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The Reformed Presbyterian Standard and also 0\ir ... - Rparchives.org

The Reformed Presbyterian Standard and also 0\ir ... - Rparchives.org


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On the day prior to this 60th anniversary<br />

of ray earthly life, a sweet<br />

Sabbath day, 1 desire to make a personal<br />

covenant with <strong>The</strong>e, Thou<br />

knowest it has often been in my<br />

mind to do so, but never before put<br />

on record,<br />

I. I do, without hypocrisy, <strong>and</strong><br />

with all my heart, in deep sorrow <strong>and</strong><br />

self abasement, confess to <strong>The</strong>e all<br />

the sms of my entire life up until<br />

this time. I have sinned, oh how<br />

many times, in heart, in thought, in<br />

word <strong>and</strong> life. "I am ashamed <strong>and</strong><br />

blush to lift my face to <strong>The</strong>e." I have<br />

sinned, knowing it to be sin, in all<br />

the relations of life I have come short<br />

of Thy comm<strong>and</strong>.<br />

Pitying, loving, f<strong>org</strong>iving Savior,<br />

pardon it all in thy rich grace. Blot<br />

out all my sins in Thy atoning blood.<br />

"For the blood of Jesus" "cleanses<br />

from all sin." Separate all my iniquities,<br />

transgressions, <strong>and</strong> sins, in<br />

all their twtended <strong>and</strong> detailed commission,<br />

"far as the east is distant<br />

from the west" from me.<br />

I make this my unreserved confession<br />

in full faith in that sweet word<br />

that says, "If we confess our sins, he<br />

is faithful <strong>and</strong> just to f<strong>org</strong>ive us our<br />

sins, <strong>and</strong> to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."<br />

II. I gladly acknowledge with unfeigned<br />

gratitude, <strong>and</strong> soul experienced<br />

thankfulness <strong>and</strong> unnumbered<br />

mercies Thou has bestowed upon me,<br />

a comfoi table <strong>and</strong> happy temporal<br />

life—having a thous<strong>and</strong> prosperities<br />

to one adversity. My inner heart<br />

swells with joy <strong>and</strong> thanks to God<br />

for a true, loving, anxious <strong>and</strong> most<br />

godly Father <strong>and</strong> Mother, who led,<br />

<strong>and</strong> lifted <strong>and</strong> pressed me up to God<br />

in my early years, who held fast to<br />

Tl'.y holy covenant for themselves<br />

<strong>and</strong> for their children. I bless God<br />

with all my heart for a loving, true,<br />

<strong>and</strong> sincerely pious wife, who, so<br />

often,, by godly example, as well as<br />

word, pressed me more <strong>and</strong> more into<br />

the way of life,<br />

I devoutly thank <strong>The</strong>e for my life<br />

in the ministry where the Word of<br />

God was my daily study, <strong>and</strong> above<br />

all these, most inexpressibly thankful<br />

am I for the priceless Redemption<br />

of the Lord Jesus Christ, for all<br />

the loving Providences that led me<br />

in the way of it, <strong>and</strong> especially for<br />

the Holy Ghost that opened my eyes<br />

to it, <strong>and</strong> revealed Christ to me.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Father, Son, <strong>and</strong> Spirit have<br />

all said to me, "I am thy salvation,"<br />

How glad, oh how glad I am, "He<br />

took me from a fearful pit." "He<br />

set my feet upon a rock." He has<br />

fulfilled to me Ezekiel 36:26-27. ".4<br />

new heart <strong>also</strong> will I give you, <strong>and</strong><br />

a new spirit will I put within you;<br />

<strong>and</strong> I will take away the stony heart<br />

out of your fiesh. <strong>and</strong> I will give you<br />

an heart of flesh. And I will put<br />

my spirit within you, aud cause you<br />

to walk in my statutes, <strong>and</strong> ye shall<br />

keep my judgments, <strong>and</strong> do them."<br />

III. I nov/ pledge myself to <strong>The</strong>e<br />

THE CHRISTIAN X.\TION. Vol, 61.<br />

anew. I want to come nearer to Thy trusting that ry children are all children<br />

heart of love. of faith, I take hold of the cov­<br />

I want closer, more<br />

undivided, more soul conscious communion<br />

with <strong>The</strong>e. I resolve, in holy<br />

enant for them <strong>and</strong> will not let it go.<br />

I will cling to that word, "<strong>The</strong> promise<br />

is to you <strong>and</strong> to yo'ir children,'<br />

promise, that 1 will resist temptation<br />

of every kind, <strong>and</strong> that I will devoutly<br />

•'1 will be a God to thee <strong>and</strong> to thy<br />

see those things that are above seed;" <strong>also</strong> <strong>and</strong> specially Ps, 103:17-<br />

where Christ sitteth at the right 18 "But the mercy of the Lord is<br />

h<strong>and</strong> of God,<br />

from evorlastiag to everlasting upon<br />

That I will stri'e constantly to be them that fear him,, <strong>and</strong> his right­<br />

ready for Thy coming, I will trust eousness unto children's children; to<br />

wholly to that grace of God that such as keep his covenant, <strong>and</strong> to<br />

bringeth salvation, to do all those those that remember his comm<strong>and</strong>ments<br />

to do them."<br />

things in Titus 2:11-14, "For the<br />

grace of God that bringeth salvation <strong>The</strong>se solemn vows I take before<br />

