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14 THE CHEISTIAN NATION. Vol. 61.<br />

Y o U n ^ Peooie's Tonic ^^^ ^^^ ^'^^ °'^'' '^^° ^^^^ ^"""^ ^^' ^'^^^S the Jews. This latter field South. <strong>The</strong> work was not fully es-<br />

S f ^P^^ fore. For a few dollars, we can ex- ,yas opened in the year 1894 through tablished until 1874, when Lewis<br />

FOR DBCBMBER 13 ^^°^^ realms whose discovery cost ,, 'L , .t^t^ i^rxi. ti ^ r 4.-x it. „<br />

R p A A T T t ^^^^i"^' Tyndall, or Stanley hundreds ^^'"'^ '^^^^^ "^ ^^r- ^^^^i*^ Metheny. Johnston, licentiate, <strong>and</strong> Eev. G. M.<br />

iiy Rev. A. A. Johnston. ^^ thous<strong>and</strong>s of dollars <strong>and</strong> patient I* i^ called the "Mission of the Cov- Elliott began Mission work in<br />

Gems from My Reading. Prov. 2: years of toil. <strong>The</strong> printing press is enant to Israel." At times the work Selma, Ala. We are told that they<br />

^ Psalm^llf'"Srt'2"'Nr'3l9^°31- ^^^ ^^^ "^^'"^ unlocks the door into in this field has been very encour- opened a school with 14 pupils. In<br />

4-7. NO. 75; 119: Part 17, No. 338; 33; welurof'^Jhe^prr Each generatTon '^'''^ ^""^ ^^''^ ^^''''' ^'"^ '^'''°''''' *^' ^'''' ^^^^ *^'<br />

1-4, No. 79; 119: Part 22, No. 347. ca^ n^^, Ijegijj j^ j^g progress, where '^Sing- "^^e believe the mission was shape, property was purchased <strong>and</strong><br />

Parallels: Phil. 4:8; Prov. 23:7; Ps. the last generation left off. ' closed or practically so for a few a congregation was <strong>org</strong>anized. <strong>The</strong><br />

119:18; Deut. 6:7; Jos. 1:8; Jer. 15: gy^ ^jj^t books should we read months for the reason no one seem- work from the first began to movp<br />

P 3 13 14 P 22 1718 <strong>The</strong> volumes already published <strong>and</strong> ed available to take hold of the work forward. Other stations were open-<br />

^<strong>The</strong>re a^e 'few'problems more im- l^dTo'numteftXmXif'sTmany ^^^" ' ^^^^' '''' ' ^'^' "^^ ^'^- "^ '* ^^''''°* ^"'' ^'"^^^ ^'''^<br />

portant to young .people than their ^^.^ ^^^^^-^^^^ ^^ ^^^^ ^^y^ ^^^^ ^^^ E. A. Blair was chosen to the field, <strong>and</strong> East Selma. According to the<br />

reading. <strong>The</strong> books we read will de- ^^ ^^^^_ ^^^ ^^g^ choose a few I^ is considered a hard field <strong>and</strong> ('Continued on page 18.)<br />

termine our thinking <strong>and</strong> our think- ^^^^^ masters <strong>and</strong> make them our why Different reasons may be men- ^^,^,^ ,^ "<br />

ing will determine our "fe Out of .instant friends. <strong>The</strong>re is firstbi- tioned. One reason is that these WON T MIX.<br />

nvionln"%ompron7Lfrecre" '^^r'^' "^^ ^^^"^^'^ "^'^^ "' "^^^- People are a foreign people <strong>and</strong> ^^-^ ^^'^ -^ ^'^^d Health Won't<br />

environment, companions <strong>and</strong> recrea- ^j.,, soswell's "life of Johnson," Car- ^ , , . , -r. • • M,-^<br />

tions influence us wonderfully, but jyj^.g ^^udy of Oliver Cromwell. <strong>The</strong>re 'P*'^^ ^ ^^''^^S^ language. It is in Mix.<br />

only because they affect our thinking, ^re great epics like Milton's "Para- reality. Foreign Mission work -<br />

which in turn creates our character, ^jg^ ,^^^„ rj,^^^^ are great novels brought home. <strong>The</strong>re are about -^^^ numan stomacn st<strong>and</strong>s mucli<br />

