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The Reformed Presbyterian Standard and also 0\ir ... - Rparchives.org

The Reformed Presbyterian Standard and also 0\ir ... - Rparchives.org


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November 11, 1914.<br />


Note;<br />

a paper on "<strong>The</strong> War <strong>and</strong> Prophecy,"<br />

which was well received, <strong>and</strong> one minister<br />

is reported as saying: "If that is<br />


VANT SAFE ON NOV. 6.<br />

New York, Nov. 6, 1914.<br />

Covenanterism then I am a Covenanter.roll,<br />

dated this morning, saying "Cy­<br />

Have cable from Rev. W. McCar­<br />

***Rev. Dr. A. J. McFarl<strong>and</strong> conducted<br />

communion at Jonathan's<br />

prus. Safe." I tried to get cables<br />

Creek, Ohio.<br />

***Missionary R. E. Willson, on the through to Mersine <strong>and</strong> Latakia, but<br />

third Sabbath of October, occupied failed.<br />

»**Dr. R. J. G. McKnight, of Wilthe<br />

pulpit of the New Castle congregation,<br />

both morning <strong>and</strong> evening. aries are safe—inference I mean,<br />

<strong>The</strong> inference is that all mission­<br />

Unsburg, Pa., <strong>and</strong> Rev, Robert Park,<br />

Parnassus, Pa., exchanged pulpits on In the afternoon he addressed an audience<br />

from Mr. McCarroll's message.<br />

Sabbath November 1.<br />

of Syrians <strong>and</strong> Armenians in<br />


the same church. <strong>The</strong>re were over<br />

***<strong>The</strong> Seoond Church, Philadelphia, sixty present to hear him. Mr. Christ- Philadelphia, Pa., Nov. 5, 1914.<br />

has ordered 200 copies of Rev. J. M. ley, a member of the New Castle Conteoleman's<br />

Mr. William G. Carson,<br />

booklet, referred to in our gregation, was <strong>also</strong> present <strong>and</strong> spoke.<br />

editorial columns Oct. 28.<br />

<strong>The</strong> latter is the teacher of a Syrian<br />

class having been formed recently in<br />

the Sabbath school.<br />

Philadelphia, Penna.<br />

Dear Mr. Carson:—With further<br />

reference to the Missionaries of the<br />

***<strong>The</strong> delivery of the first series<br />

<strong>Reformed</strong> <strong>Presbyterian</strong> Church of<br />

of discourses by the students of theology<br />

will hegin on Thursday, Novem­<br />

***Rev. S. J. Johnston, of New Cas­<br />

have, according to your instructions,<br />

North America now in the Levant, we<br />

tle, addressed a full house on a recent cabled to our Chief Office in London<br />

ber 12, in the Allegheny Church.<br />

Sabbath afternoon in the Hermon as follows:<br />

»**iCommunion was held in the Slip- <strong>Presbyterian</strong> Church, six .miles in the "Instruct Beyrout Office by telegram,<br />

provide passages if conditions<br />

pery Rock Congregation, Pa., on the country, on the subject, "Some of the<br />

first Sabbath of November, the Rev. Modern Enemies of our Republic." necessitate to Missionaries <strong>and</strong> families<br />

of <strong>Reformed</strong> <strong>Presbyterian</strong> Church<br />

R. B Willson holding fhe services. He was accompanied by W. M. Leslie,<br />

an elder who <strong>also</strong> made a stirring ad- of North America. Debit this office<br />

»**0n account of loss of sight. Rev, ^^^^^ ^^ ^.^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^ ChrisUan passages <strong>and</strong> expenses. Cable reply<br />

P. P, Boyd resigned the congregations ^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^ the only consistent ^^at Beyrout does."<br />

of North union <strong>and</strong> iBrookl<strong>and</strong>, at the ^.^^^^^^^^ j^; ^ christian under our I trust that this will meet with<br />

meeting ot Presbytery, Oct. 27th, 1914. ^^^^^^^ Government. Both addresses your wishes, <strong>and</strong> feel sure that in<br />

the course of a few days we shall receive<br />

satisfactory work from our<br />

***Rev. R. W. Piper was at his own were well received <strong>and</strong> further meetrequest<br />

released from the pastoral ings promised. <strong>The</strong>re are many such<br />

