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8 THE CHRISTIAN NATION. Vol. 61.<br />

YoUn^ PeOOle's Tonic "°''' t^^* "^•^••e js no place for thanks. 3^ ^j^g Q^^ ^^ ^f ^^^ .^^ ^^^ eall upon the name<br />

.•. v,/«^i.x^ X \,\j^x\, ^ J. \j^x\, giving. <strong>The</strong>n happens what Brown- , ^ ^^ . , iv v, i.q j-i i i • ^ ,<br />

FOR NOV -><br />

'"S '^^"^ the worst of deaths, "a adoration. In Neh. 1'2:31, we read ^^ e should thank <strong>and</strong> praise God<br />

lamp's death when replete with oil, bow the walls of the city of Jerusa- for the Chureh, for His house, for<br />

By Rev. A. A. Johnston. ^ chokes," but God has given us km were dedicated with thanksgiv- the open AVord, the Bible. We hi\c<br />

A. Joyous Life. Joel 2:21-27. gifts which should fill our lips with jjjo- Nehemiah says "I brought the ordinances of his house, tiic<br />

(Thanksgiving meeting.) Praise every moment we live. Sure- " ^j^^ .^^^^ ^^ j^^^j^ ^^^ (Continued on page 10.)<br />

Psalms:—13:1-G, No. 24- 30:1-3, 5, ly my cup runneth over." ^ f • . t ^ .<br />

No. 74; 43:3-G, No. IIG; 126:1-4, No. <strong>The</strong>re is first a great thankfulness ^'^H <strong>and</strong> appointed two great com- PRESSED HARD<br />

355. ' for God's great <strong>and</strong> wonderful gift, panics that gave thanks" <strong>and</strong> in the p -» ,• \j,r •<br />

Parallels:—! Chron. 12:40; Ezra "Thanks be to God for His unspeak- 40th verse of the same chapter we ^o^ees \\ eight on Old Age.<br />

6:16; Ps. 16:11; Ps. 89:16; Ps. 149:2; able gift." In Christ there is etern- ^.^^^ ..g^ g^^^^ ^j^^ ^^.^ companies .y,^ r^^r^r^lTZI^' .1 • • •<br />

Isaiah 35:1-2; Isaiah 61:10; Hab. al life. In Him there is peace which j_^ .^ ^^^ W hen people realize the injurious<br />

3:18; Luke 10 •20- John 15:11- Rom. passeth-knowledge. Our sorrows are f u t j j r .qj-u ^^'^'^^^ "^ coffee <strong>and</strong> the change in<br />

14:17; Phil. 3:3; 1 <strong>The</strong>ss. 1:6. ' softened in the fellowship of His suf- house ot the Lord, <strong>and</strong> 1 <strong>and</strong> the j^^^j^j^ ^j^^^ Postum can bring, thev<br />

One of the most courageous souls ferings. Our work becomes worship, half of the rulers with me."' And ^^^ usually glad to lend their'testithe<br />

world has ever known was Rob- <strong>The</strong> most commonplace service be- fhen in the 43rd verse he savs, £ the 1 n fit f tl<br />

ert Louis Stevenson. <strong>The</strong> blood was comes glorified. Our treasures may arpj^ ^g^^^^ ^ sacrifices <strong>and</strong> ...r ^., - , , ] % ,<br />

upon his h<strong>and</strong>kerchief, the medicine slip away, health may depart, ambi- . ' .., ^^ . . ,, . ^^y mother, since her early childbottl<br />

s were upon his shelf, pallor tions may be lost, but the life which ^^joiceu »uii ^ eat jo.\ , tue wtveb hood, was an inveterate coffee drinkupon<br />

his cheek <strong>and</strong> weakness in his is bid with. Christ in God can never <strong>also</strong> <strong>and</strong> the children rejoiced so ^^^ j^^^ ^^^^ troubled with her heart<br />

body, yet he was brave <strong>and</strong> cheerful perish.<br />

that the joy of Jerusalem was heard ^^^ ^ number of years <strong>and</strong> com<br />

to the end. He saw deep into the <strong>The</strong>n how manifold are our bless- gyen afar off." It is surely a good „i„,-„„j „j! x, , t , „ , » ,"<br />

... „ ^, , „ i^croi nnr iflTifi at nencp War , plained ot that Weak all over feelrehgion<br />

of the soul. You remem- mgs. Our l<strong>and</strong> at peace. War, ^j^. ^^ ^^^.^^ ^^^ ^^j^^^ ^^^ ^_^^^^^^ r - , ^ ,<br />

. ber his parable of his soul's garden, famine <strong>and</strong> pestilence are not stalk- . ° ^. . ing ana sick t.cmaeh.<br />

He presents the picture of his going ing rampant over our fields <strong>and</strong> citie'5. ^^ tlianksgiving.<br />

