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The Reformed Presbyterian Standard and also 0\ir ... - Rparchives.org

The Reformed Presbyterian Standard and also 0\ir ... - Rparchives.org


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Sunday-schools when young. Few of these<br />

hymns get farther than Christ's office as Saviour,<br />

which is a low estimate of the Anointed,<br />

<strong>and</strong> a selfish one, if we stop there. This<br />

imperfect view of his character accounts for<br />

much of the frivolity, emptiness, <strong>and</strong> error<br />

which devout users of them believe they find<br />

in many hymns.—W. W. Reynolds, Utica,<br />

Ohio.<br />

Two pages before in the first column of a<br />

lengthy article by Charles M. Alex<strong>and</strong>er, the<br />

singing companion of Dr. Chapman, this sentence<br />

occurs, "<strong>The</strong> Bible insists that all the<br />

people sing.''<br />

On the page before this, in a letter from<br />

Prof. Matthew B. Riddle, a member of the<br />

New Testament Company of American Revisers,<br />

on wine in the Lord's supper, occurs<br />

this remark, "And the use of individual cups,<br />

so widely approved, is not in conformity with<br />

the original mode."<br />

In the same number of the Times the Editor<br />

invites letters on "Church Choir Quarrels."<br />

This <strong>also</strong> suggests to us some<br />

thoughts.<br />


We had made a note of the Drexel Biddle<br />

Dancing Contest, but we take instead the local<br />

comment on its appearance in Philadelphia<br />

from the <strong>Presbyterian</strong> of the 23rd:<br />

"We have heard of the Biddle Bible classes<br />

from time to time, <strong>and</strong> we had hoped that they<br />

would prove to be a great power for good, but<br />

we are much disappointed to read the following<br />

announcement from one of our Philadelphia<br />

dailies:<br />

" 'A prize dansant will be given at the Biddle<br />

Bible Classes' Summer Home at Lansdowne, Pa.,<br />

this evenihg. Three prizes for the best women<br />

dancers, <strong>and</strong> three for men will be presented by<br />

A. J. Drexel Biddle. <strong>The</strong> competition, which<br />

will embrace the modern dances, will be under<br />

the direction of the entertainment committee.'<br />

"It is not our purpose here to write pro or<br />

con on the general subject of dancing, but we<br />

feel confident that the attempt to conduct a prize<br />

dance of tangoes <strong>and</strong> other modern dances, under<br />

the name <strong>and</strong> association of a Bible class, will be<br />

most offensive to the Christian conviction of all<br />

God-fearing people. It shows the violation of at<br />

least the principle of Christian expediency, as<br />

taught in the New Testament, <strong>and</strong> it foretells<br />

the disorder <strong>and</strong> dissolution of the classes which<br />

so indulge. <strong>The</strong>se classes have found their way<br />

into several of the evangelical churches, <strong>and</strong> ii<br />

will be incumbent upon the pastors <strong>and</strong> the governing<br />

boards to look after tbe spiritual interests<br />

of these classes. Moreover, this is another warning<br />

of the peril to the churches ot taking in every<br />

<strong>org</strong>anization <strong>and</strong> movement outside of the<br />

regular constituted authority of the churches."<br />

This last sentence should impress ns in view<br />

of the constant tendency to graft into tlie life<br />

of the Church every <strong>and</strong> any kind of movement,<br />

in the end in some cases in lieu of her clearly<br />

defined activities.<br />

We note in this connection the following<br />

sentences from <strong>The</strong> Christian Work <strong>and</strong> Evangelist<br />

of September 26, under <strong>The</strong> World of Today:<br />

"Acting <strong>and</strong> dancing are rapidly becoming<br />

ino- dancin.g-.<br />

familiar valuable tin's done direction, features -irith in It is Engl<strong>and</strong>." the interesting of especially work education. being <strong>The</strong>se to done note the Our mixtures way what in readers America of is folk-<br />

may are he­<br />


produce for a time a certain life akin to efferve^^cenee,<br />

but the residuum of education either<br />

from the Bible or other book at all akin to it, is<br />

small.<br />


By Rev. J. M. Coleman.<br />

This book was suppressed by the military<br />

authorities in Germany <strong>and</strong> I bought it to<br />

know why. I know now. I know that if the<br />

young men of Germany had read this book,<br />

the Kaiser with his General Staff would have<br />

had a revolution on their h<strong>and</strong>s. Wilhelm<br />

Lamszus, the author, does not exhort, he<br />

does not argue. He paints a picture in words<br />

of blood. Verestschagin painted war as it is<br />

with his brush <strong>and</strong> militarism would not allow<br />

the pictures to be put on exhibition.<br />

Why Because if men faced the realities of<br />

the battle field those who make wars would<br />

have to fight them. Militarism can not live<br />

in the light, Lamszus has painted pictures<br />

with his pen. He does not gild war with<br />

martial music <strong>and</strong> waving plumes. He gives<br />

us a moving picture of hell. Dante did the<br />

best he knew in his Inferno. But he did<br />

not know modern war. He did not know<br />

what science could do to increase the horrors<br />

of hell. Ungodly nations shall be cast into<br />

hell. This is not a comm<strong>and</strong> of God. It is<br />

a prophecy. It is permission. William of<br />

Hohenzollern <strong>and</strong> his General Staff fulfilled<br />

the prophecy.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re are a dozen chapters in the book,<br />