Beyrout agent through our London of­<br />

<strong>The</strong> Refonned <strong>Presbyterian</strong> Chnrch<br />

bavine no publuhing house of ^its own, its<br />

member* are advised to send tbeir orders for<br />

Catechisms, Lesson Helps. Churcb <strong>and</strong> Sabbath<br />

School Supplies of every description to<br />

CDe presbpterian Boardof<br />

Wiiberfpcn Bids., Philadelphia PUbltCatiOtI Depositories .ruusfits<br />

MEN-WOMEN, GET GOVERNMENT JOBS. $66.00 to $160.00<br />

month. 2,000 appointrnents monthly. "Write<br />

for Ust, FranklinInstitnte, Dept NB5, Rochester, N. Y.<br />

Barlow's Indigo Blue will not<br />

In use ior fifty yean Is proof that 1* ^lint AT<br />

Is the best. AU gpocrfs ssUIt. OJJUl. Ul<br />

tree Samvles Mailed «, .<br />

ADAH PFRonn & CO otreak<br />

WholmMalm DraggimtM PlnthoC<br />

33 North Second St., Phllad«lphl» WIUIIICS<br />

BECOME<br />

A NURSE<br />

WE have trained thou<br />

" s<strong>and</strong>s of women in<br />

their own homes to<br />

learn §10 to §25 a<br />

sweek as nurses. Our<br />

[graduates number 7,000<br />

• —a record unequaled<br />

by any institution.<br />

Send for *'Ho-w I Became<br />

a Nurse"—248<br />

pages with actual experiences.<br />

48 illustrated<br />

Will lesBon pagee/ree D o<br />

W H a t ISc<br />

charge of Jonathan's Creek congrega- openings at the doors of our congretion,<br />

Oct. 26th, by the Interim Com- gations.<br />

fice.<br />

<strong>The</strong>little matter of ISc in stamps io inquirerB. will bring' you the PathflnderfoT<br />

<strong>The</strong>re is a ISweeksontrlaL Chautauqua nurse <strong>The</strong>Pathflnderisanillustrated<br />

in your vicinity. Ask her<br />

Assuring you of our deep interest,<br />

mission of Ohio Presbytery.<br />

about<br />

I am<br />

'weekly, our published training. atthe Her Nation's address <strong>and</strong> Capital, the above for the literature Nation; now<br />

***An interesting address was de-<br />

will<br />

Yours very truly,<br />

Inlts be 21st sentif year you ofincreasin will enclose success. this advertisement.<br />

<strong>The</strong> paper fillsthebill<br />

***Rev. Wm. McB'arl<strong>and</strong> will be at nvered on Thursday evening at the<br />

<strong>The</strong><br />

F. V. HURCOMB,<br />

withoutemptying Chautauqua the purse School ;it costs but of Si a Nursing year. Ifyou want<br />

Almonte, Canada, for a few Sabbaths prayer meeting of the First Church of<br />

561<br />

Phila. Manager, Thos. Cook & Son.<br />

to keep nain posted St. on Thirteenth whatis g-oing^onin Year Jamestown the world, attheleastexpense<br />

of time or money, thisis your means. If you wanta pa-<br />

N Y.<br />

<strong>and</strong> will he there for the installation j-he Oovenanters, Newburgh, N. Y., by<br />

of Rev. James McCune. Mr. McFar- jjjg Rgv. R. J. Dodds of Coldenham. NEWS OP MR. DWIGHT CONNER, peri n your home whichis sincere, reliable, entertaining:, wholesome,<br />

the Pathfinder i s yours. Ifyou would appreciate a pa­<br />

l<strong>and</strong> will return to Lisbon, N. Y., in Tjjg officers <strong>and</strong> teachers of the Bible MR. E. SMITH AND MR. Covenanter<br />

May, ' ^1 School of the church presented in<br />


per which puts everything clearly,<br />

BookslforlSale<br />

fairly, briefly—hereitis at<br />

***<strong>The</strong> Committee on the printing the name of the School to the congregation,<br />

a large framed .picture of the Mr. J. W. Pritchard, Editor Chris­<br />

<strong>and</strong> we will<br />


New York, Oct. 31, 1914. last. Send only iSc to show thatyou<br />

Books,<br />

migh<br />

old<br />

Hike<br />

Books<br />

such a paper,<br />

of the Psalm Selections asks your at<br />

of<br />

send<br />

Testimony,<br />

the Pathfinder<br />

Discipline,<br />

on probation 13<br />

Confession<br />

weeks. <strong>The</strong><br />

tenUon to the matters presented in four leading workers In the mission tian Nation. Dear Sir:—Will you IScdoes notrepay us, butwearegladto<br />

of Faivh, "Poets<br />

investin New<br />

an4<br />

Friends.<br />

another column. If you are mterested<br />

in the matter, please write to the <strong>and</strong> Beattie <strong>and</strong> Metheny, the first<br />

