The Reformed Presbyterian Standard and also 0\ir ... - Rparchives.org

The Reformed Presbyterian Standard and also 0\ir ... - Rparchives.org

The Reformed Presbyterian Standard and also 0\ir ... - Rparchives.org


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» THE CHRISTIAN NATION. Voi. ei.<br />

APnillSin THP ni n APM THAID '•^^^^^^^ ^*'^y reindeer. Quite a snowshoeing. Adlooat consented<br />

/\IVLfUill/ illEir yJL^U rVlVlTl VllrVIIy small fortune was this. Each De- reluctantly; he saw the true de-<br />

"I loveit, I loveit, cember, with other boys, he would termination of his companion.<br />

And who shall dare drive to Nome. <strong>The</strong>se would be Four o'clock that day found<br />

To chide me for loving ^^1^ .^^ ^^^^^ g^^j^ ^^^ ^j^^ g^jj, ^^^^ rounding the point still a<br />

<strong>The</strong> Old Arm Chair." .. tr , .• ,j u • j -, .<br />

ing schooner Volantia would bring good ten miles from shelter <strong>and</strong><br />

THE DAY OF WAR "No, I"— barrels of flour, sacks of sugar, food. Adlooat was about to say,<br />

By Agnes Mcllroy. ..gend them out today. <strong>The</strong>y'ie boxes of pilot bread, bales of call- "Wunga puzukput na gooz ruk''<br />

O'er the nations of Europe the war ""^ "^^^^ ^^^ ^^'"'' '^^•"P" ^'^' ^" "^^--ked, "Warren Alloc- (I wanted what was right) when<br />

cry is sounding, Truman Northrup, young su- keok. Reindeer Herder." But now Allockeok said in a low tone,<br />

<strong>The</strong> dark smoke of battle is fillingperintendent of the Shishmaref, —he sighed as he thought of it— "Alongmut!" (white man). Before<br />

the air; government reindeer herd of Al- now it was all over. Well, at any them in the snow were fresh<br />

O'er the fair fields <strong>and</strong> valleys the ^ska, raised the flap of his tent rate he would do the present duty tracks made by two white men.<br />

red blood is streaming, ^^^ called, "Allockeok! Adlooat!" ^ell. But wait; the young superin- "We will follow them," said Ai-<br />

For war like a lever, fierce, ragmg, jj-4h,„ ^^^4- . . . . . .<br />

Jg ^ijgj.g Two boys bounded into the tent tendent was speaking in his be- lockeok. <strong>The</strong>se tracks led them<br />

<strong>The</strong> cry of distress from its thous<strong>and</strong>s at his call. half. on around the point. Suddenly<br />

of victims "Boys," Northup said briefly, "i don't know much about the Adlooat stopped. "An-ne-ca! Rein-<br />

Comes over the waters to surge in our "you know about the last rein- history of these people, but Alloc- deer!" he exclaimed. Sure enough;<br />

^'^^^'^ deer. Take rifles <strong>and</strong> two days' keok certainly has made a good there before them at some disith<br />

the horror food. Go find them. If you see showing. In throwing the lasso tance were two reindeer. But on<br />

Of the terrible bloodshed,, the suffer- -wolves or stray dogs, kill them." he is almost as efficient as the old rounding the point both boys<br />

ings, the tears. With these orders the boys left herders. He's a wonder at break- laughed, for right before them,<br />

the tent.<br />

ing sled deer. He seems to under- quietly feeding, lay the whole<br />

II- Hadley Evans, the older white st<strong>and</strong> them <strong>and</strong> they him. I hon- herd—1,600 of them.<br />

Oh mother!^Oh^children! we weep for ^^^^ ^^^ assistant superintendent estly believe the boy loves the un- "But what are they doing so<br />

For dL°oTate°'homes <strong>and</strong> for hearts °f ^" ^he reindeer industry in Al- ruly creatures." far from camp" suggested Althat<br />

must ache; aska. He made each station twice in his tent Allockeok sighed. Ah, lockeok.<br />

For fathers <strong>and</strong> sons who have gone each year <strong>and</strong> gave each local su- yes; some way or other, these "Uba!" (look) Allockeok exforth<br />

to battle perintendent such assistance or beautiful, shy creatures of the claimed, drawing his companion<br />

And yielded their lives for their ^^^-^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^ j,g needed. tundra had stolen a place in his behind a cHff. "Camoogans!"<br />

Oh where shall the victor find honor '"^^^^ '^^ ^"^ ^^'"k of the two heart. He did love them. (dogs). Two gray wolf-hounds<br />

<strong>and</strong> glory, boys" Northup asked. "I can't help all that," said were bounding across the tundra<br />

In possession of l<strong>and</strong>s that are red "Did you call that tall, slim one Evans. "I am sorry, but he comes toward the two deer feeding some<br />

with men's blood! Allockeok" of a bad family. We must main- distance from the rest of the herd.<br />

Shall the desolate cry of the widows -yes." stain <strong>St<strong>and</strong>ard</strong>s." "Uba! alongmut!" exclaimed<br />

Any prafse°'rth; nation that con- "^^^ "^^ '^^•" .. ^''^"' thought Allockeok went on this hunt the boy again, pointing in the diquers<br />

afford ^°^ a .moment. "Oh, yes; that's for lost reindeer with a well-nigh rection in which the white men's<br />

/ old Teragloona's son. And the broken heart, knowing that soon tracks had trended. <strong>The</strong>re were<br />

HI- other, Adlooat, is Kitmesuk's he was to leave the camp, the the two white men, <strong>and</strong> the boys<br />

From the nearts of God's people a boy."<br />

joHy reindeer boys <strong>and</strong> the herd, could see clearly, by their shouts<br />

prayer is ascending, "Voc " ^ . • , • • , , • , j ^ • ...l . ...t. .„-.,<br />

,^,_ , t • r.- A f ^ ^„ o,,^ taking nothing with him but <strong>and</strong> gesturing, that they were<br />

That he m his wonderful mercy <strong>and</strong> .

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