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November 25, 1914. A FAMILY PAPER. II<br />

Inthe S a b b a t h<br />

School<br />

By Rev. Owen F. Thompson.<br />

Lesson XI. December 13, 1914.<br />


Golden Text—Lo, I am with you always, even<br />

unto the end of the world.—Matt. 28:20.<br />

Lesson Text—Matthew 28:16-20, Luke 24:36-49.<br />

Time—April <strong>and</strong> May, A. D. 30.<br />

Suitable Psalms—72, 67, 22, 98.<br />

Exposition—<strong>The</strong> Imperator, one of the great<br />

modern ships of the world, recently took her<br />

maiden trip. As she sailed proudly into port at<br />

the end of her first voyage over the waves, hundreds<br />

of eyes read the device inscribed on her<br />

prow, "My field,the world."<br />

<strong>The</strong>se words told of a great ambition that had<br />

inspired her builders <strong>and</strong> the ship that steamed<br />

so proudly into port <strong>and</strong> proven herself worthy<br />

of it She had conquered the ocean <strong>and</strong> made<br />

it her servant to carry her around the world.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Master Builder in heaven has come inio<br />

this world <strong>and</strong> has built him a ship. His ship<br />

is the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus Christ is the<br />

•Captain. His Spirit is the ipilot guiding the ship<br />

here <strong>and</strong> there accordng to his orders. His people<br />

are the sailors—the firemen, the engineers.,<br />

the deck h<strong>and</strong>s, the stewards, the cooks, the lookouts,<br />

the wireless operators <strong>and</strong> all the rest who<br />

are found on one of those great ships that plow<br />

the mighty deep. <strong>The</strong> Kingdom of Heaven is<br />

the Master Builder's vessel <strong>and</strong> he built it with<br />

a great ambition in his heart, for on the prov<br />

of his ship are inscribed the words where every<br />

one may read, "<strong>The</strong> fieldis the world."<br />

My friends, what is your position on ship<br />

board <strong>The</strong> Kingdom of Heaven carries many<br />

thous<strong>and</strong>s of h<strong>and</strong>s <strong>and</strong> they each one have a<br />

position to flll. 'What is your position on the<br />

Kingdom of Heaven Have you one at all Are<br />

you drawing your pay, the commendation of Jesus<br />

Christ Are you helping to make the ship fulfll<br />

the great ambition of her builder—to conquer the<br />

ocean of men <strong>and</strong> make that great multitude her<br />

servant to carry her around the world<br />

Christ does not make any distinction in his<br />

call, but there is one thing certain. <strong>The</strong>re are<br />

no shanghaid sailors on board. His fieldis the<br />

world. This is as much a part of the world as<br />

China or Syria. We must remember, however,<br />

that China <strong>and</strong> Syria are just as much a part of<br />

the world as this l<strong>and</strong> or our own comimunity. <strong>The</strong><br />

comm<strong>and</strong> is to go, <strong>and</strong> that word "go" is the<br />

word that you cannot escape from if you are to<br />

have a place in the kingdom of heaven.<br />

So many times we speak or hear of the question<br />

whether we ought to go or not, as though all<br />

of life so far had been spent sitting still <strong>and</strong> as<br />

though the rest of a 'Christian life might be spent<br />

that way too. But if a person is to be a follower<br />

of Christ there is no question whether he will<br />

like buying a ticket in the station. Those around<br />

cannot tell you how far you will have to go to<br />

get there, for they do not know where you are going.<br />

But you can be sure of one thing. <strong>The</strong>re<br />

will always be a GO connected with the call.<br />

What things go together to make an imperative<br />

call<br />

One thing is the honor of Jesus Christ. Christ<br />

has made his plan for bringing the world to himself.<br />

Part of that plan is that his people shall<br />

be the messengers to carry the offer of salvation.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re is no other way for the loffer to reach men<br />

as things st<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> for the honor of our Lord<br />

we ought not to fail him. <strong>The</strong>re are miUions<br />

<strong>and</strong> millions still living in the darkness <strong>and</strong> degradation<br />

