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November 11, 1914.<br />


Inthe Sabbath<br />

School<br />

Lesson IX. November 29, 1914<br />


By the Rev. Owen F. Thompson.<br />

Golden Text.—Surely he hath born our griefs<br />

<strong>and</strong> carried our sorrows; yet we did esteem him<br />

stricken, smitten of God, <strong>and</strong> afflicted.—Isaiah<br />

53:4.<br />

Lesson Text.—Mark 15:22-39 (Luke 23:39-43).<br />

Times.—A. D. 30. Place.—Jerusalem.<br />

Suitable Psalms.—22, 130, 88, 69.<br />

Exposition.—<strong>The</strong>re is more written <strong>and</strong> spoken<br />

about the crucifixion of Christ than about any<br />

other part of the Bible. This passage contains<br />

so many important things that it will not be<br />

possible to do more than suggest what might<br />

be brought out along the different lines.<br />

Christ refused the wine mingled with myrrh<br />

because that was a preparation to deaden the<br />

senses so that the pain would not be so great.<br />

It <strong>also</strong> deadened the feelings so that the sense<br />

of shame was not so great. Christ would not<br />

take it because he must suffer both the shame<br />

<strong>and</strong> the pain to the full.<br />

We wonder at the brutality of the soldiers<br />

who gambled for the clothes of the Savior^as he<br />

hung stripped <strong>and</strong> naked on the cross above<br />

them. We call it thoughtlessness today when<br />

the same thing is done, but in God's sight the<br />

careless crucifixion of Christ today is just as<br />

brutal as it was two thous<strong>and</strong> years ago. We<br />

quarrel <strong>and</strong> scheme over the advantages that<br />

come through Christ <strong>and</strong> from the church, while<br />

: the crucifixion of the Savior goes on without advantage<br />

to those who die.<br />

All the way through you can see the mockery<br />

<strong>and</strong> the scorn of the Jews who worked so hard<br />

to bring him in this place. <strong>The</strong>y felt that it<br />

was a victory for them that they should bring<br />

this man down so low when he had made such<br />

high claims. It is the taunt of a victorious<br />

enemy'over one who has fallen at his h<strong>and</strong>s.<br />

He saved others, but could not save himself, for<br />

that would have meant disobedience to God's<br />

will. He learned obedience by the things that<br />

he suffered so that he became obedient to death<br />

when he knew that it was the Father's will.<br />

He could not save himself because to do so<br />

would disprove his divinity. It would have madfl<br />

him weak <strong>and</strong> untrue to himself which things<br />

could not be said of God.<br />

He could not save himself because that would<br />

mean the victory of Satan with all the loss to<br />

God <strong>and</strong> men that would follow.<br />

But even though it was thrown at him as a<br />

weakness that he could not save himself, even<br />

the Chief Priests could not but acknowledge that<br />

he saved others. And if they had only known<br />

it, "Christ showed the highest sort of greatness in<br />

accepting defeat that he might save others.<br />

In the thirty-third verse we are told of tbe<br />

darkness that came over the whole l<strong>and</strong> for<br />

three hours while Christ hung on the cross.<br />

Many have wondered why this darkness came.<br />

Perhaps it was to hide this mo t terrible of all<br />

deeds that have ever been perpetrated in the<br />

world. Like a father shielding his little child<br />

from some horrible sight, so the heavenly Father<br />

cast his shadow over this terrible sight to shield<br />

his people from the horror of it.<br />

Perhaps the darkness was to hide the shame<br />

of Christ suffering for sin. Think of the things<br />

in your life that, you are ashamed of <strong>and</strong> then<br />

if all the shameful things in all the lives of<br />

God's people were brought together, you would<br />

have the shame of Christ before God. It is<br />

caUed the shameful death of the cross.<br />

the darkness came perhaps to hide the<br />

Father's dealing with his son for his guilt. As<br />

a parent takes a child into an inner room when<br />

he has sinned, so the Father by this darkness,<br />

shut out the curious gaze of the world when he<br />

dealt with his son for the sin he had taken<br />

for us. .<br />

• heaven his irigness the darkness. Christ. perhaps, more sufEering darkened Perhaps What the own Sun fearful darkness met upon to does It of more m. at look the showed Righteousness in that the He condition darkness <strong>and</strong> the upon devils terrible was wicked darkness alone. sin made how <strong>and</strong> of came sight. signified signifies even deed. leaves lonely. signify the sin when in to shutting for Heaven's world wrath the make God's we Things us. It person are frown world signifies without Christs of unwill-<br />

