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The Reformed Presbyterian Standard and also 0\ir ... - Rparchives.org


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November 4, 1914.<br />


:rr-<br />

N o t C S<br />

***Rev. D. C. Matthews has received<br />

a call from New Alex<strong>and</strong>ria congregation,<br />

Pa.<br />

«**Rev. P. P. Boyd has resigned<br />

the charge of North Union <strong>and</strong><br />

Biookl<strong>and</strong> congregations.<br />

»**,\'ow, if it is God's will, for at<br />

least another thirty years, with fewer<br />

blunders <strong>and</strong> greater usefulness.<br />

***Dr. R. M. Sommerville <strong>and</strong> ilrs.<br />

Sommerville attended all the sessions<br />

of the late Anti-Secret Convention in<br />

.\ew York.<br />

***<strong>The</strong> pastor of- Third New York<br />

preached a series of seven sermons<br />

on the Divinity of Christ. Such sermons<br />

are much needed at the present<br />

day.<br />

***Connellsville Mission Station is<br />

to be <strong>org</strong>anized into a congregation<br />

on Saturday, November 29. .V<br />

church building, free of debt, has been<br />

built by Jlr. John Parkhill.<br />

***Rev. A. A. Samson, of Second<br />

New York, conducted communion at<br />

Montclair, N. J., on Sabbath, Novem<br />

ber 1, having held prenaratory sprvices<br />

on the preceding Thursday <strong>and</strong><br />

Friday evenings, <strong>and</strong> Rev. P. P. Rea'Vi<br />

preached on Monday night.<br />

***Mr. Joseph Edgar, of New<br />

Brunswick, N. J., originally a Coven<br />

anter, passed away suddenly on October<br />

8. Quite recently he had caM<br />

ed at this office, <strong>and</strong> seemed to be<br />

enjoying remarkably good healt'i<br />

Mrs. Edgar survives, but is in poor<br />

health.<br />

***<strong>The</strong> Pall Communion of the<br />

Clarinda congregation was held th-<br />

first Sabbath of October, Rev. J. T<br />

Mitchell, assisting. <strong>The</strong> earnest<br />

proclamation of the truth, togetheiwith<br />

the attendance <strong>and</strong> interest<br />

shown, combined to make the Communion<br />

season a most helpful on.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re were four accessions, all by<br />

profession of faith. On the Sabbath<br />

following the Communion, the infant<br />

children of Mr. <strong>and</strong> Mrs. Elmer Stev-<br />



Humors in the blood cause internal<br />

derangements that affect the<br />

whole system, as well as pimples,<br />

boils <strong>and</strong> other eruptions. <strong>The</strong>y affect<br />

all the <strong>org</strong>ans <strong>and</strong> functions, membranes<br />

<strong>and</strong> tissues, <strong>and</strong> are directly<br />

responsible for the readiness with<br />

ifbich some people contract disease.<br />

Tor forty years Hood's Sarsaparilla<br />

has been more successful than any<br />

other medicine in expelling humors<br />

<strong>and</strong> removing their inward <strong>and</strong> outward<br />

effects. It is distinguished for<br />

Jts thoroughness in purifying the<br />

Wood, which it enriches <strong>and</strong> invigorates.<br />

No other medicine acts like it,<br />

for no other medicine is like it.<br />

Get Hood's Sarsaparilla today.<br />

•uisist on having Hood's.<br />

At their regular meeting for October, the Ladies' Aid Society of the<br />

Montclair, N. J., congregation, made an appropriation of $10 for the aid<br />

<strong>and</strong> relief of the sufferers by the European War, <strong>and</strong> Mrs. H. S. Pritchard,<br />

Treasurer, was requested to forward the amount. Individual members<br />

of the congregation, both men <strong>and</strong> women, added their offerings,<br />

which at this writing, had swelled the sum to $25. In order to insure safety<br />

<strong>and</strong> avoid all intermediate expense in reaching the needy, it was decided<br />

to send the money to America's Ambassador, Mr. Page, London, Engl<strong>and</strong>,<br />

for use of the British Empire's Red Cross <strong>and</strong> Relief Work.<br />

"Thous<strong>and</strong>s of children are w<strong>and</strong>ering about the ruined towns of<br />

