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14<br />

tHE CHRIStlAN NATION. Vol. 61.<br />

Young People's Topic<br />

FOR NOV. 1."..<br />

By Rev. A. A. Johnston.<br />

.Magnify the Christian Endeavor<br />

Pledge. Eccl. 5:1-7.<br />

<strong>The</strong>n we are called upon, "to support<br />

my own church in every way,<br />

Psalms: 22;2-!-:;7. No. 50; 6.5:l-.3,<br />

Nn. 171 • Vi; :', R. \'n •ii)'' IT, I S. No especially by attending all her regular<br />

Sabbath <strong>and</strong> mid-week services,<br />

:!.-.t; 11:1-3, No. 21.<br />

Paralells: Isaiah 1:12-17; 1 Sam. unless prevented by some reason<br />

15:22; Prov. 15:9; Prov. 20:25; Ps. which I can conscientiously give to<br />

5(1:14; 1 Chron. 1G:11; Col. 4:2; Ezek<br />

22:l!U; 1 Pet. 4:7; 2 Kings 18:5-7;<br />

Isaiah 50:10.<br />

my Savior." I wonder what the reasons<br />

are which we give to God Wednesday<br />

night before we retire. <strong>The</strong><br />

<strong>The</strong> different young people's societies<br />

prayerful member will feel no neces-<br />

of our Church may not take city to hunt up excuses for God. Like<br />

the Christian Endeavor pledge <strong>and</strong> seeks like <strong>and</strong> he will be found where<br />

it is not essential that they should. It prayer is wont to be made.<br />

is a dangerous thing to enter into a But the crux of the matter is this.<br />

covenant with God rashly. "Bette-<br />

is it that thou should'st not vow, than<br />

that thou should'st vow <strong>and</strong> not pay."<br />

A multiplication of vows may hinder<br />

rather than be a help to our spiriiuality.<br />

Yet it is well for us to have<br />

a fixed purpose in our life <strong>and</strong> to do<br />

all possible to he loyal to it. Resolutions<br />

are necessary if there is co be<br />

any direction to our work.<br />

This pledge draws our attention to<br />

the necessity for Bible study <strong>and</strong><br />

prayer. Without these,, no matter<br />

what else you may do, your service<br />

will be ineffectual. Wheels will not<br />

turn, nor belts move unless there is<br />

plenty of fire under the boiler. No<br />

stream can be full <strong>and</strong> powerful without<br />

bubbling springs at the source.<br />

You may work hard on some committee,<br />

you may attend the meetings regularly,<br />

you may even take part, but<br />

if you do not pray, you <strong>and</strong> others<br />

will be conscious of a lack somewhere.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re will be no spontaneity,<br />

