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The Reformed Presbyterian Standard and also 0\ir ... - Rparchives.org

The Reformed Presbyterian Standard and also 0\ir ... - Rparchives.org


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September 23, 1914.<br />


tish Temperance Bill, which was rejected<br />

last year by the Lords, was re-introduced,<br />

passed both Houses, <strong>and</strong> became the law of<br />

the l<strong>and</strong> on the 13th of August, 1913; a measure<br />

which, though its provisions of Local Option<br />

do not come into force till the year<br />

1920, <strong>and</strong> notwithst<strong>and</strong>ing many defects, has<br />

yet had already good results through its<br />

clause restricting the hour of opening every<br />

drink-shop till 10 a. m. <strong>The</strong> value of this<br />

Act, however, lies for the present, at least,<br />

chiefly in the fact that the principle of Local<br />

Option is embodied for the first time in British<br />

Legislation. But why the present Liberal<br />

Government, with its claims to be the<br />

government of the people, by the people,<br />

for the people, should delay for six years<br />

the coming into force of the Local Veto provisions<br />

of the Scottish Act, <strong>and</strong> should delay<br />

indefinitely the fulfilment of its oft-repeated<br />

promises to introduce <strong>and</strong> pass a<br />

sweeping measure of Temperance reform,<br />

•many even of its own supporters fail to underst<strong>and</strong>.<br />

It may be that the Government<br />

is too busy with its Bill for the Better Government<br />

of Irel<strong>and</strong>, which if it should become<br />

law in any shape or form, will, we believe,<br />

but entrench more strongly in its already<br />

too strong <strong>and</strong> privileged position that<br />

Trade which is Britain's <strong>and</strong> Irel<strong>and</strong>'s greatest<br />

