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October 28, 1914.<br />



By Professor William M. Sloane.<br />

[On this occasion<br />

of our Thirtieth Anniversary,<br />

we are<br />

greatly indebted to<br />

Prof. William IW.<br />

Sloane,. of Columbia<br />

University, for<br />

his contri b u t i o n.<br />

Professor Sloane is<br />

the son of Dr. J. R.<br />

W. Sloane, formerly<br />

pastor of the Third<br />

Church, on 23rd<br />

street, this city, <strong>and</strong><br />

then professor of<br />

<strong>The</strong>ology at Allegheny from 18G8 till his decease.<br />

His son was a professor in Princeton<br />

University, <strong>and</strong> prepared not only a Life of his<br />

father, but <strong>also</strong> one of Dr. James McCosh, the<br />

Princeton President. He then entered the faculty<br />

of Columbia, his Alma Mater. His degrees<br />

are: S.A.B., Columbia,. 1868; Ph.D., Leipzig, 187G;<br />

L.H.D., Columbia, 1887; A.M., Princeton, 189G;<br />

LL.D., Rutgers, 1898, Princeton, 1903. He was<br />

Secretary to Ge<strong>org</strong>e Bancroft, the historian, in<br />

Berlin, 1873-75; professor in Princeton, 1870-<br />

1896; Seth Low Professor of History in Columbia<br />

since 1896. He was editor of the Princeton Review<br />

from 1886 to 1889; Chevalier of the Legion<br />

of Honor. ex-President of the National Institute<br />

of Arts <strong>and</strong> Letters; member of the American<br />

Academy of Arts <strong>and</strong> Letters, President of the<br />

American Historical Association. Some of his<br />

books are: "<strong>The</strong> French War <strong>and</strong> the Revolution,''<br />

(1893), "Napoleon Bonaparte, a History" (4 vols.),.<br />

"French Revolution <strong>and</strong> Religious Reform," 1901.<br />

This estimate of the Covenanter Church comes<br />

well from the son of one who knew so well the<br />

principles she maintains, <strong>and</strong> who so boldly proclaimed<br />

them.—Editor.]<br />

Respect for yourself <strong>and</strong> your ancestry is what<br />

in our age we mean by honor, <strong>and</strong> the combination<br />

of conscience with honor is the control of<br />

the will. As we believe so we behave: if we<br />

misbehave we have either a feeble will or a defective<br />

training or both. Tried by this test the<br />

Covenanter Church is a remarkable body, alike<br />

in its <strong>org</strong>anization <strong>and</strong> in its tenets. That it<br />

survives in vigor <strong>and</strong> identity, in this day <strong>and</strong><br />

country, is a fact of real significance. Having<br />

been born into the home of one of its devoted<br />

ministers, <strong>and</strong> having enjoyed the training of<br />

his precepts,, in particular too of his example,<br />

the writer is glad to acknowledge that whatever<br />

he has himself accomplished <strong>and</strong> whatever leading<br />

he has himself had in a fairly long <strong>and</strong> active<br />

life is traceable to Covenanter training in<br />

church <strong>and</strong> family. That he found himself without<br />

the pale of the denomination has never indicated<br />

any disrespect for the st<strong>and</strong>ard which it<br />

bears; quite the contrary. He hopes that its<br />

aims <strong>and</strong> mission have been better defined<br />

through his agency for many who would otherwise<br />

have misapprehended them both.<br />

<strong>The</strong> thirtieth birthday of <strong>The</strong> Christian Nation<br />

is a noteworthy anniversary. Its tone is never<br />

uncertain <strong>and</strong> its sincerity carries conviction.<br />

<strong>The</strong> work it does is valuable <strong>and</strong> even those<br />

who dissent most widely from its positions must<br />

wish well to so doughty an antagonist, for it is<br />

both chivalric <strong>and</strong> courteous, even when most<br />

indignant. <strong>The</strong> aims it presents for consideration<br />

seem beyond a doubt to be Covenanter aims<br />

<strong>and</strong> its columns unquestionably clarify the mind<br />

as to how the mission of that Church is best to<br />

be accomplished. Mindful of the fact that preliminary<br />

discussion as to the launching of the<br />

enterprise took place in the home of the writer's<br />

,father, he gladly contributes his congratulations<br />

<strong>and</strong> expresses his best wishes for continued success.<br />

ly all present, which It Christian that in well, nations that season »M there all may <strong>and</strong> yet times be should out pr^ctige ostensibly <strong>and</strong> of be season particularly th§ a ancl denomination<br />

mreminds m professed­<br />

horrid us the<br />


cruelties. Unbelief <strong>and</strong> paganism declaim about<br />

the collapse of Christian civilization: we need<br />

to be emphatically reminded how imperfect <strong>and</strong><br />

lamentably deficient as regards its real Christianity<br />

is the system we have dubbed by that name,<br />

[Dr. Josiah Strong<br />

alike as to the <strong>org</strong>anism <strong>and</strong> its component individuals.<br />