hath appeared to all men, teaching <strong>The</strong>e, O my God <strong>and</strong> Redeemer, with<br />

us that denying ungodliness, <strong>and</strong> uplifted h<strong>and</strong> this 19th day of February,<br />

l,Sn3.<br />

worldly lusts,, we should live soberly,<br />

righteously <strong>and</strong> godly, in this<br />

H. H. GEORGE.<br />

present world; looking for that blessed<br />

hope <strong>and</strong> the glorious appearing<br />

of the great God <strong>and</strong> our Saviour<br />

Jesus Christ; who gave himself for<br />

us, that he might redeem us from all<br />

iniquity, <strong>and</strong> purify unto himself a<br />

peculiar people, zealous of good<br />

v.orks." I will cultivate that conversation<br />

which is in heaven <strong>and</strong> from<br />

whence <strong>also</strong> we look for the Savior,<br />

the Lord Jesus Christ, "who shall<br />

change our vile body, that it may be<br />

fashioned like unto his glorious<br />

body." Philippians 3:21.<br />

IV. I ta'.te hold of tbe covenant<br />

anew with <strong>The</strong>e for my dear wife<br />

<strong>and</strong> five beloved children. Assured<br />

that my wife is saved, <strong>and</strong> gladly<br />



THE DEATH OF H, H.<br />

GEORGE.<br />

In placing on record an appreciation<br />

of the character <strong>and</strong> service of<br />

the Rev. Henry Hosack Ge<strong>org</strong>e, D. D.,<br />

mention should be made of his long<br />

<strong>and</strong> useful career in various spheres<br />

of Christian activity.<br />

It pleased God to grant him length<br />

of days in which to fulfil his mission.<br />

He was born in Cumberl<strong>and</strong>, Muskingum<br />

County, Ohio, February 20, 1833,<br />

<strong>and</strong> died at his home in Beaver Falls,<br />

Pa„ March 25, 1914, <strong>The</strong> period of<br />

eighty-one years falling between these<br />

dates was characterized by some of<br />

the most stirrin.s; events in the entu-e<br />

history of our country, <strong>and</strong> Dr. Ge<strong>org</strong>e<br />

was a prominent figure in connecUon<br />

with some ot the most importam<br />

He was an earnest <strong>and</strong> faithful<br />

preacher of righteousness. He was licensed<br />

to preach June 4, is.;, <strong>and</strong><br />

was ordained June 23, 1858. On this<br />

latter date he was installed pastor of<br />

the congregations of Cedarville an*,<br />

Cincinnati, Ohio. He resigned the Cedarville<br />

branch on August 4, 186G, <strong>and</strong><br />

from that date till .August 18, is:', he<br />

gave his entire time to the CincinnaU<br />

congregation. While serving as<br />

President of Geneva College, which<br />

service began in 1S72, he was <strong>also</strong><br />

pastor of the congregation of Rushsyl.<br />

vania, near Xorthwood, Ohio, where<br />

the College was then located. After<br />

the termination of his services as<br />

President of the College he was pastor<br />

for a short time of the congregation<br />

of East End, Pittsburgh. In all J<br />

his work as a preacher of the gospel<br />

he was scriptural, evangelical, spir<br />

itual. His word was with power, <strong>and</strong><br />

the common people heard him gladly.<br />

He was distinguished as an able<br />

<strong>and</strong> wise Presbyter. His addresses<br />

in ecclesiastcal assemblies indicated<br />

mature judgment as to the best policy<br />

to be pursued in the settlement<br />

of questions which gave rise to dif<br />

ferences of view. When called to<br />

the Moderator's chair he presided<br />

v\ith dignity <strong>and</strong> Christian courtesy<br />

toward all. It was his fortune to<br />

occupy this position during the session<br />

of the Synod of 1S71 when the<br />

Covenant was sworn <strong>and</strong> signed. He<br />

<strong>also</strong> delivered one of the sermons of<br />

that memorable occasion.<br />

As an educator, Dr, Ge<strong>org</strong>e filledau<br />

important <strong>and</strong> influential place. When<br />

a young man he taught Greek in Geneva<br />

College <strong>and</strong> was President of that<br />

institution from 1^72 to 1890. While •<br />

he aimed to place this institution in<br />

the front rank of colleges in the mat- ^<br />

ter of scholarship in the wide sense<br />

of that term, he <strong>also</strong> aimed to place<br />

it in advance of all in the matter ot<br />

instruction in the science of Civil<br />

Government,<br />

He always insisted that the college ,<br />

would miss its calling unless this<br />

science was based upon the Christian<br />

principles of Civil Government as<br />

unfolded in the Scriptures. He firmly<br />

believed that the welfare <strong>and</strong> even<br />

the continuance of our Xation <strong>and</strong><br />

Government hinge upon the training<br />

of a citizenship imbued with these<br />

principles. This he considered of<br />

vastly more importance than tralnuig<br />

in many of the other branches Included<br />

in the usual college curriculum.<br />

Perhaps Dr. Ge<strong>org</strong>e was more widely<br />

known as a reformer than anything<br />

else. \A'hen he entered public life the_<br />

slavery question was the bumin<br />

issue <strong>and</strong> he threw his strength into<br />

the controversy in defense of the<br />

rights of man. Immediately after the<br />

settlement of this issue by the Emancipation<br />

Proclamation,<br />

^^o^"<br />

to secure the Christia.<br />

dment<br />

to the National Cor<br />

was<br />

(Continued on p.-

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