France <strong>and</strong> Belgium, carrying their little bundles or empty-h<strong>and</strong>ed, dazed,<br />

weeping, homeless. No one knows how many thous<strong>and</strong>s of them there<br />

are. Women are seen pushing baby-carriages filled with babies, frying-pans,<br />

blankets, <strong>and</strong> every conceivable thing, with children clinging to their skirt.3,<br />

<strong>and</strong> often one in the arms." All are hurrying, hurrying, hurrying,—but to<br />

get where <strong>The</strong> desolation throughout these two countries is heartbreaking<br />

<strong>and</strong> indescribable, <strong>and</strong> the need of prompt <strong>and</strong> generous aid must<br />

appeal to every Christian heart. "Look in your children's faces <strong>and</strong> give as<br />

you would give to them."<br />

i<br />

Other congregations are requested to report their offerings, of whatever<br />

sort <strong>and</strong> through whatever channel sent, for publication in the Christian<br />

Nation. <strong>The</strong> Christian Nation will serve its readers if desired <strong>and</strong><br />

promptly forward any sums received.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Refonned <strong>Presbyterian</strong> Chnrch<br />

kaTinK no publubinff house of it* own, its<br />

member* are advised to *end tlieir orders for<br />

Catechism*. Lesson Helps, Church <strong>and</strong> Sabbath<br />

School Sapplie* of every description to<br />

Wi-dieniHna Cbe presbpterian PUbliCatiOtl Boara or >iir of its<br />

BIdf.. Philadelphia<br />

Depositorie*<br />

Barlow's Indigo Blue will not<br />

In use for fifty yesra la proof thati^ Qnnt tW<br />

im tht hat. AU groMrss.Ult. OJIUl Ul<br />

If ree Samvles Mailed -», .<br />

ADAH PFRonn & CO otreak<br />

enson <strong>and</strong> Mr. <strong>and</strong> Mrs. Will Dunn of the week, were largely attended,<br />

SCHULTE'S BO0K STORE. 132 E. 23d Street. N Y.<br />

were baptized.<br />

<strong>and</strong> a means of grace to all. <strong>The</strong>re<br />

Covenanter Books for Sale<br />

***J. Renwick Dill addressed th was a spirit of earnestness <strong>and</strong> faith<br />

COVENANTER Books, old Books<br />

Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Pennsylvania,<br />

at Hanover, October 15th, a dence of the presence of tbe Holy<br />

in waiting upon God that gave evi­<br />

of Testimony, Discipline, Confession<br />

of Paivh, "Poets <strong>and</strong><br />

large <strong>and</strong> influential body, on "<strong>The</strong> Spirit. <strong>The</strong> attendance on the preaching<br />

on Friday morning <strong>and</strong> Saturday<br />

Poetry," "Homss <strong>and</strong> .Haunts of th«<br />

Larger Mission of the Church." <strong>The</strong><br />

Covenanters," Catechisms, "<strong>Reformed</strong><br />

message was well received. On Sabbath,<br />

October 18th, he spoke to a Rev. S. J. Johnston filled the pulpit<br />

afternoon was quite commendable.<br />

E^resbyterian Manual," "H<strong>and</strong>book for<br />

Young Christians," Minutes of Syna<br />

large congregation in Christ's Evangelical<br />

Lutheran church in the City of the satisfaction of the occasion by his<br />

in an able manner, <strong>and</strong> contributed to<br />

Address:<br />

JAMES S. TIBBY, 406 Penn Bulldlnj<br />

York, Pa., <strong>and</strong> in the evening of the forceful presentation of the truth.<br />

Pittsburgh, Pa.<br />

same day he spoke in Calvary Presby<br />

terian Church. Christ's Evangelical<br />

Lutheran congregation is one of the<br />

strongest local units in the Synod. On<br />

Sabbath evening, Oct. 25, he spoke in<br />

the Second Church, this city.<br />

***Again we urge upon correspondents<br />

not to abbreviate words in pro-<br />

<strong>The</strong> Zion Herald (.M. E.), <strong>The</strong> Watchman<br />

(Baptist), <strong>The</strong> Recorder (Epis­<br />


paring copy, as "Sab." for Sabbath,<br />

"Pres." for Presbytery, "Ch." for<br />

copalian), in the Daily Transcript,<br />


church, "Com." for committee, "wh."<br />

<strong>The</strong> Globe, <strong>The</strong> Journal, <strong>The</strong> Herald,<br />

