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The Reformed Presbyterian Standard and also 0\ir ... - Rparchives.org

The Reformed Presbyterian Standard and also 0\ir ... - Rparchives.org


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October 21, 1914.<br />


E D I T O R I A L<br />

John W. Pritchard, Editor.<br />


Political <strong>and</strong> military writers have<br />

been<br />

insisting that the present war in Europe was<br />

inevitable.<br />

argument is wrong.<br />

<strong>The</strong>ir conclusion is right; their<br />

<strong>The</strong>re is only one fun­<br />

are sent to the gallows, or the electric chair; may he take part in the singing When a<br />

damental reason for this war, or any other,<br />

they are committed to prison for long terms. meeting is opened with prayer, perhaps reading<br />

of the Scripture, <strong>and</strong> hymns are sung, it<br />

<strong>and</strong> that is sin. Specially is that the case<br />

<strong>The</strong> pursuit of happiness <strong>also</strong> has its limitations.<br />

<strong>The</strong> only right recognized in human is evidently the thought of the hymn singers<br />

in this war where other grounds are so difficult<br />

to find. <strong>The</strong> nations have sinned in<br />

or divine law is to obey. Each man is under<br />

obligation to keep the law; he is not un­<br />

may think of the hymns, most of the churches<br />

present that praise is meant. Whatever we<br />

the sight of God <strong>and</strong> he is allowing the insane<br />

ambition of men to work out the divine<br />

judgments which in some way <strong>and</strong> at<br />

der obligation to live. <strong>The</strong> governments think that they can praise God with them.<br />

of Europe are insisting on the obligation of If one joins in with them in what they consider,<br />

<strong>and</strong> call, the praise service, he is un­<br />

some time had to come. David was offered<br />

their subjects to die. Has the nation any<br />

his choice of three judgments—war, famine different ethical code than the citizen Obedience<br />

to law may dem<strong>and</strong> the death of the service as do the others. <strong>The</strong> thought in his<br />

derstood by all to be joining in the praise<br />

<strong>and</strong> pestilence—<strong>and</strong> war seemed, to the man<br />

who knew, the worst of all. <strong>The</strong> horrors<br />

of war in the time of David must have been<br />

mild compared with what may be seen these<br />

individual. <strong>The</strong>re may be cases where divine<br />

justice dem<strong>and</strong>s the death of the nation. Its<br />

sacrifice may make for the welfare of humanity<br />

mind is not readable by others. <strong>The</strong>refore a<br />

Covenanter joining in such service is understood<br />

by all present to be using the hymns<br />

weeks in the fieldsof France.<br />

<strong>and</strong> the glory of God. Self sacrifice in praise. He has, as far as those present<br />

Nor are the neutral nations innocent of<br />

the sins which led to this war. AH humanity<br />

is partner in the guilt <strong>and</strong> needs repentance<br />

is the divine law, not self preservation. Men<br />

are to save their lives by losing them. <strong>The</strong><br />

nation is subject to the same law <strong>and</strong> the<br />

are concerned, destroyed his witness for the<br />

exclusive use of the Psalms in praise.<br />

If the Sabbath is to be kept holy to God, it<br />

to avoid a like judgment. National same God. It is the neglect <strong>and</strong> denial of does not seem that entertainments are prop­<br />

pride is one of the most common forms of<br />

national sin, <strong>and</strong> America has its share.<br />

this fact which has made comparatively futile<br />

the deliberations of the Hague Tribunal.<br />

er, or that one should join in holding them.<br />

This refers to the whole day. We do not<br />

It is reported that with the coming of war An individual can not serve the highest ends find any part specified as common. <strong>The</strong><br />

the empty churches of Berlin were filled while considering his rights. <strong>The</strong> same is Catholics hold that after the mass in the<br />

with worshippers. <strong>The</strong> Czar has prohibited true of the nation. Austria claimed that mornings, entertainments are in order, but<br />

the sale of the liquor, vodhka, one of the her action against Servia was to save her Catholic views do not appear sound to most<br />

chief sources of national re-venue, <strong>and</strong> is considering<br />

life, <strong>and</strong> in saving it she is running a tre­<br />

Covenanters. So far, at least, we have not<br />

making the prohibition permanent mendous risk of losing it. <strong>The</strong> only inalien­<br />

accepted certain hours of the Sabbath as can­<br />

on account of the immediate benefits observed.<br />

able right of an individual, or of a nation, onical <strong>and</strong> others as uncanonical, whatever<br />