-Our soul is dyed the color of its ^^^^ ..^es Miserables," "Romola," 100,000 Israelites in the community ''^''''' ^^* '* ""^^ * '•'*" g°°'l<br />

Thfre'lre two ways in which we "^'}' !• ^"° ''""''" "'""'''' ''"'- ^^^ ^hey know very little about the ^'f^ '^ T'/"V! ^"'^ ^•^•<br />

there are two ways in which we ^^^•, "Oliver Twist," "Hypatia," <strong>and</strong> t^ ,. , , ''„, . ^, If you feed right you should feel<br />

can keep our thought life pure. We ^uncle Tom's Cabin." <strong>The</strong>re are won- ^""S^"'^ language. <strong>The</strong>n agam the ' ^^^ ^ ^^ '<br />

can, first, fight off every evil sug- ^grful ,poems which sing themselves Jews have rejected the Messiah, •,'•,, -, , , ,,°<br />

gestion. We can tear down every ^^^ ^ur hearts, "songs immortal as they have disowned Him as the Sa- ,,, ^® ^ ^^""^ ^°^^ ^° ^®*'"*'-<br />

vile picture from the walls of our im- j^ye, pure as the dew of the morning vior of men who should come into ^^^'^ ^^^ ^ ^®^^® "'='^<br />

to're'^'^mTure^VdTaltVthoS '"' '"'"' '' "' '"''''''•" '""^^ ''' ^he world, <strong>and</strong> therefore they have a "^^^/^ "^°^* 7 ^^^^^^ ^'' ^ ^^to<br />

eveiy impure <strong>and</strong> jealous thought t^^^ g^^.g "Crossing the Bar," i i 4. 4. , . • „ gan to suffer after each meal no<br />

But there is a better way than that •aT^^Ac„,r,r.fh'„ -t^,^ tj,,,.,,, tut^.^^,^'- personal, hatetul antagonism for " ^^ , ^.,,, ^ , „<br />

T3 , . •, • v.- , ff + Wordsworth s <strong>The</strong> Happy Warrior, ] ' ° matter how little I ate," says a Den-<br />

Paul suggests It m his letter to the ^^ Shelley's "An Ode to the West ^he Gospel. We need to remember ' •^<br />

Philippians, "Whatsoever things are ^in^." <strong>The</strong>re Is history <strong>and</strong> philoso- this Mission in our prayers that the ^'^^^ woman.<br />

true, whatsoever things are honest, ^^^ pj^g^Uy there is the Word of Lord, l^y His Spirit might open the ^®* ^ appetite <strong>and</strong> the very<br />

Whatsoever things are just, whatso- God, greater than all, greater in truth eves of this blinded'neoole<br />

thought) of food grew distasteful,<br />

ever things are pure, whatsoever ^j^^ puj.ity_ pointing to the paths of " ' ^,. ^r- . mn with the result that I was not nourthings<br />

are lovely, whatsoever things p^ace <strong>and</strong> righteousness, which tells '^- ^^"^^^^ Mission. This Mis- .^j^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^^^.^<br />

are of good report; if there be any authoritatively of Jesus in whom sion was opened among the Indians ayr r. \<br />

viirtue, if there be any praise, think alone is their salvation, the quest of in Oklahoma in tbe year 1889 ,. , ., ^ ^^^ "^^f ^.f ^ !^'^^'<br />

on these things." It is far better every man. by Eev <strong>and</strong> Mrs W W Cari "" ^^^^ ^^^^ "'•'<br />

