The Reformed Presbyterian Standard and also 0\ir ... - Rparchives.org

The Reformed Presbyterian Standard and also 0\ir ... - Rparchives.org

The Reformed Presbyterian Standard and also 0\ir ... - Rparchives.org


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10 THE CHRISTIAN NATION. Vol. ei.<br />

THE GENEVA OPENING. aid many a worthy student to reach higher course. Communion was held<br />

Because of the remodeling ol the the position tnat he who died had on the hist Sabbath in September,<br />

chapel, it could not be used for the hoped to win.<br />

with T. C. Mcivnignt ot CxiiCdgo asusual<br />

first day exercises. <strong>The</strong> students<br />

<strong>and</strong> their Iriends came togeth­<br />

bigned. \\. P. JOHNSTON. seemed to mark an accession ol power.<br />

<strong>The</strong> mission ol this school is only sisting. <strong>The</strong>re was no accession in<br />

Just begun. God grant it!<br />

numoers at the Communion, but it<br />

er in the Adelphic Literary Society. College Hill, Sept. 21, lal4.<br />

<strong>The</strong> congregation is seeking to have<br />

As many chairs as possible had been<br />

a better connection with the power<br />


put in, when these were filledthose<br />

house, <strong>and</strong> when this as secured the<br />

By Dr. J. M. Balph.<br />

who could not be seated stood about<br />

other things "will be added." Mr.<br />

(We regret tnat the lollowing was<br />

the walls or in the hall outside.<br />

McKnight said some nice things about<br />

received loo late lor use in the issue<br />

<strong>The</strong>se meetings are always Interesting.<br />

<strong>The</strong> greetings ol lormer stu­<br />

right to them. <strong>The</strong>y seemed to pay<br />

the Bloommgton people—said it<br />

of Sept. 10, containing other tributes<br />

to .^L^. Miller.—Ed.)<br />

dents, the new laces <strong>and</strong> voices, the<br />

him back in about the same way. <strong>The</strong><br />

My acquaintance with Mr. Miller<br />

welcome of the President, the talks<br />

pastor will have to show some discretion<br />

in choosing young men lor<br />

began in 1^87. While on our way to<br />

ol those whom he asks to speak, to-<br />

the<br />

spent<br />

Mission<br />

several<br />

field<br />

days<br />

in<br />

in<br />

that<br />

New I'ork,<br />

year, we<br />

<strong>and</strong> assistants. A discovery has been<br />

gether with offerings ol the represen- had an.ple opportunity to observe tha made that the 'Covenanter church is a<br />

tatives ol the Oratorical <strong>and</strong> Musical interest taken by Mr Miller in ar-good center for mission work. Since<br />

Departments, never lail to instruct ranging all necessary matters apper-<br />

^ , taining to purchase ol goods, shipping,<br />

Synod a Sabath School has been<br />

<strong>and</strong> nlease. <strong>The</strong> year promises to be ^ . ^ . ,,<br />

started <strong>and</strong> is drawing from the abundant<br />

waste in the neighborhood. Just<br />

A flat foot, like a<br />

aiiu picaoc. iiic jco,! i/ ^j.^^^ j^^ outgoing missionaries. Alone<br />

ol the best. <strong>The</strong>re will be more ^^ijough a very busy man we found him<br />

how<br />

^y "^^°<br />

many<br />

'^^^^<br />

children<br />

^'^ religious<br />

there<br />

instruction<br />

are close flat wheel, jars you<br />

than filty in the Freshman class, always ready to give advice <strong>and</strong> aid ^^ ^°i y®t known. <strong>The</strong> firstclass in every time it hits<br />

. . , „ -whpnpvPT- Tippflprl Much of the time the study Ol Torrey's book, "How to<br />

the oround. Coward<br />

<strong>The</strong>se have come from widely separ- wnenever neeaea. Jiucn oi ine xime j „,..„. ^ ,,<br />

.. during the years spent in the field we Juring Men to Christ, Is hall way Arch Support<br />

ated places, from Boston on the one ^^^^ .^ ^^^^^^^ correspondence with through, <strong>and</strong> another class, under Proh<strong>and</strong><br />

<strong>and</strong> Los Angeles on the other, -j^-j, jy^jngj. j^ regard lo financial <strong>and</strong> fessor McCaughan's leadership, will<br />

Shoes hold falling<br />

from Southwest Kansas <strong>and</strong> Colora- business matters connected with the soon begin. Probably a rnird seciion arches in position,<br />

do on the one h<strong>and</strong>, <strong>and</strong> New York mission,, <strong>and</strong> in this way came to know will come later. <strong>The</strong> first purposo<br />

' ,„. ^. .. „.^^„ rr„,^y,„-. him better <strong>and</strong> admire his business of the study is to get the worker <strong>and</strong> take the bumps<br />

<strong>and</strong> Michigan on the other, leacners *" at his North , ^ Dakota ^i_ • ^ University, ^ i- Professor out of walking.<br />

miLii o <strong>The</strong>re are accessions <strong>also</strong> capacity h<strong>and</strong>s many <strong>and</strong> favors. thoughtfulness Not only was of the closer Minnock to Christ. <strong>and</strong> his Our wile vacation to New peooie York,<br />

reached, mere aie P,i r„rp •= •ai-p,, V*v O'lp .-..tprnaii,-. oF t'-'P ^Ppt <strong>and</strong> to atraw. die <strong>and</strong> mere save is the uo worl

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