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to travel the rest of life's journey<br />

alone, <strong>and</strong> yet they are not alone,<br />

for our Savior has said, "I am with<br />

you always, even to tbe end of the<br />

ages." We mourn with the whole<br />

Church, the loss of our dear sister,<br />

Mrs. Ella Ge<strong>org</strong>e Carithers. Her devoted<br />

life of faith <strong>and</strong> her labor ot<br />

love, especially during the last year<br />

of her protracted illness, st<strong>and</strong>s out<br />

as a beacon light to all <strong>and</strong> shows us<br />

what God can do with a woman's life,<br />

if she will only let him come into it.<br />

We sympathize with her husb<strong>and</strong> lor<br />

the beloved wife whose presence will<br />

be sorely missed in the home '<strong>and</strong> in<br />

his work; <strong>and</strong> <strong>also</strong> with the daughter<br />

who has parted from a devoted<br />

<strong>and</strong> warning, which found a response<br />

in every heart. Elder McCloskey's<br />

seat was vacant; his familiar face<br />

has one; bis last church service on<br />

earth was at our spring communion,<br />

at wbich Rev. A. A. Samson assisted.<br />

"Well done, good <strong>and</strong> faith­<br />

His words on that occasion might<br />

have been those of our Savior, "I<br />

mother.<br />

ful servants * * * enter thou into<br />

the joy of thy Lord."<br />


Rutherford-Lowrey.<br />

In the winter of '13-'14 Licentiate<br />

John M. Rutherford sailed to Scotl<strong>and</strong>,<br />

presumably to broaden his culture<br />

by travel <strong>and</strong> additional study,<br />

but seemingly his activities were not<br />

limited to these fields. Oct. 3, Mr.<br />

Rutherford quietly slipped off to New<br />

York City to meet Miss Rose Lowrey,<br />

of Belfast, Irel<strong>and</strong>, who braved German<br />

cruisers <strong>and</strong> stormy seas to cast<br />

in her lot with him in the New World.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y were married Wednesday, Oct.<br />

7th, at high noon, Rev. A. A. Johnston,<br />

the groom's pastor, officiating. Mrs.<br />

A. A. Johnston played the wedding<br />

march. <strong>The</strong> wedding was a pretty<br />

one. <strong>The</strong> parlor was decorated in<br />

green <strong>and</strong> white, while the folds of<br />

the Stars <strong>and</strong> Stripes <strong>and</strong> the Union<br />

Jack drew attention to the international<br />

marriage. Little Louise Rutherford<br />

<strong>and</strong> Telford Chambers preceded<br />

the bride <strong>and</strong> groom in the marriage<br />

procession carrying baskets of<br />

flowers. About fifty guests were present.<br />

Injustice would be done tbe caterer<br />

if reference were not made to<br />

the splendid four-course dinner. Mr.<br />

<strong>and</strong> Mrs. Rutherford were the recipients<br />

of a beautiful array of gifts in<br />


matter must have considerable<br />

weight. However, the difference of Sabbath, Oct. 18, is tbe time set for<br />

one day was of slight importance to our 'Communion Service. <strong>The</strong> pastor,<br />

her friends in the Home. Mrs. B. J. Ernest K. Patton, will be assisted by<br />

Hazlet, one of the Home company, Rev. Robert Clarke. We are looking<br />

was the speaker, <strong>and</strong> addressed a lew forward to this, our flrst Communion<br />

words to Miss Jamieson, expressive<br />

china, silver, 'cut glass <strong>and</strong> linen,<br />

Service with our new pastor, with a<br />

of the high esteem in which she was<br />

many of them coming from the bride's<br />

great deal of pleasant anticipation.<br />

held by the members of the Hom.o,<br />

friends in Belfast, bespeaking for her<br />

We trust we shall have the blessing<br />

of the 'Lord upon us. Brethren, m Israel. To "know him was to lovo<br />

was to us younger in years a father<br />

<strong>and</strong> asked her to accept from them<br />

a host of friends on the "other side." a neat <strong>and</strong> h<strong>and</strong>some clothes box as<br />