"Some time ogo I was making a<br />

out <strong>and</strong> conversing with his garden- Bountiful harvests have covered our 2. It is pleasant. yigjt j-^ j^ distant part of the coun<br />

er <strong>and</strong> finding one plant everywhere, valleys <strong>and</strong> plains. <strong>The</strong>re is work to rj,^^^^ -^ ^^^ ^ gj j^ ^^^^^^ j^ ^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^.<br />

throughout the warden Tt flourisheddo. A new spirit is abroad in our ,. , ii •<br />

Tprlsion fn'every nook Ldtr church. Surely we can call upon our «- 1-f -^^n we can say there is merchants of the place. I noticed<br />

ner, <strong>and</strong> he said to the man, "What soul to bless <strong>and</strong> magnify the Lord, no need ot thanksgiving, lhe very a somewhat unusual flavor of the<br />

is this herb" "<strong>The</strong> herb of resigna- If "^e turn our eyes toward the nature of the service brings joy into 'coffee' <strong>and</strong> asked him concerning.<br />

tion," was the response. "Out with smoke-covered battlefields of Europe ^jjg j^g^j.^ jj- jg ^j-^g j^ Q^p express- it He replied that it was Postum<br />

it, man; out with it," was the reply <strong>and</strong> hsten to the rumble of the earn- appreciation <strong>and</strong> gratitude "I was so pleased with it that af'<br />

of this brave sufferer. "I will have age <strong>and</strong> then remember what God ^ ^^ . ^ -i «as .0 pieasea w itn it tnat, atnone<br />

of it any longer. Replace it is stil doing for us, then is "our to fellow men. <strong>The</strong>re is so much ter the meal was over, I bought a<br />

with the herb of joy, but see it is niouth filled with laughter <strong>and</strong> our satisfaction in the very act itself, package to carry home with me,<br />

the flowering sort."<br />

tongue with singing. <strong>The</strong> Lord hath Matthew Henry says, "Holy joy or <strong>and</strong> had wife prepare some for the<br />

Aye, that is the trouble with us. done great things for us; whereof we delight are required as the principle next meal <strong>The</strong> whole familv were<br />

<strong>The</strong> garden of our soul may be cover- are glad." ^^ .^^ ^^^ ^^^^ .^ ^^^^^^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^^ -^^ ^<br />

ed over with noxious weeds. Perhaps • i j. /-,-1 • j.i j<br />

we have rigorously rooted them out. PraV^r Mcrtmiy T o O i r ""'''' ^'"°^ ^^'^ '' continued coffee <strong>and</strong> used Postum<br />

for these weeds represent the dark *"•/*'* xTxwviiiig x yj^ii^ ^^^^ ^^^ busmess of it, <strong>and</strong> that is entirely.<br />

sins of life. But from the scarred FOR XOVEMBER "So. pleasant to us as saints that are de- "I had really been at times very<br />

ground we have allowed to grow in g^. gg^. j j^j Johnston. voted to his honor. Praising God is anxious concerning my mother's<br />

iSn'a\rn''strrg5ranTglo^^^^^ "Praise ye the Lord." Ps. 147:1. --^ that is its own wages; it is condition, but we noticed that after<br />

are saved.' Thank God for that, but 1. It is good. ^'^aven upon earth." <strong>The</strong> devoted nsing Postum for a short time, she<br />

our life is not alight with victory <strong>and</strong> 3. It ig pleas-ant. follower of God is filled with joy felt so much better than she did<br />

thanksgiving. <strong>The</strong> garden of our soul 3 j^ -^ gQj^gjy <strong>and</strong> gladness in such an act. It is prior to its use <strong>and</strong> had little trou-<br />

,fr'h„e'. flnTrfnf^•^v"\nne JSl' P^alms: 100:1-4', 93:1-5, 103:1-5, ^ ^Pi^tnal uplift to the soul. <strong>The</strong> ble with her heart, <strong>and</strong> no sick<br />

liant hued flowers of loy, hope, love ' ' ji 1 • • n j • j .<br />

<strong>and</strong> eager optimism. It should be 145:1-5, 148:1-6. ^odij soul praising God is a de- stomach; that the headaches were<br />

brilliant with those bright colored Passages: First, Thanksgiving: 1 lightful thing; a thing affording not so frequent, <strong>and</strong> her general<br />

blossoms which delight a child's (^'i^^o. 16:8, Is. 12:5, Ps. 92:1, 2 Ps. Purest satisfaction <strong>and</strong> real joy to condition much improved. This<br />

^®^^*' 95-3 Pg 105-1 Ps 147-7 Eph ^^^ heart. continued until she was well <strong>and</strong><br />

<strong>The</strong> plants should be the flowering „ ' ' o tj. - 1 t ±<br />

* ^T * • *^ 4. • f 11 ^ 5 ••0 1 <strong>The</strong>ss 5 -18 2 Cor 2 -14 2 3. It is comely. hearty.<br />

sort. Not a joy that is full <strong>and</strong> ^ •-'-'>-^ j-ircoo. o .xo, ^

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