In this age of cruel <strong>and</strong> gigantic warfare<br />

there is need for a body of clear minded<br />

men who hold themselves remote in protest;<br />

<strong>and</strong> iterate, reiterate, <strong>and</strong> repeat that the morality<br />

of nations should approach closely to that of tho<br />

Christian man <strong>and</strong> remove itself as far as possible<br />

from the pagan st<strong>and</strong>ard of pure selfishness.<br />

This is what the National Reform of the Covenanters<br />

has meant to me. it is extremely doubtful<br />

how far the analogy between the individual<br />

<strong>and</strong> the state can be carried. A nation cannot<br />

love a nation; one nation may not despise another<br />

nation; there is no social "self" for which<br />

a nation may or has the right to make sacrifices. Churches.<br />

But if the overwhelming majority of its people<br />

are just, let us say: a nation through its magistrates<br />

will act justly. And so on through tho<br />

list of personal virtues. To raise the Christian<br />

st<strong>and</strong>ard, to rally about it. <strong>and</strong> to define<br />

how far the state, like the man, has a conscience<br />

to direct <strong>and</strong> a soul to be saved: this is a great<br />

mission for those who feel themselves called to<br />

bear witness Government may go a long way<br />

on the rqad to self-denial, how far <strong>and</strong> in what<br />

name<br />

We were taught that there is a Lord ol Hosts<br />

as there is. a God of Peace <strong>and</strong> that in a just<br />

cause,, or one which we believe to be just, the<br />

final appeal when all else fails is to arms. <strong>The</strong><br />

divine purpose was not to be questioned: for the<br />

great v/heels of providence v/ere beyond the<br />

grasp of a finite mind, even the purest <strong>and</strong> most<br />

intelligent. If there be one lesson of the Pauline<br />

epistles clearer than another, it is that man is<br />

in duty bound to plan <strong>and</strong> propose <strong>and</strong> do his<br />

stern <strong>and</strong> awful duty as he sees it: but that<br />

the resultant disposal is in the h<strong>and</strong>s of a higher<br />

power. Never more than now "was the task<br />

of asserting this more definite or imperative;<br />

<strong>and</strong> I can think of no <strong>org</strong>anization more likely<br />

than the Covenanters to perform its share. To<br />

behave <strong>also</strong> with cheerful resignation, to accept<br />

the decision, to exercise charity for those we do<br />

not know intimately or clearly underst<strong>and</strong>, to<br />

take courage <strong>and</strong> go lorward, in short to set a<br />

good example of faith <strong>and</strong> trust,, the high profession<br />

of the Covenanter seems to mean just this<br />

when put into practice.<br />


INDIANS.<br />

We sometimes can measure the value of anything<br />

that has served us by figuring how we<br />

would get along without it—what difference<br />

would it make if it were dropped out ol our lives,<br />

or il its aid were withdrawn from the work we<br />

are trying to do. It the Covenanter Church were<br />

to measure the "Christian Nation" by this rule<br />

we would soon realize its value to us as a Church.<br />

As we remember its weekly visits into the hundreds<br />

of homes <strong>and</strong> the wholesome truths <strong>and</strong><br />

the high st<strong>and</strong>ard ol doctrines that it has maintained<br />

<strong>and</strong> what this teaching has mean to peo<br />

pie that are now middle aged, <strong>and</strong> to all the youth,<br />

we are led to congratulate the paper that can meet<br />

the close ol its thirtieth year in such vigorous<br />

health When we think ol the number of papers<br />

that within that time have started out with what<br />

seemed to be a mission <strong>and</strong> abundant resource<br />

<strong>and</strong> yet have failed, we appreciate more fully the<br />

ability of the one who has guided the paper<br />

through all these years. . .„ ^ -<br />

As intimation comes that it will soon stana<br />

alone in our denomination, not only as a purveyor<br />

of news but <strong>also</strong> in the public maintenance<br />

of the testimony of the Church in journalistic<br />

form we can with all heartiness wish it great<br />

m-osneritv in the years to come. And so on<br />

this Wrthday I wish it well, <strong>and</strong> it <strong>and</strong> its Editor<br />