but as I read it I did not notice that there<br />

were chapters. From beginning to end it<br />

is a scream of agony. Yet there is nothing<br />

in it that is not being acted out along the<br />

battle line in France. It is not strange that<br />

Caesar Wilhelm suppressed the call of Lamszus<br />

to humanity, or that Caesar Nicholas suppressed<br />

the call of Verestschagin.<br />

<strong>The</strong> modern censorship serves two purposes.<br />

It keeps the enemy from knowing<br />

the plans; it keeps the people at home from<br />

knowing the red terror at the front. If the<br />

moving picture men were allowed to get a<br />

battlefield on the film, if the correspondents<br />

were allowed to get the facts on paper, it<br />

would start a storm of protest against war<br />

that the pride of the Pharaohs could not resist.<br />

That is the purpose of this little book. You<br />

need to read it <strong>and</strong> then you need to lend,<br />

hoping that it will not come back. <strong>The</strong>n<br />

you will i;ot be disappointed. <strong>The</strong> National<br />

Rip-Saw, St. Louis, Mo., will send it to you<br />

for fifty-sixcents. About sixty elsewhere.<br />

Get it <strong>and</strong> let it start a peace movement.<br />


New York, October, 1914.<br />

Dear Brother:—Allow me to call your attention<br />

to the claims of the Foreign Missions.<br />

For your instruction <strong>and</strong> that of the<br />

congregation under your oversight, I give<br />

below the estimate for 1914-1915, prepared<br />

by Treasurer Metheny, <strong>and</strong> published for<br />

the guidance of the churches in making their<br />

contributions to the Syrian Mission on the<br />

first Sabbath of December, 1914, <strong>and</strong> to the<br />

Mission in China on the firstSabbath of January,<br />

1915:<br />


Sal'i-ies Exp'nse Rent Tr'vel T'tal<br />

Syria $5,695 $7,729 $ 500 $i:;,'J24<br />

Asia Minor 5,230 6,600 1,250 1,500 14,5i!0<br />

Cyprus .. $14,575 . 3,,65016,329 2,000 $1,250 $2..3o0 350 $34,504 6,0i)0<br />


Sal'ries Exp'nse Bldg Tr'vel T'tal<br />

Tak Hing $8,735 (As approved $1,500 $10,235<br />

Do Sing .. 1,010 by Synod of 1,010<br />

Lo Ting . . 2,680 1912, for the 2,lWiJ<br />

Mission Field<br />

$12,425 $1,500 13,!125<br />

in China.)<br />

$4,.0O0 $8,000 ^ $12,000<br />

$25,925<br />

<strong>The</strong> only item in this estimate dem<strong>and</strong>ing<br />

explanation is that of mission or fieldexpense,<br />

which includes every expenditure on<br />

the fields, in addition to the salaries of American<br />

missionaries <strong>and</strong> allowances made to<br />

them for their children, namely: Wages of<br />

native Licentiates, Evangelists, Bible Readers,<br />

Teachers in Boarding <strong>and</strong> Village<br />

schools, male <strong>and</strong> female, <strong>and</strong> other native<br />

helpers; Rent for buildings in locahties<br />

where the Church does not own property,<br />

purchase of l<strong>and</strong>, repairs on buildings, provisions<br />

<strong>and</strong> fuel for Boarding Schools, clothing<br />

for free pupils, medical <strong>and</strong> surgical supplies,<br />

<strong>and</strong> local traveling expenses. For details<br />

please consult Minutes of Synod for<br />

1914, pages 105-103. <strong>The</strong> appron-iation of<br />

$30,000 for the Missions in the Levant, <strong>and</strong><br />

of $20,000 for the Missions in China, are not<br />

too large to meet the dem<strong>and</strong>s of these needy<br />

fields, <strong>and</strong> the Board solicits the co-operation<br />

of each pastor, who is in a better position<br />

than any member of the Board to stir the<br />

hearts of the people under his care to increased<br />

liberality in Christian giving, that<br />

the full amount may be paid into the Treasury.<br />

<strong>The</strong> spiritual prosperity of the home<br />

churches, the salvation of souls in heathen<br />

<strong>and</strong> Moslem l<strong>and</strong>s, <strong>and</strong> the honor of the enthroned<br />

Redeemer should be inspiring motives<br />

to unresting activity in seeking the<br />

evangelization of countries for which we<br />

offer daily prayer. And we cannot say, "Thy«<br />

Kingdom come," <strong>and</strong> not give to the full<br />

measure of our ability to hasten its coming<br />

in fullness <strong>and</strong> power.<br />

By Order of the Foreign Board,<br />


Corresponding Secretary.

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