alone brow seem God ot<br />

in of<br />

This darkness signifies to us all nature m<br />

mourning at the death of its Creator <strong>and</strong> Lord.<br />

'<strong>The</strong> rending of the temple veil from top to<br />

bottom means that the holy of holies is opened<br />

up for all now through the death of Christ Christ<br />

IS the Way now. We have direct approach to<br />

God through him. <strong>The</strong> old veil of ceremonies<br />

<strong>and</strong> types has been removed.<br />

As the bodies of the beasts that were sacrificed<br />

for sin were burned without the camp, so Jesus<br />

our Sacrifice, was taken without the camp, or<br />

out of the city to suffer.-See Hebrews 13:11-12-13.<br />

Christ suffering without the camp, showed that<br />

he was considered worthless <strong>and</strong> unclean by<br />

men whom he came to save.<br />

Christ suffering without the camp shows the<br />

depth to which men had fallen in immorality<br />

that they should chose a murderer to be<br />

turned loose among them <strong>and</strong> cast the Son of<br />

God out of the city to die.<br />

Now let us look at the whole story of the<br />

crucifixion of Christ <strong>and</strong> see some of the things<br />

that it signifies to us. It is a wonderful story<br />

<strong>and</strong> it is the theme of the whole Bible. Christ<br />

<strong>and</strong> him crucified was the subject of all Paul's<br />

preaching.<br />

<strong>The</strong> crucifixion signifies then, that the human<br />

race had sunk to an infinite depth to be able to<br />

look on the crucifixion of the Son of God, the<br />

Redeemer, without raising a h<strong>and</strong> to stop it.<br />

It signifies that the natural disposition of man<br />

is to be cruel. Little children have to be taught<br />

not to kill <strong>and</strong> torture defenceless creatures.<br />

That disposition develops if unchecked.<br />

It signifies that God <strong>and</strong> Satan, good <strong>and</strong> evil,<br />

are the two extremes of all things that we know.<br />

It signifies that sin is infinitely heinous. <strong>The</strong><br />

greatness of sin can be measured only by the<br />

price paid for its atonement.<br />

<strong>The</strong> crucifixion signifies that the highest service<br />

is the service of sacrifice. <strong>The</strong> last thing<br />

that a person is willing to give is himself. Whe a<br />

you have reached the point where you can give<br />

yourself, then you have reached the top. Greater<br />

love hath no man, than this that a man lay down<br />

his life for his friend.<br />

<strong>The</strong> crucifixion signifies that the way of the<br />

cross is the only way to God. If there had<br />

been any other way, the Father would have certainly<br />

taken it, for he suffered with Christ,<br />

when he died on the cross. If there had been<br />

any other way, Christ would certainly have taken<br />

it, for the price he paid was far beyond our<br />

power to conceive. It is the only way, for men<br />

have been trying to reach God by other ways<br />

than by the way of the cross <strong>and</strong> they have always<br />

failed. If any man will come after me,<br />

let him take up his cross <strong>and</strong> follow me. That<br />

is the way that he has opened for us <strong>and</strong> there<br />

is no other way provided.<br />

I have read advertisements about the "easy<br />

road to success" <strong>and</strong> "easy street" in business<br />

<strong>and</strong> such as that, but Christ never advertises<br />

the straight <strong>and</strong> narrow road of the Christian<br />

walk as "easy road" or "easy street." It is<br />

always the LESSON way of FOR the THE cross CHILDREN. <strong>and</strong> the greater the<br />

Lesson sacrifice 'IX. the November more sure 29, you 1914. can be that you" are<br />

on the road<br />

By<br />

that<br />

Anna<br />

Christ<br />

Pritchard<br />

walked<br />

Ge<strong>org</strong>e.<br />

<strong>and</strong> the way<br />

that will lead you to God.<br />


What road are you on Have you found the<br />

Mark way 15:21-41; of life to Luke be the 23:39-43. way of the cross That<br />

does All not think mean hard that <strong>and</strong> it tell is the me road what that was one the must saddest<br />

walk day with you doleful ever knew. face Yes, <strong>and</strong> Frances. loud lamentation.<br />

"<strong>The</strong> day<br />

mother Christ said died." to the That people was about certainly him as hard. he walked<br />

the way is with of tbe Jesus cross, now Weep <strong>and</strong> so not happy. for me. Today You<br />

But<br />

mother<br />

we will will find talk that about while the way saddest of the day cross this means whole<br />

world the way ever of knew. self-sacrifice that this way is the<br />

way In what of great city glory was at Jesus the when end <strong>and</strong> the the Jews way <strong>and</strong> to<br />

Pilate an inheritance tried him. in the Bud Father's "In Jerusalem." house. And<br />

what did they decide to do with Jesus, Mary<br />

"Crucify him." On the table pile up the s<strong>and</strong> tor<br />

the hills in <strong>and</strong> around Jerusalem. Lay these<br />

stones around Jerusalem for the large wall, leaving<br />

open spaces for the gates. Place these small<br />

boxes in the city forming rows of bouses. All<br />

these sticks are the people. Here is the Palace.<br />

It is between eight <strong>and</strong> nine o'clock in the<br />

morning. Here come a crowd from this building.<br />

First come the soldiers, then three men, each<br />

bearing a cross. One of the three is so weary<br />

he can scarcely crawl along. Who is he, Ge<strong>org</strong>e<br />

"Jesus." Jesus has been abused so much <strong>and</strong><br />

has been without food <strong>and</strong> sleep for so long that<br />

he totters along barely able to drag his' feet.<br />

<strong>The</strong>n here come the scribes <strong>and</strong> Pharisees <strong>and</strong><br />