no spiritual perfume. <strong>The</strong> dry bones<br />

will not be clothed with living flesh.<br />

<strong>The</strong> most important seat in every<br />

young people's society is the prayer<br />

seat. You may occupy the seat of<br />

the irregular,, or the unbecoming, or<br />

the critical. Again you may scorn<br />

these <strong>and</strong> sit with the cordial <strong>and</strong><br />

helpful, but if you want to be a<br />

great blessing, occupy the prayer<br />

seat. Pray for the members of your<br />

society by name, pray for the meetings<br />

before you come, pray for any<br />

work the society may be doing, pray<br />

for the congregation <strong>and</strong> the pastor.<br />

Prayer makes it possible for the arm<br />

of God to work <strong>and</strong> if you occupy the<br />

prayer seat (wonderful though it may<br />

seem) you can occupy, at the same<br />

time, the cordial seat <strong>and</strong> the helpful<br />

<strong>and</strong> many more. Your work then<br />

will be a pleasure <strong>and</strong> not a duty.<br />

Others will catch the contagion until<br />

your society is the pride of the pastor,<br />

a burning center for service. If<br />

you ever played "Going to Jerusalem"<br />

you remember with what a feverish<br />

haste you sat down on the firstchair<br />

nearest you. We might well play<br />

"Going to the Spiritual Jerusalem,"<br />

<strong>and</strong> the firstseat nearest us is prayer.<br />

We will do well to occupy it with<br />

some of the same earnestness.<br />

If we pray, the remaining duties<br />

mentioned in the pledge will be<br />

easily performed. We will be present<br />

<strong>and</strong> take some part, aside from<br />

singing, in every meeting. What a<br />

wonderful meeting that would make<br />

if everyone would come prepared to<br />

do something! We could prepare easily<br />

enough Sabbath afternoon <strong>and</strong> we<br />

will, as soon as the zeal, lighted by<br />

prayer, is burning at our heart.<br />

"Trusting in the Lord Jesus for<br />

strength." <strong>The</strong>re is no other road<br />

to purity <strong>and</strong> helpfulness.<br />

Prayer Meeting Topic<br />

FOR NOVEMBER 18.<br />

Rev. J. M. Johnston.<br />

"Temperate in all things." 1<br />

Cor. 9:25.<br />

1. In our thoughts.<br />

is hard to recall words when once<br />

2. In our words.<br />

they are given wings. <strong>The</strong> time<br />

3. In our lives.<br />

to kill them is before they are<br />

Passages: Hos. 4:11. Is. 5:11. Is. born, before they pass through the<br />

5:22, 23, Joel 1:5. Nah. 1:10. Pro. doors of the heart. In James 3:2<br />

23:29. 1 Tim. 3:2, 3. Tit. 1:8. 2 Tim. we read: "If any man offend not<br />

1:13. 1 Tim. 6:3, 4. 1 Tim. 6:11, 12. in word, the same is a perfect<br />

Tit. 2:1-6. 2 Peter 1:6. Tit. 3:1-4. man, <strong>and</strong> able <strong>also</strong> to bridle the<br />

Psalms: 10:6-12. 26:1-7. 28:1-8. whole body." Words spoken with<br />

121:1-4. 141:1-6. 119:5th part. evil intent are like the sting of<br />

In this verse Paul describes an a bee the poison of which causes<br />

athletic game in which those who soreness in the heart. In 2 Tim.<br />

take part contest for a prize. Certain<br />

conditions must be fulfilled if disease. <strong>The</strong>y eat like a canker, or<br />

2:17, Words are compared to a<br />

the reward is to be ostained. <strong>The</strong> as the margin has it "gangrene."<br />

same is true of a wrestling match. We can not fully comprehend the<br />

<strong>The</strong>re must not only be training evil effect of words spoken in the<br />

<strong>and</strong> discipline but dieting must be spirit of malice <strong>and</strong> hate. We<br />