fields of the church, the Drs. Dodds<br />

Poetry,"<br />

kindly inform the Church through Or send $1 for<br />

"Homes<br />

full year;<br />

<strong>and</strong><br />

money<br />

Haunts<br />

back any time<br />

of th«<br />

If not<br />

Covenanters,"<br />

your paper, that I received a letter satisfied. Address Pathflnder,<br />

Catechisms,<br />

EtxT, Washington,<br />

"<strong>Reformed</strong><br />

D.C.<br />

Conimittee at once.<br />

workers in the Syrian field, <strong>and</strong> now<br />

<strong>Presbyterian</strong> Manual," "H<strong>and</strong>book for<br />

from Mr. Dwight Conners this morngone<br />

to their rest, <strong>and</strong> Dr. A. I. Robb,<br />

Young Christians," Minutes of Syna<br />

ing, saying that he <strong>and</strong> Mr. E. Smith<br />

Address:<br />

^••^We are in receipt of an invita- the present head of the work in China. ^^^-^^^ Cyprus Sept. 27, having left<br />

JAMES S. TIBBY, 406 Penn BulldlniJ<br />

tlontothegolden wedding of Mr. <strong>and</strong> it was deemed fitting to have the son ^^^ Carithers at Mersina This is<br />

Pittsburgh, Pa.<br />

Mrs. Samuel M. Orr, on Nov. 10, at of Dr. Dodds to speak on the work of good news, long waited for. If some<br />

the home of their daughter, Mrs.<br />

his father <strong>and</strong> associates, especially one had been thoughtful enough<br />

Maurice J. Crockett, 1126 East 24th<br />

as he had spent sixteen years of his to have cabled their safe arrival instead<br />

of waiting for a letter to reach<br />

street, Los Angeles, California. life in Syria. <strong>The</strong>re was a good audience<br />

present <strong>and</strong> the address was il­<br />

us It would have relieved the Board<br />

***At the Boston preachers' meet-<br />


Ing on Nov. 2, Rev. J. M. Foster read luminated ^^^^ ^^ ^^^^ <strong>and</strong> ^^^^ stimulating. ^^^ ^jU j,^ <strong>The</strong> ^^^^ pile-<br />

^^ <strong>and</strong> home friends of natural anxiety<br />

USE<br />

for a month.<br />

Dr. Martin <strong>and</strong> family of Antioch, Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup<br />

BHEUMATISM GOES -"»«• — of the picture of the two renowned ^^^ j^j^g^ ^^^^ ^^ BeiTut <strong>and</strong> intend<br />


heroes, Drs. Livingstone <strong>and</strong> Paton, ^^ ^^ remain on the isl<strong>and</strong> for a while<br />


with the hope that as the scholars "until tjjere was more hope for a setlook<br />

on these faces they may imbibe ^jg^ condition of affairs."<br />


<strong>The</strong> genuine old reliable Hood's<br />

the same spirit of noble sacrifice <strong>and</strong> Yours faithfully.<br />

Sarsaparilla corrects the acid condition<br />

of the blood <strong>and</strong> builds up the<br />

consecration. r. w. SOMMERVILLE.<br />

whole system. It drives out rheumatism<br />

because it cleanses the blood.<br />

It has been successfully used for<br />

N A V A R R E<br />

forty years in many thous<strong>and</strong>s of<br />

eases the world over.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re is no better remedy for skin<br />

<strong>and</strong> blood diseases, for loss of appetite,<br />

rheumatism, stomach <strong>and</strong> kid-<br />

"to troubles, general debility <strong>and</strong> all<br />

Ills arising from impure, impoverished,<br />

devitalized blood.<br />

It is unnecessary to suffer. Start<br />

treatment at once. Get a bottle of<br />

Hood's Sarsaparilla from your nearest<br />

druggist. Tou will be pleased<br />

with the results.<br />



John W. Pritchard, President,<br />

1105 Tribune Building, New York.<br />

I am not now a subscriber for the Christian Nation. You may enter my<br />

name on your list at once <strong>and</strong> any time after January 1, 1915, you may<br />

send me a bill for $2.00'^ to pay for the paper from January 1, 1915, to<br />

January 1, 1916; <strong>and</strong> if I wish to have the 2-vol. Tarbell Edition of the<br />

Life of Lincoln, it is agreed that I will receive these books by adding %1<br />

at that Name time.<br />

Address<br />

*$2.50 if outside of America.<br />

H O T E L<br />

7thAv.at38thSL<br />

N E W YORK<br />



ROOM WITH BATH, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50<br />

ROOMS, 2 PERSONS,$2.00, i2.50, $3.00<br />

A Penn Saiety Razor for Each Guest<br />

Valoable Colored Map of New York Gratis<br />

EDGAR T, SMITH. Managing Director

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