the chief priests themselves, even the high priest<br />

Following close is the noisy cruel crowd, yelling<br />

<strong>and</strong> making fun of Jesus all the way. Here are<br />

folks who look sad <strong>and</strong> women who are weeping.<br />

Who are they. Buster "Jesus' friends"<br />

<strong>The</strong>y caUnot help Jesus but want to be with him<br />

if they can.<br />

As they come to this wall at the northern side<br />

of Jerusalem, Jesus staggers <strong>and</strong> falls. Here is<br />

a man passing by named Simon. He is a stranger<br />

from Cyrene, <strong>and</strong> the men make him carry<br />

Jesus' cross. Wouldn't you want to help Jesus,<br />

James, when He was so weary "I'd have asked<br />

to carry the cross." But Simon had to be made<br />

carry it. "Him, they compelled to bear his<br />

cross." He is like folks who growl about doing<br />

what Jesus wants. <strong>The</strong>y obey because they must<br />

—not because they wish to.<br />

<strong>The</strong> crowd are outside the city now. Jesus<br />

hears the women crying. Would you expect Jesus<br />

to be thinking of others now, John, when he is<br />

on his way to be crucified But Jesus does not<br />

thing of himself. "Daughters of Jerusalem," Jesus<br />

says, "weep not for me, but weep for yourselves,<br />

<strong>and</strong> for your children." <strong>The</strong> Jews are<br />

bringing terrible times on themselves by their<br />

cruelty to Jesus.<br />

Now the soldiers bring Jesus <strong>and</strong> the two other<br />

men, who are robbers, to Calvary, this hill<br />

north of Jerusalem. Here they nail Jesus to the<br />

cross <strong>and</strong> crucify the two robbers, one on each<br />

side of Jesus. <strong>The</strong>y offered Jesus something to<br />

drink which would deaden the pain, but He<br />

would not take it. It was wine mingled with gall.<br />

St<strong>and</strong> these three cardboard crosses in the s<strong>and</strong>.<br />

Pilate places a sign over Jesus' cross which says<br />

"Jesus of Nazareth, the King ot the Jews." <strong>The</strong><br />

chief priests do not like this <strong>and</strong> want Pilate to<br />

change it, but he says, "What I have written I<br />

have written."<br />

Down here at the foot of Jesus' cross are a<br />

group of soldiers. <strong>The</strong>y are dividing Jesus'<br />

clothing among them. His cloak is too fine to cut<br />

so they cast lots for it. A little beyond the soldiers<br />

are Jesus' friends. Who are there, Grace<br />

"His mother." Yes, <strong>and</strong> John, the beloved disciple,<br />

<strong>and</strong> Mary, the wife of Cleopas, <strong>and</strong> Mary<br />

Magdalene. And all these other sticks stretching<br />

away out over the country toward Jerusalem<br />

are the people who have followed.<br />

Jesus looks at those who have crucified Him,<br />

then calls to His Father in Heaven, "Father, f<strong>org</strong>ive<br />

them, for tbey know not what they do." <strong>The</strong><br />

soldiers <strong>and</strong> the people passing by mock Jesus.<br />

Even the chief priests <strong>and</strong> scribes <strong>and</strong> elders.<br />

One of the robbers jeers at him, "Art not thou<br />

the Christ Save thyself <strong>and</strong> us." You would<br />

have thought the robber would be afraid to talk<br />

that way when he is almost dead. <strong>The</strong> other<br />

robber is sorry for his sins. He wishes he had<br />

been a good man, <strong>and</strong> he believes in Jesus. Turning<br />

to the firstrobber this one rebukes him, <strong>and</strong><br />

to Jesus he says, "Jesus, remember me when<br />

thou comest into thy kingdom." Jesus sees the<br />

man is in earnest <strong>and</strong> loves bim. "Verily I say<br />

unto thee, today shalt thou be with me in Paradise."<br />

Still Jesus' thoughts are all for othefs.<br />

How about his mother, Ruth She will need some<br />

one to care for her after Jesus has gone. Jesus<br />

calls down to her, as she st<strong>and</strong>s beside .Tohn,<br />

"Woman, behold thy son!" <strong>The</strong>n to John, "Behold<br />

thy mother!" So from now on John takes<br />

care of Jesus' mother.<br />

parched into And the It l<strong>and</strong>, hours. "My speaks Montclair, Suddenly is a him ninth boys." thy for little God, almost a of vinegar Jesus whom h<strong>and</strong>s dense mouth. hour my while, his And a over N. God, terrible is does pain. I Jesus darkness, on for commend J. silent with "It now. why a he everyone "I is cries sponge darkness another die, finished," during bast thirst." For <strong>and</strong> mv out Gladys tbe thou <strong>and</strong> who soirit." it loud all with covers firsttime <strong>The</strong>y lasts moisten forsaken this will crv. "For a Jesus says. loud the time. love reach "Father.<br />

Jesus' whole three me" voice. di°s. 'iris<br />

him. <strong>The</strong>n up At

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