regarded <strong>also</strong> as necessary for success<br />

if one is to gain the mastery.<br />

Contestants must restrain from<br />

certain articles of food <strong>and</strong> liberties<br />

they would use on other occasions.<br />

Now if this is all true in<br />

regard to athletic contests, if it<br />

were so necessary for men to be<br />

temperate in all things that they<br />

might render their best service,<br />

how much more is it true for the<br />

believer in the Christian race to<br />

be temperate in all things that he<br />

might receive the Crown of Life.<br />

1. In our thoughts. Thoughts<br />

precede words. We think before<br />

we speak. As the saying is "think<br />

twice before you speak." <strong>The</strong> lips<br />

reveal the thoughts of the heart.<br />

We can not always tell what people<br />

are thinking about <strong>and</strong> when<br />

we do think we know it is only<br />

guess, but when they speak we<br />

are certain of the thought in the<br />

heart. Our thoughts are the foundation<br />

for words <strong>and</strong> acts in open<br />

life. Since our thoughts may be<br />

regarded as the source from which<br />

our deeds spring therefore it is<br />

absolutely necessary that we<br />

should give some attention to how<br />

we think. In Prov. we read, "For<br />

as he thinketh in his heart, so is<br />

he" (23:7). Again 1 Cor. 10:12,<br />

"Wherefore let him that thinketh<br />

he st<strong>and</strong>eth take heed lest he fall."<br />

2. In our words. Our thoughts<br />

belong to self. Our words belong<br />

to others. Our thoughts concern<br />

ourselves, our words concern others.<br />

We are affected by our<br />

thoughts, others are affected by<br />

our words. How often we have<br />

heard people say, after some very<br />

cutting <strong>and</strong> unkind remark about<br />

another, "How I wish I had not<br />

said it. I do not know what made<br />

me say what I did. If I had taken<br />

the second thought I surely would<br />

not have made such a speech." It<br />

should be temperate in our words.<br />

3. In our lives. Thoughts,<br />

words <strong>and</strong> deeds make up the<br />

whole man. Our deeds is the life<br />

we live before the world; our<br />

thoughts put into action. We are<br />

told that our lives are epistles<br />

known <strong>and</strong> read of men. It is not<br />

so much what we think <strong>and</strong> what<br />

we say as what we can do that<br />

counts. We have heard men make<br />

a splendid temperance speech <strong>and</strong><br />

then we have seen them get drunk.<br />

We have heard men in the Sabbath<br />

school teach the Temperance<br />

lesson <strong>and</strong> no sooner do they get<br />

out of the church than they go<br />

after the tobacco plug. Christ<br />

says: "By their fruits ye shall know<br />

them." Not by words. Words can<br />

not reveal the condition of the<br />

heart. <strong>The</strong>y surely are an indication<br />

of a bad heart but they can<br />

not be depended upon as an indication<br />

of a good heart. Many are<br />

able to deceive by smooth words.<br />

It is the life that tells. It is the<br />

things we do that show up the<br />

character. Let us be temperate in<br />

our lives as well as in our thoughts<br />

<strong>and</strong> words.<br />


It Pays to Think About Food.^<br />

<strong>The</strong> unthinking life some people<br />

lead often causes trouble <strong>and</strong><br />

sickness, illustrated in the experience<br />

of a lady over in Wis.<br />

"About four years ago I suffered<br />

dreadfully from indigestion,<br />

always having eaten whatever 1<br />

liked, not thinking of the digestible<br />

qualities. This indigestion<br />

caused palpitation of the heart so<br />

badly I could scarcely walk up a<br />

flight of stairs without stopping<br />

to regain breath <strong>and</strong> strength.<br />

"I became alarmed <strong>and</strong> tried<br />

dieting, wore my clothes very<br />

loose, <strong>and</strong> used other remedies,<br />

but found no relief.<br />

"Hearing<br />

of the virtues of<br />

Grape-Nuts <strong>and</strong> Postum, I commenced<br />

using them in place of my<br />

usual breakfast of coffee, cakes or<br />

hot biscuit, <strong>and</strong> in one week's time<br />

I was relieved of sour stomach <strong>and</strong><br />

other ills attending<br />

indigestion.<br />

In a month's time my heart was<br />

performing its functions naturally<br />

<strong>and</strong> I could climb stairs <strong>and</strong> hills<br />

<strong>and</strong> walk long distances.<br />

"I gained ten pounds in this<br />

short time, <strong>and</strong> my skin became<br />

clear <strong>and</strong> I completely<br />

regained<br />

my health <strong>and</strong> strength. I continue<br />

to use Grape-Nuts <strong>and</strong> Postum<br />

for I feel that I owe my good<br />

health entirely to their use.<br />

"I like the delicious flavour of<br />

Grape-Nuts <strong>and</strong> by making Postum<br />

according to directions, it<br />

tastes similar to mild high grade<br />

coffee." Name given by Postum<br />

Co., Battle Creek, Mich.<br />

<strong>The</strong> most perfect food in the<br />

world. Trial of Grape-Nuts <strong>and</strong><br />

cream 10 days proves. "<strong>The</strong>re's<br />

a Reason." «.<br />

Look in pkgs. for the little book,<br />

"<strong>The</strong> Road to Wellville."<br />

Ever read the above letter A<br />

new one appears from time to<br />

time. <strong>The</strong>y are genuine, true, <strong>and</strong><br />

full of human interest.

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