foe. <strong>The</strong> Chancellor of the Exchequci<br />

said not long ago that "If we are to found<br />

the prosperity of the country, its commercial<br />

prosperity, its industrial supremacy upon<br />

an impregnable basis we must cleanse the<br />

foundation of the rot of alcohol." Quite<br />

right! But actions speak louder than words.<br />

We do not find our encouragement solely<br />

in the meagre Temperance legislation of the<br />

year, but rather in the steady progress that<br />

is undoubtedly being made in the education<br />

of the young, in whose keeping, from the<br />

human point of view, is the future of the<br />

Church <strong>and</strong> the State; in the enlightenment<br />

of the public conscience as to the disastrous<br />

evils of the sale <strong>and</strong> use of strong drink;<br />

in the conversion of the Medical profession<br />

which is now almost altogether on the side<br />

of Total Abstinence; <strong>and</strong>, above a."*, in the<br />

attitude of all the Churches toward the<br />

Enemy of the Gospel of Christ. Truth is<br />

mighty <strong>and</strong> must prevail. Say not in the<br />

struggle naught availeth. <strong>The</strong> smallest effort<br />

is not lost. Temperance is on the<br />

march to victory <strong>and</strong> cannot be stopped.<br />

For this Reform is international <strong>and</strong><br />

world-wide. <strong>The</strong> nations outside our own<br />

are arising <strong>and</strong> are preparing to put on their<br />

beautiful garments. Guy Hayler, in his<br />

comprehensive view of the battle against<br />

the Trade" that is being waged on the<br />

world's wide fields,says that "France is be-<br />

"ig thoroughly roused from the stupor of<br />

alcoholism. Germany, too, is contributing<br />

a battalion of brave warriors to the army of<br />

••eform. Sweden is pressing on vigorously<br />

to the goal of Total Prohibition by the<br />

^tate; the Latin races in Europe <strong>and</strong> in<br />

South America, even Russia, have all begun<br />

<strong>and</strong> some of them much more than begun, to<br />

realize that the Drink Trade is disastrous<br />

to national well-being <strong>and</strong> progress." It is,<br />

however, in the United States <strong>and</strong> in the<br />

British Colonies that the greatest <strong>and</strong> most<br />

encouraging advance is being made. A Bill<br />

for the Total Prohibition of the Manufacture<br />

<strong>and</strong> Sale of Intoxicating liquors has been<br />

introduced in the United States Congress,<br />

<strong>and</strong> if Congress will but reflect the prohibition<br />

sentiments of an increasing number of<br />

individual States in the Union, then there<br />

is some prospect of the Curse being finally<br />

expelled from the whole territory of the<br />

Republic of North America. It would seem,<br />

then, that the nations of the world are coming<br />

to believe with John Wesley, that "it<br />

is amazing that these poisons should be permitted,<br />

I will not say in any Christian country,<br />

but in any civilized State."<br />

It is, however, not to statesmen <strong>and</strong> not<br />

to parliaments that we look for leadership<br />

<strong>and</strong> success in this conflict; it is rather to<br />

the First Battalion of Christ's Army, the<br />

Church. It has been said, <strong>and</strong> we believe it<br />

is true, of our own as of other Churches: "If<br />

the Church would only march as one great<br />

army, without any traitors in their ranks,<br />

against the drink trade, that trade would<br />

soon go to its deserved doom <strong>and</strong> an emancipated<br />

nation would rejoice." When the<br />

members of the Church come to realize the<br />

meaning of, <strong>and</strong> the answers to the two questions—"Am<br />

I my brother's keeper" <strong>and</strong><br />

"Who is my neighbor" then she will go<br />

forth as she has never gone before to the<br />

help of the Lord against the mighty. And<br />

soon, sooner, perhaps, than we expect, He<br />

shall see of the travail of His soul <strong>and</strong> t)e<br />

satisfied.<br />

Your Committee cannot pofnt to anything<br />

special in progress during the year within<br />

the bounds of our own Church. We believe<br />

that every Minister is fully alive to his responsibility<br />

toward this question. But are<br />

we in our capacities as Sessions, Presbyteries,<br />

<strong>and</strong> Synod as consecrated <strong>and</strong> as thorough<br />

in our efforts to extirpate the curse<br />

as the position of the total separation from<br />

the Traffic of our Church would seem to imply<br />

In this matter as in every other interest<br />

of the King we are watchmen upon<br />

the walls of Jerusalem who shall never hold<br />

their peace nor might, taking no rest <strong>and</strong><br />

giving Him no rest until He establish <strong>and</strong><br />

make Jerusalem a praise in the earth.<br />

<strong>The</strong> attention of Ministers was drawn at<br />

the appointed time to Synod's instructions<br />

of last year; the 1913 Report was printed in<br />

leaflet form <strong>and</strong> sent to all the famiHes of<br />

the Church. <strong>The</strong> Committee has under its<br />

consideration a memorial on Tobacco from<br />

the Session of CuUybackey.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Address on Temperance to be issued<br />

during the year has been unavoidably delayed,<br />

but will, we hope, soon be published. We<br />

Relieve, however, that on both these subjects<br />

the best method of dealing with the tempted<br />

<strong>and</strong> fallen is rather by the public <strong>and</strong> private<br />

word <strong>and</strong> believing prayers of Ministers,<br />

Elders <strong>and</strong> Sabbath-school Teachers, <strong>and</strong> the<br />

holy <strong>and</strong> consistent example of Christian<br />

parents <strong>and</strong> of all Christ's declared disciples.<br />

Not otherwise can we fulfil our office <strong>and</strong><br />

pay our vows as faithful witnesses to the<br />

character <strong>and</strong> claims of our Exemplar <strong>and</strong><br />

Saviour-King.<br />

Your Committee appends the following<br />

Resolution for Synod's consideration -<strong>and</strong><br />

acceptance:—<br />

1. Synod directs all Ministers, Elders <strong>and</strong><br />

Members of the Church to give all diligence<br />

to the training of the young, by precept <strong>and</strong><br />

example, in the principles <strong>and</strong> practice of<br />

Total Abstinence from all intoxicating liquors<br />

as beverages.<br />

2. Synod recommends that all Ministers,<br />

Elders <strong>and</strong> Members of the Church to give<br />

all diligence in training the young to abstain<br />

from the use of Tobacco.<br />

3. Synod recommends all the Ministers<br />

of the Church to preach on the Fourth Sabbath<br />

of November, on the disloyalty to the<br />

Lord Jesus Christ, of any indulgence in<br />

Strong Drink as a beverage, <strong>and</strong> the Christian<br />

duty of Total Abstinence from Strong<br />

Drink <strong>and</strong> Tobacco.<br />

Respectfully submitted,<br />

W. J. MOFFETT.<br />


Do you think of Jesus Christ according to<br />

the Holy Scriptures that He is the Son of<br />

God—the great God Man Do you know<br />

that it is impossible to think correctly about<br />

Jesus except as you think along Bible lines<br />

That no one can know the Son of God as his<br />

Savior without believing that He is revealed<br />

to all men in the Old <strong>and</strong> New Testaments<br />

as the Lamb of God slain from the foundation<br />

of the world Do you believe that the<br />

whole universe is Christo Centric, that God<br />

has made Him to be head over all things<br />

to His own body the Church That all power<br />

in heaven <strong>and</strong> in earth is given unto Him<br />

That by Him God made the worlds That<br />

all judgment has been given unto the Son<br />

of God That the Father judges no man<br />

but has committed all judgment to the Son<br />

That the issues of life <strong>and</strong> death are in His<br />

h<strong>and</strong> Did He not say, Lazarus, come forth<br />

I say unto you arise Let us make man<br />

Do you believe that God gave Him power to<br />

iudge Adam <strong>and</strong> Eve, <strong>and</strong> sentence them f<br />

death, at the same time offering Himself as<br />

their Savior Do you believe that God endowed<br />

Him with power to drown the old<br />

world <strong>and</strong> to burn up Sodom <strong>and</strong> Gomorrah<br />

Do you believe that according to the<br />

divine will He led His people out of Egyptian<br />

bondage <strong>and</strong> drowned Pharaoh <strong>and</strong> all<br />

his.'^arm.y Do you believe that He led<br />

Israel, His chosen people, into the l<strong>and</strong> of<br />

Canaan over the bleeding corpses of the rebelHous<br />

inhabitants of that awfully wicked

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