After a few weeks Mr. <strong>and</strong> Mrs. Rutherford<br />

leave for their future work in<br />

Mrs. Patton, who has been very ill a challenge to do one's best in emula­<br />

pray for us.<br />

him," to work with him was always<br />

an expression of their regard. Miss<br />

Jamieson accepted the gift in a few<br />

Billings, Okla., where Mr. Rutherford<br />

for some time, <strong>and</strong> who has been under<br />

the doctor's care, we are glad to f<strong>org</strong>etful service.<br />

tion of his example of faithful self-<br />

sincere <strong>and</strong> grateful words. She has<br />

has been called to the pastorate of been a good <strong>and</strong> faithful servant of<br />

our congregation there. Mrs. Rutherford<br />

has already endeared herself to<br />

<strong>and</strong>, we trust, will be able to sit down 1. That inasmuch as it hatli<br />

state is very much improved in health Be it therefore resolved:<br />

the Master in the work of the Home,<br />

<strong>and</strong> such a token of regard will help<br />

many in Walton by her many graces<br />

with us at the Lord's table.<br />

pleased Him who holds the life an-1<br />

to make easier her important <strong>and</strong><br />

destiny of all men in his h<strong>and</strong> w<br />

of mind <strong>and</strong> soul, <strong>and</strong> all follow them difficult work. T. H. A.<br />

with their best wishes for a long <strong>and</strong><br />


happy service together in the work<br />

of the Lord.<br />

received, <strong>and</strong> as one of these pastors<br />

remarked, that our congregation<br />

were good listeners,! let him take<br />


Our communion was observed on<br />

Sabbath, October llth. We expected<br />

to have Rev. Robert Park of Parnassus<br />

to assist our pastor, but for some<br />

legitimate reason he could not come.<br />

We were, however, pleased to have<br />

help from the Boston pastors, Rev.<br />

M. Foster preaching on Friday night<br />

<strong>and</strong> Rev. W. J. McKnight on Sabbath<br />

night. <strong>The</strong>se sermons were both well<br />

will drink no more of tbe fruit of the<br />

vine until that day that I drink it<br />

new in the Kingdom of God." One<br />

of our sainted fathers in the ministry,<br />

while always praying earnestly<br />

for those coming to the Lord's Table<br />

for the firsttime, never failed to remember<br />

those who may be coming<br />

for the last time. "<strong>The</strong> morning<br />

cometh <strong>and</strong> <strong>also</strong> the night."<br />


Going up recently to the Aged People's<br />

Home here in Pittsburgh, to call<br />

upon two of the friends who abid 3<br />

there, the writer found the members<br />

ot the Home quite absorbed in an<br />

event about to take place in one of<br />

the rooms. He was invited to accompany<br />

some ol those who were going<br />

to this room, <strong>and</strong> after tbe company<br />

was assembled. Miss Jamieson, the<br />

matron, was called in <strong>and</strong> reminded<br />

that this was her birthday, Sept. 28.<br />

Miss Jamieson differed slightly from<br />

her friends as to tbe date, claiming<br />

tbat Sept. 29 was the proper day;<br />

<strong>and</strong> no doubt her opinion on such a<br />


ART.<br />

Latakia, Syria, September 17, 1914.<br />

some credit for himself. <strong>The</strong>se meeting<br />

found expression in the 13ord received any copies of the Nation lor<br />

Dear Brother:—W'e have not yet<br />

Psalm, "Behold how good <strong>and</strong> how August, on account of the war, hence<br />

pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together<br />

in unity." <strong>The</strong> communion are far behind the times. We have<br />

we are beginning to realize tnat we<br />

was a feast long to be remembered. not yet been able to get any cash<br />

Our pastor led tbe people to the summit<br />

of the mount, <strong>and</strong> while seated have bad to suspend payment ot<br />

since the outbreak of the war, <strong>and</strong><br />

at the table, spoke words of comfort wages, <strong>and</strong> bave no prospect of opening<br />

tbe Boarding Schools as usual,<br />

O'ctober first.<br />

ed his blessed Lord <strong>and</strong> Master faith­<br />

<strong>and</strong> well. He was ever active<br />

We are all in good health <strong>and</strong> do­fulling<br />

what we can to keep the work along all the different lines of church<br />

going, but are sadly in need ot funds. work. Through sunshine <strong>and</strong> shower,<br />

Turkey has been mobilizing troops ^vinter <strong>and</strong> summer, he was to be<br />

all summer, as if preparing lor found in the Sabbath School, the midweek<br />

prayer meeting <strong>and</strong> the a life or death conflict with some<br />

pubho<br />

other Power, probably Russia. All, preaching of the Lord. It was ever<br />

business <strong>and</strong> labor are practically at<br />

a st<strong>and</strong>still <strong>and</strong> want <strong>and</strong> suffering<br />

are sure to result. Turkey has taken<br />

advantage of the European situation<br />

to announce the abrogation of any<br />

<strong>and</strong> all special privileges heretolore<br />

granted to foreigners, to take place<br />

October 1. It is not probable that she<br />

will be allowed to carry out this policy,<br />

however.<br />

<strong>The</strong> mails are very unsatisfactory,<br />

• <strong>and</strong> are likely to be more interfered<br />

with in tbe future. All letters coming<br />

or going by Turkish post are liable<br />

to seizure. We look for brighter<br />

days in the distant future. With kind<br />

regards, I remain yours truly,<br />

J. S. STEWART.<br />


It is a long time since our little<br />

congregation has been heard from. We<br />

have not been as prompt as we should<br />

bave been in giving you an account<br />

of our doings but we hope to do better<br />

in the future, so will not burden<br />

you with a lot of stale items.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Rev. David G. Wylie, D. D.,<br />


