thing, to notice Is that the place of<br />

meat; * *-* <strong>and</strong> ye came unto me." <strong>The</strong>se folk on<br />

God will not come alone, but with him will he<br />

the blessed is a place prepared especially for<br />

God's right do not underst<strong>and</strong>. "Lord," they say,<br />

""into _ ness ooing dead. teaches sign stered way their preparing them shows inasmuch True <strong>The</strong> Let Jesus by the through of coming the humility. from next to that me service just faith place Jesus most as for speak God thing the some as to that ye <strong>and</strong> keenly of their Christ. had for plainly him. foundation Those happiness have a to form that we little Christ. a notice welfare special done who that <strong>The</strong> if then often is there saved because is Bihle feel works always interest faith <strong>and</strong> that the unto is fortieth their by teaches arranging ones <strong>and</strong> they are world. not faith characteriz­<br />

one unworthi­<br />

the love ministry who his are had verse,— of all but elect That sure sent<br />

min-<br />

for the are<br />

it "all in heaven the holy Bud angels." "More Are than there I could many count." angels these him from his to helping done drink <strong>and</strong> "when stranger, God Now the sick, games, of into replies, me, it of people, did God the poor unto boy Jesus,, man water, or <strong>and</strong> heaven. ye we least (Continued they naked,, turns gave "Inasmuch cursed, me." <strong>and</strong> visited the who, see <strong>and</strong> of all his boy to sick When you or for these God into helped overcoat those took hungry, as <strong>and</strong> prison, Jesus' woman everlasting the takes prisoners,, my page ye the lonely, Jesus, little have to brethren, his 10,) sake, <strong>and</strong> strange them fed girl flre,prepar-<br />

thirsty left, helped done <strong>and</strong> were the And cold over gave boy ye the "Depart hungry, ii tramp, so really you" <strong>and</strong> kind have with unto into the girl all a

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