God is calling the nations to humil­<br />

is to obey the law of God. <strong>The</strong> man or that would mean. If, therefore, a Covenanable<br />

nation that loses life, in this way the same<br />

iation for sin.<br />

It was fitting that on a recent Sabbath<br />

the churches of the l<strong>and</strong> should be called<br />

by President Wilson to prayer. That is the<br />

strength, the "hope, of the nati'on. It is<br />

the masked battery against which the strongest<br />

battalions march in vain. It is the armor<br />

which the largest shells can not penetrate.<br />

<strong>The</strong> one counselor that we do hear of any<br />

monarch calling on for advice is God. Austria<br />

asked Germany before sending the(war<br />

uhimatum to Servia. <strong>The</strong> Kaiser consulted<br />

his General Staff. When God is left out of<br />

tite Department of State he can not be<br />

counted on in the Department of War. God<br />

is saying to the neutral nations, "Except ye<br />

repent ye shall all likewise perish." In no<br />

corner of the earth are the people altogether<br />

clear of the guilt, or the present penalty. "Be<br />

wise, 0 ye kings; Be instructed ye judges of<br />

the earth. Kiss the son, lest he be angry<br />

<strong>and</strong> ye perish in the way."<br />

have to live." Bethmann-Hollweg declared<br />

in the Reichstag that the attack on Belgium<br />

was injustice, but justified the act on the<br />

ground of military necessity for the protection<br />

of Germany. Jefferson wrote into the<br />

Declaration of Independence that the inalienable<br />

right of man are life, liberty <strong>and</strong><br />

the pursuit of happiness. <strong>The</strong> courts of<br />

both heaven <strong>and</strong> earth deny Jefferson's claim.<br />

Too infrequently in our country criminals<br />

shall save it.<br />


That depends. <strong>The</strong>re are two possible ends<br />

in singing hymns <strong>and</strong> no more. One is for<br />

the entertainment of men <strong>and</strong> the other for<br />

praise to God. Wherever <strong>and</strong> whenever one<br />

sings hymns in pubhc or in private,it is<br />

meant to serve one of these ends. Now it is<br />

clear to those who read hymns thoughtfully<br />

that many of them were not intended by the<br />

writers to be used in praise to God, often the<br />

singers do not have that thought in mind.<br />

<strong>The</strong> most popular hymns of the time would<br />

not be classed as hymns of praise. <strong>The</strong>y are<br />

that it is praise. Even the hymns which find<br />

place in the church collections have very<br />

many titles which the compilers put in under<br />

protest as being unsuitable for the purpose<br />

of the book. Most intelligent churchmen lament<br />

the trashiness of their collection.<br />

This question is mooted. If one who believes<br />

in the exclusive use of the Psalms in<br />

praise to God is in a service where hymns<br />

are sung which he would not class as praise,<br />


When a man is doing something which<br />

he can not otherwise justify he insists, "I<br />

have to live." When a government takes<br />

an action which is unjustifiable by divine<br />

or human law the declaration is made, "We<br />

ter joins in singing hymns on the Sabbath,<br />

he is either offering praise, <strong>and</strong> breaking his<br />

covenant vows, or else he is taking part in<br />

an entertainment, with the result that he is<br />

not only destroying his witness for the<br />

Psalms, but <strong>also</strong> desecrating the Sabbath.<br />



<strong>The</strong> Sunday School Times is in more ways<br />

than one a very helpful paper, much more<br />

than it was years ago. Among other features<br />

the number for Sept. 26 contained a<br />

page on the topic, "What I think of the<br />

Hymn-book we Use." From the first column<br />

either useful for entertainment^or they M ^^ ^^.^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^ ^^^ following letter:<br />

of their purpose altogether. For instance,<br />


the hymns of Watts were doubtless intended<br />

WEAK.—Our book is used in all religious<br />

by their author to be used in praise, while<br />

the popular gospel hymns, as they are called, services. <strong>The</strong> hymns we sing are spoken of<br />

were intended to serve the same purpose as as "psalms, hymns <strong>and</strong> spiritual songs," the<br />

the sermon. It seems fair to say that in the only kind we know that were sung or quoted<br />

great evangelistic meetings of the present by the Son of Man. <strong>The</strong>ir inspired words<br />

time there is, in fact, no real praise service,<br />

show him as Prophet, Priest <strong>and</strong> King, complete<br />

in his magnificent divinity.<br />

whatever it may be called in the program.<br />

<strong>The</strong> hymns are written to appeal to men <strong>and</strong><br />

<strong>The</strong> writer taught the music of many new<br />

are sung by the evangelist with that thought<br />

hymn-books to several congregations <strong>and</strong><br />

in mind, though the audience would insist

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