many happy returns, ^^^^^^, C4R{THRRS,<br />


By Rev. Josiah Strong, D.D.<br />

was Secretary of<br />

the Evangelical Alliance<br />

for tiie United<br />

States fum 1886<br />

to 1898. During<br />

these twelve years<br />

he was probably the<br />

greatest single force<br />

in America for the<br />

promotion of evangelical<br />

religion,<br />

<strong>and</strong> under his leadership<br />

observance<br />

of the Week of<br />

Prayer became a fixed custom in all Protestant<br />

Since 1898 he has been President of<br />

the American Institute of Social Service, <strong>and</strong> in<br />

1904 he was called to Engl<strong>and</strong> to aid in <strong>org</strong>anizing<br />

the British Institute of Social Service. He is<br />

distinguished as "one who loves his fellow man,"<br />

<strong>and</strong> his life is a life of great service. He is preeminently<br />

a Christian patriot, <strong>and</strong> an author ot<br />

books teaching the very highest st<strong>and</strong>ard of civic<br />

righteousness, as "Our Country," "<strong>The</strong> New Era,"<br />

"<strong>The</strong> Twentieth Century City," "Religious Movements<br />

for Social Betterment," "<strong>The</strong> Next Great<br />

Awakening." Most of these have had an enormous<br />

sale. Previous to his coming into national <strong>and</strong><br />

international prominence. Dr. Strong was a successful<br />

pastor <strong>and</strong> home mission worker. His<br />

gifts of oratory keep him in constant dem<strong>and</strong>,,<br />

<strong>and</strong> his remarkable knowledge <strong>and</strong> skill in h<strong>and</strong>ling<br />

social problems make the pages of his monthly<br />

magazine, "<strong>The</strong> Gospel of the Kingdom," indispensable<br />

to all who would help lift the world<br />

out of the darkness <strong>and</strong> utter misery of sin.—<br />

Editor.]<br />

<strong>The</strong> story is told of General Mahone, who<br />

was a very small man, that when on one occasion<br />

he was asked how much he weighed, he replied:<br />

"I weigh 100 pounds, but 95 of it is backbone."<br />

I think that is about the relative proportion<br />

of spinal column in the anatomy of Tho<br />

Christian Nation. <strong>The</strong> fact that it has remained<br />

unchanged in name <strong>and</strong> purpose, <strong>and</strong> even in<br />

form,, price, location <strong>and</strong> management, for a<br />

period of thirty years illustrates a tenacity ot<br />

grip which is as admirable as it is rare.<br />

To the man who says "This one thing I do,"<br />

<strong>and</strong> who does it for thirty years,. I take off my<br />

hat, even if his aim is commonplace. It is really<br />

a great thing to <strong>org</strong>anize a life <strong>and</strong> concentrate<br />

its entire force on a single objective for a generation,<br />

regardless of the numberless distractions<br />

of our times. And when that purpose is<br />

disinterested <strong>and</strong> noble, such persistent struggle,<br />

triumphant over enormous obstacles, comm<strong>and</strong>s<br />

my reverence. That is the kind of thing that<br />

God admires.<br />

<strong>The</strong> aim of <strong>The</strong> Christian Nation has been the<br />

highest. No nation can be called Christian<br />

whose supreme object is itself. National selfishness<br />

is as ungodly,, as anti-Christian, as is individual<br />

selfishness. <strong>The</strong> kingdom of heaven cannot<br />

come in the earth until the nations become<br />

co-laborers together with God for that end, subordinating<br />

national policies to world welfare. Dr.<br />

Roswell D. Hitchcock once said that the great<br />

need of the times was the Christianizing of<br />

Christendom. But Christendom can never be<br />

Christianized until its constituent nations have<br />

been Christianized. Por many centuries the only<br />

international law was that of might—<br />

"* * * <strong>The</strong> good old rule<br />

Sufficeth them—the simple plan<br />

That they should take who have the power,<br />

And they should keep who can."<br />

Some progress is shown by the fact that the<br />

nations engaged in the present unspeakable war<br />

recognize that it is blameworthy, <strong>and</strong> seek to<br />

shift the responsibility for it. A growing respect<br />

for nations of mor'" the respect United opinion are anxious for States; of American mankind to but secure so is opinion long the encouraging. moral as th.ag they support for have <strong>The</strong> pi-

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