of heathenism. Christ has given his<br />

word that these nations <strong>and</strong> peoples shall hear<br />

the gospel. Are you going to let the devils sit<br />

by <strong>and</strong> laugh because Christ's work has not been<br />

effective enough in his people to lead them to<br />

do his bidding<br />

Another thing that would come in to make up a<br />

personal call to you would be the actual 'hearing<br />

ot the call. Paul heard his call in the vision<br />

<strong>and</strong> it was just as real to him as God's voice was<br />

to Samuel.<br />

How is it with you Have you not read the<br />

call time after time in the papers Have you<br />

not been told by those who have seen the need<br />

that Christ is needing you there. Do these calls<br />

apply to you or have you been vaccinated in<br />

some mysterious way so that you are immune<br />

from responsibility<br />

<strong>The</strong>re are many such calls to all parts of the<br />

worid, your own door yard included, <strong>and</strong> you<br />

can iiot obey them all. But they are all meant<br />

for you in this way that they all blend together<br />

to make a loud call to GO into Christ's work<br />

somewhere. Other things may help to decide<br />

which direction <strong>and</strong> how far, but the call to go<br />

is without question.<br />

Another thing that would come in to make up<br />

your call would be the needs of the people there.<br />

Or perhaps we ought to say just the needs of<br />

others, wherever they may be.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re is so much to be known these days<br />

about the need that you can find it for yourselves.<br />

But without any other information it is enough<br />

to say that there are millions without Christ <strong>and</strong><br />

there are thous<strong>and</strong>s near us who have heard but<br />

who have not learned to take him as a Savior in<br />

all the troubles <strong>and</strong> sorrows <strong>and</strong> duties of life.<br />

Another thing that would come in to make up<br />

in the world have been forced on men by the<br />

working of the inward spirit.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Master is come <strong>and</strong> calleth for thee. How<br />

is it with you Is Christ calling to your soul to<br />

come after nim You may be sure that he is <strong>and</strong><br />

the thing for all wise children to do is to arise<br />

<strong>and</strong> GO.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re are two statements that I have heard<br />

<strong>and</strong> they seem opposite to each other, but they<br />

are both true. <strong>The</strong>y are statements of the same<br />

thing from different st<strong>and</strong>points. <strong>The</strong>y are these.<br />

No one should go to be a foreign missionary if<br />

he can be satisfied to remain at home. <strong>The</strong> other<br />

is. No one has a right to be at home unless he<br />

can give proof that God does not want him in the<br />

foreign field.<br />

Now the last thing is. What are you going to<br />

do about it You are not too young. You are not<br />

too old. You are not too inexperienced. You are<br />

not too busy. You are not too much afraid. You<br />

are not too sick. You are not too araibltious.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re are no other calls that can take a first<br />

place. None of these things count. Some might<br />

keep you out of the foreign field. Some might<br />

keep you out of the home field. Some of these<br />

things might conflne your work to particular<br />

lines, Lesson but XI. no one or all of them December will count 13, as 1914. an<br />

excuse with LESSON God to FOR keep THE you CHILDREN.<br />

from being a missionary.<br />

Whether By Anna you Pritchard go to the Ge<strong>org</strong>e. foreign fieldor<br />

to a friend THE or to GREAT God in COMMISSION.<br />

prayer, every person to<br />

be a true Matt. Christian 28:16-20; HAS Luke TO GO! 24:36-49.<br />

Eleanor, what sea did Jesus love so well "<strong>The</strong><br />

Sea of Galilee." Twice after Jesus rose from the<br />

dead he was seen by his friends in Galilee right<br />

near this beautiful sea.<br />

On the table sink this pan of water in the<br />

s<strong>and</strong> for the Sea of Galilee, <strong>and</strong> pile the s<strong>and</strong><br />