ROOM VIITH BATH, S1.50, $2.P0, $2.50<br />

for which, etc.; <strong>also</strong>, please number<br />

<strong>The</strong> Post, <strong>The</strong> Advertiser, <strong>and</strong> <strong>The</strong><br />

ROOMS, 2 P£FSONS,&2.1U, ii2.e0, $3.00<br />

your pages, use capital letters only<br />

Record. <strong>The</strong> programs, 1,000, were<br />

A Penn Saiety Razor for Each Guest<br />

when proper, use periods after necessary<br />

abbreviations as "Dr.," "Rev.,"<br />

distributed at the <strong>Presbyterian</strong>, Congregational,<br />

Baptist <strong>and</strong> Methodist<br />

Vilnable Col'"-eH M.p of New Yorli Gralis<br />

EDGAR T, SKiTli, A.anae.ng Director<br />

"D.D.," "Mr." <strong>and</strong> "Mrs.," <strong>and</strong> initials,<br />

preachers' meetings. A notice was<br />

never write copy on both sides, <strong>and</strong><br />

sent in sealed letter to each of 50<br />

don't write copy <strong>and</strong> business communications<br />

on the same sheet of pa­<br />

ministers the week previous, with special<br />

request to announce the Con­<br />


USE<br />

per. Hours of my time are consumed<br />

every week in revising copy because<br />

of these lapses, which my valued<br />

correspondents could save me by<br />

thoughtfully contributing just a moment<br />

each of theirs.—John W. Pritchard.<br />

***<strong>The</strong> Geneva congregation had a<br />

most enjoyable Communion season on<br />

the last Sabbath of October. It was<br />

a time of refreshing from the presence<br />

of the Lord. <strong>The</strong> prayer meetings<br />

which were held every evening<br />

<strong>The</strong>re was an accession of five,four<br />

on profession <strong>and</strong> one by certificate.<br />

Like Paul, the congregation has reason<br />

to thank God <strong>and</strong> be encouraged.<br />

***<strong>The</strong> Boston Convention was announced<br />

previously in the Universalist<br />

Leader, the Congregationalist,<br />

vention to their people <strong>and</strong> attend.<br />

And we personally have heard ot<br />

several pulpits where the announcement<br />

was made. Dr. Conrad, in his<br />

address, said: "I want to say that I<br />

am in full sympathy with the cause<br />

promoted by this Convention. And I<br />

admire the pluck <strong>and</strong> perseverance<br />

with which Brother Poster pushes<br />

this movement in the face of such<br />

apathy <strong>and</strong> so many discouragements.<br />

But it is sure to win, because<br />

it is on the side of Christ the<br />

King."<br />



John W. Pritchard, President,<br />

1105 Tribune Building, New York.<br />

I am not now a subscriber for the Christian Nation. You may enter my<br />

name on your list at once <strong>and</strong> any time after January 1, 1915, you may<br />

send me a bill for $2.00* to pay for the paper from January 1, 1915, to<br />

January 1 1916; <strong>and</strong> if I wish to have the 2-vol. Tarbell Edition of the<br />

Life of Lincoln, it is agreed that I will receive these hooks by adding $1<br />

at that Name time.<br />

Address<br />

*$2.60i£ outside of.'America,<br />

WhoUsalt Druggist* Plnthoc<br />

3 North Second St..PlilladBlp hli WlUllICa<br />

Largest<br />

Books On All Subjects<br />

stock in<br />

America—over l(tO,000 volumes well classified.<br />

Write us your "Wants." <strong>The</strong> following catalogues<br />

recently published sent free upon request:<br />

No. 68—interesting Books; Xo. 59— Rare <strong>and</strong><br />

Fine Books; No. (jO—Anglican <strong>The</strong>ology; Xo 61—Biography;<br />

Nu. 6-2-Interesting Miscellaneous Books.<br />

N A V A<br />

HOTEL<br />

7th Av. at 38th St.<br />

Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup<br />



An Hotel Home Unrivalled<br />

for the Mother, Wife or<br />

Daughter Travelling Alone<br />

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Jfew York City<br />


Room with Bath $'2<br />

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