<strong>and</strong> easier to have your heart so fill- -^ ' „ • ,, ,' ' own I have <strong>also</strong> to look out for an<br />

ed with good things, so that there will D MoPtinCT TontP K ' ^!^''' f f r^ ^^' aged mother. <strong>The</strong>re was no one to<br />

he no room for the evil, than to be wag- JT itiycr XVlcClUlx 1 UpiC been greatly rewarded. <strong>The</strong> work ii-, , t_ijij j<br />

f , 1, +n„ f„ ,...1..= «„t • f 1 • 1 • shoulder my household burdens, <strong>and</strong><br />

mg a continual battle to arlve out ^^^ j^j,^ consisted m reaching out among come what miirht T must hear them<br />

the bad. An empty garden is an in- ^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^ j^^. ^^^ come what might I mu t bear them,<br />

vitation to the weeds. But fillyour ^J ^^^- ^--*-^- 30uuiein mibsion. -, , , I j. x, about some one With trouble like<br />

thought me with tne beautiiui nowers Pac,.a(ra,„^+ ' „„„ of<br />

How wonderful are books! We can ,,. . ' , x- , sit down at the Lord's Table <strong>and</strong> mcreOiOly snort space 01<br />

., ^ J ,• f f fv - f f Missions. <strong>The</strong> question may be ''^^ uowu at tne ijora s laoie ana ,. ^ mvoolf 'i.\noc<br />

sit down <strong>and</strong> listen to the scientist ^ •' „„v,n,v,„,„^„„+„ +i,„ .q„„+i ^^i-i, o ^^'^^ 1 was again myselt. ftince<br />

tell us all he knows about stones <strong>and</strong> asked what is meant by Home Mis- commemorate the death of the Sa- ^^^^ ^ ^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^ .^<br />

seeds <strong>and</strong> birds <strong>and</strong> stars. We open sion work Our Synod speaks of ;;^7^'°°*^'^^°"^^lP J^ t^^^^' f''^* weight through a summer of hard<br />

one book <strong>and</strong> an astronomer tells us, her work among the unsaved as hath the Lord wrought.-' lo know ^,^^j_. ^^^ jga^ij^e I am a very diifer-<br />

"Here is the sum of my fiftyyeais' Foreign <strong>and</strong> Home Mission work, their lives after conversion, to hear ^r^lpurlid<br />

study of the sky." Another writer -,.•,,,, , ,, , them nrav one cannot doubt the ^^oman, all due to the splendia<br />

f „ "TT • fv. A t It is all the same work, the preach- ^'^em praj, one cannot aouot tne » , ^^.ar^Q at„i-o " ATomo rrivon hv<br />

tells us, "Here is the record of my . „ ' ^ „•„ v -j. j ai, n i j -x looa, trrape-Auts. JName given oy<br />

, • .-u . X- „ TTr-f,. V. , ino- of the Gosnel sppkino- to Ipad simplicity ot the Gospel <strong>and</strong> its won- -r, , J: -r. ,., „ •, ,^. 1<br />

travels in the Arctics." With a book ^^^b ^^ ^"e t-ospei, seeking to leaa f^ -^ ,, , , , Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich.<br />

in one h<strong>and</strong> we can go from Central men to a knowledge of Christ as derful power over the hearts <strong>and</strong> ^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^ ^.^^^^ ^^^^ ,,^^^<br />

Africa to the 'North Pole. We can go their personal Savior, but it is car- hves of men. <strong>The</strong> Mission has sure- j^^^^ ^^ Wellville " in nkgs "<strong>The</strong>re's<br />

with Audubon in his travels as he pjgjj on in different l<strong>and</strong>s Home ^y heen blessed by God to these poor ' „ ^ ' ^ ^ '<br />

studies birds, with Stanley to Africa ^^.^^.^^ ^^^j^ .^ ^^^^ ^^^^ .^ ^^^^ heathen people.<br />

' Eve^Ld the above letter A new<br />

dise. even Peary with Napoleon to We the can golden frozen glean in his tlio North, streets campaigns, experience with .of Para- John with of ^t Selma, tions home of Apache m . special our own <strong>and</strong> operation 1 l<strong>and</strong>. in j Philadelphia <strong>The</strong> m, are , loca- iu started the 3. q year o Southern among 1863 .i. that the nj- Mission. Freedmen the - Mission t, It was of was the in interest. are one genuine, appears from true time <strong>and</strong> full to letterf time. of m human <strong>The</strong>y new

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