around it for the mountains. Use this half of<br />

a walnut shell for a fishingboat.<br />

You remember, the angel told the women: "He<br />

goeth before you into Galilee." And Jesus said,<br />

"Tell my brethren that they go into Galilse." So<br />

after Jesus had been seen the firstsix times in<br />

<strong>and</strong> around Jerusalem, the disciples start for<br />

Galilee. <strong>The</strong> Passover is over in Jerusalem <strong>and</strong><br />

many people are walking back to Galilee <strong>and</strong> to<br />

the cities along the road in that direction. <strong>The</strong>se<br />

sticks are all the people going home after the<br />

Passover. As the disciples <strong>and</strong> the women hurry<br />

along, they separate <strong>and</strong> mix in the crowd. When<br />

they meet other friends of Jesus do you suppose<br />

they tell about his resurrection, Grace Yes, <strong>and</strong><br />

that they are on the way to meet him in Gall-<br />

your call would be the Great Commission. This lee. But, do the others want to go too "Yes.'<br />

is always spoken of in a Missionary sermon <strong>and</strong> Nothing would keep them back. Who are some<br />

there is no need to say that we are bound to take of them, Mary "Mary <strong>and</strong> Martha <strong>and</strong> Lazarus."<br />

Christ at his word. He gave the commission to "Bartimaeus." "<strong>The</strong> leper." "Jairus' daughter."<br />

his own <strong>and</strong> made no exception when he gave it. Here come the crowd toward the mountain in<br />

So many seem to think that because only a Galilee. <strong>The</strong>y do not know just when Jesus will<br />

very small proportion can go to be foreign missionaries<br />

meet them there, but they want to be in time so<br />

that the Great 'Commission applies to as not to miss him.<br />

only a few. That is not true. It applies to every One night while they are waiting, Peter says<br />

go or not. ORGANIC <strong>The</strong> only question that INDIVIDUALITY could come person who accepts Christ. ai\d If you SOCIALITY<br />

are not a missionary<br />

of Christ in vpliatever station or work' you others reply, "We <strong>also</strong> go with thee." So seven<br />

to some of the disciples, STRUCTURAL<br />

"I go afishing." <strong>The</strong><br />

is WHERE he will go. <strong>The</strong> call may not take<br />

you far. With a mother it inay take her no farther<br />

than to the bedroom to talk to her child Lord <strong>and</strong> Savior.<br />

ing a big fish net, go out in this boat. <strong>The</strong>y are<br />

may be then<br />

characteri:ze<br />

you are guilty of disobedience<br />

the<br />

to your of them come down tho mountain side <strong>and</strong> tak­<br />

before C Ohe Rgoes Rto Esleep. S PIt may O Ntake D a Eparent<br />

N C E Another thing C Othat U would R S go Eto S make up Oa call F B I B L E S T U D Y<br />

into tihe inner room to the place of prayer. It for you would the working of God's Spirit in<br />

may conducted take one to under the desk the to write personal a letter. direction It of Dr. Wilbert W. White, President of the Bible Teachers' Training<br />

your heart. All these other things mean nothing<br />

if there is<br />

may School, take you New to a York. friend or <strong>The</strong>y schoolmate. form It a- department of<br />

not<br />

the<br />

the working<br />

School's<br />

of<br />

work.<br />

his Spirit in<br />

may take INDIVIDUALITY you to a Mission Sabbath in School. the student It your heart is recognized to be a propeller <strong>and</strong> from developed within. Many by the method. <strong>The</strong>re is individuality in<br />

may every take assignment.<br />

you to the ends <strong>The</strong> of the student earth. is It led is to of think the great <strong>and</strong> things to interpret that have been for himself, accomplished rather than to receive the instructor's<br />

views. Only thus can one come to teach with authority.<br />

SOCIALITY is present in the plan for study by groups, where such is desired. A group receives assignments<br />

<strong>and</strong> sends reports through its secretary.<br />

Write for circular giving full particulars.<br />

Address, Correspondence Department,<br />

bible: teachers training school.<br />

SPIRITUAL 541 Liexington Avenue, New York. PRACTICAL

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