Secretary of the Board ol Church Having been appointed by the Session<br />

of the <strong>Reformed</strong> <strong>Presbyterian</strong><br />

Erection, bas recently issued some<br />

valuable leaflets. Tbe titles of these congregation of New Castle to draft<br />

leaflets are: "<strong>The</strong> Board ol the Church resolutions on the life <strong>and</strong> <strong>also</strong> tbo<br />

Erection Fund." "A Plea for the ideath of our lamented brother, Robert<br />

Speer, as a committee we enter<br />

Building ol Churches <strong>and</strong> Manses."<br />

"Building Churches <strong>and</strong> Manses." <strong>The</strong> upon the work with some hesitation<br />

last named leaflet is a letter to the because of our inability to express in<br />

young people ol the <strong>Presbyterian</strong> words the high regard we had lor<br />

Church. <strong>The</strong>se leaflets may be had him <strong>and</strong> the esteem in which he wa*<br />

singly or in quantities by applying to held by all -who knew him. Words<br />

Dr. David G. Wylie, 15G Fifth avenue. lail us when we attempt to express<br />

New York City.<br />

our appreciation of bim as a brother<br />

<strong>and</strong> wenior member of session, having<br />

served his blessed Lord <strong>and</strong> .\Ia.s<br />

ter as a member of the Court of<br />

God's House for upwards of sixty<br />

years. He was a niember ot the session<br />

of the old Slippery Rock congregation.<br />

Rose Point, before the <strong>org</strong>ani.<br />

•zation of the New Castle congregation.<br />

At the time of the latter's <strong>org</strong>anization<br />

he was installed an elder<br />

<strong>and</strong> served as such until the day of<br />

his death.<br />

And truly may we say that he serv.<br />

• <strong>and</strong> always his delight to be found<br />

in God's House. At no time in his<br />

lile did he ever think ol letting down<br />

on the principles of the church of his<br />

choice, but always defended them to<br />

the best of his ability. He had a firm<br />

confldence <strong>and</strong> an intelligent belief in<br />

the Word of God. He was well able<br />

<strong>and</strong> ever ready to help others into a<br />

more thorough knowledge of the truth<br />

as it is in Christ Jesus.<br />

Not only did be hold to the trutb<br />

that Jesus Christ is prophet <strong>and</strong><br />

•priest, but <strong>also</strong> king. He earnestly<br />

<strong>and</strong> always contended for his kingly<br />

authority over the nations ot the<br />

world. We may say just here that<br />

much of the impressions we received<br />

ithrough human agency was gotten by<br />

us while we sat at his feet being led<br />

by him in the study of the Word. And<br />

now that he has gone the way of all<br />

the earth he has entered upon the<br />

journey from which no traveller ever<br />

[returns <strong>and</strong> that reward that comes<br />

to all those who are faithful unto<br />

death. He leaves behind him. a<br />

blessed influence that tells for tho<br />

glory of God <strong>and</strong> the advancement of<br />

his kingdom. And we feel assured<br />

that all who should read these resolutions<br />

will share with the session<br />

the deep sorrow <strong>and</strong> keen sense of<br />

personal loss felt by us, in the removal<br />

by death of Brother Speer, who<br />

remove from our midst by death oui'<br />

Brother Robert Speer, commonly<br />

known by us as Father Speer, permitting<br />

him as we believe to enter into<br />

the joys of his Lord, we bow m<br />

humble submission before him whose<br />

right it is to both give lite <strong>and</strong> <strong>also</strong><br />

to take it again. We join in saymg,<br />

"Father, not our will but thinetie<br />

done." ,<br />

2. That these resolutions be spreao<br />

upon the sessional records ot ttiis<br />

congregation <strong>and</strong> that a copy of tnem<br />

be placed in the h<strong>and</strong>s of the family<br />

bereft, saying to them that they ne:i^<br />

not sorrow, as those who have no<br />

hope "for if we believe that .lesus<br />

died <strong>and</strong> rose again, even so tliem<br />

<strong>also</strong> which sleep in Jesus will t.0Q<br />

bring with him."<br />

M. W. W. A. McCLELAND,<br />

LESLIE, Committee.

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