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July 29, 1914.<br />


1<br />

Inthe Sabbath School<br />

Lesson VII. August 16, 1914.<br />


By the Rev. Owen F. Thompson.<br />

Golden Text.—<strong>The</strong> stone which the builders<br />

rejected, the same was made the head of the<br />

corner. 'Matthew 21:42<br />

Lesson Text—Matthew 21:33-46.<br />

Time—April A. D. 30. 'Place.—Jerusalem.<br />

Suitable Psalms.—118:16-20, 2, 21, 45.<br />

Exposition.—<strong>The</strong> golden text is quoted in somewhat<br />

different language in several places in the<br />

Bible. It is one of the best to teach us the kingship<br />

ot Christ <strong>and</strong> it is a good verse with which<br />

to bear witness. It is a verse that our church<br />

ought to love for it tells so plainly <strong>and</strong> so beautifully<br />

of the headship of Christ <strong>and</strong> the honor<br />

that is his.<br />

Christ's mediatorial headship is universal <strong>and</strong><br />

complete. In a special sense he is head over the<br />

church.<br />

Jesus Christ has a good title to the throne. It<br />

belongs to him because of the perfection of his<br />

qualifications. <strong>The</strong>se constitute his own inherent<br />

right to rule. He naturally takes his place at<br />

the head just as one in a crowd naturally assumes<br />

leadership because best qualified.<br />

<strong>The</strong> kingship belongs to Christ because he has<br />

been prepared for the position. You might say<br />

that God prepared him a king in Jesus Christ. He<br />

was bom a Jew, but he is not a Jew today. He is<br />

as much an American as a Jew <strong>and</strong> as much an<br />

African as an American. He is the man without<br />

a country in this world <strong>and</strong> the brother of every<br />

man. He is the man whose country is over<br />

yonder where there are neither Jews nor Greeks.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re are neither rich nor poor. All are in one<br />

class <strong>and</strong> nationality. <strong>The</strong> class is "Redeemed<br />

Slaves." <strong>The</strong> nationality is "Chistians of the<br />

Kingdom of Heaven."<br />

<strong>The</strong>n more than that he was prepared for the<br />

position of king by the life that he lived among<br />

men while in the world. He was to rule over<br />

men so he lived as a man till he knew men as<br />

no other has known them.<br />

<strong>The</strong> kingship belongs to Christ because of his<br />

inherent right as Creator. You say of a garden<br />

that you have planted <strong>and</strong> tended that it is yours.<br />

•you can give others right to go <strong>and</strong> gather there<br />

or you can refuse. You can dig up or you can<br />

water <strong>and</strong> cultivate. It is yours. It is that way<br />

with the world <strong>and</strong> the universe that Christ has<br />

made. It is his.<br />

<strong>The</strong> kingship is his by right of actual purchase.<br />

"Ought not Christ to have suffered these things<br />

<strong>and</strong> to have entered into his 'glory"<br />

His title to the throne is made sure by the will<br />

of GoA the Father. "God <strong>also</strong> hath highly exalted<br />

him <strong>and</strong> given him a name that is above every<br />

name, that at the name of Jesus every- knee<br />

should bow <strong>and</strong> every tongue confess."<br />

To make things definite, let us say that this<br />

nation—the United States of America—has refused<br />

to recognize the kingship of Christ. It is as<br />

though this nation were saying, "I am monarch<br />

of all I survey. My right there is none to dlb<br />

pute." But the Spirit of God says, "He that sitteth<br />

in the heavens shall laugh; the Lord shall have<br />

them in derision." "Ask or me <strong>and</strong> I will give<br />

thee the nations for thine inheritance."<br />

This nation has refused the headship of Christ<br />

by framing its constitution on the authority of<br />

the aggregate body of citizens instead of on the<br />

authority of Christ, the rightful king.<br />

This nation has refused to recognize the headship<br />

of Christ by refusing to recognize his laws<br />

<strong>and</strong> in making laws contrary to his law.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Sabbath laws, the liquor laws, the divorce<br />

laws, the unscriptural oath, the "no religious test<br />

act" <strong>and</strong> many others show plainly what the spirit<br />

of the nation is <strong>and</strong> how they are going contrary<br />

to God's way.<br />

But in spite of all this, Christ is king even<br />

though they do not recognize him. He is ruling<br />

' builds us fault that bore King. world what well of He enanter <strong>and</strong> great tion. sible <strong>The</strong> bringing So has is men the of <strong>and</strong> movements Men story plainly a bringing our gone ought his wanted bitter turned wall how are hearts. the that of against away to how fruit coming of nation them away have sin that gave protection into making Christ carefully of He came to a from sin. to men the him digs h<strong>and</strong> be. see the into of going far Ho as the every <strong>and</strong> It God that about King the feet we country men's plants was right the waters on vineyard 'can it prepared chance of <strong>and</strong> his through great lives road see the every not <strong>and</strong> the it. people. Great to in word work tells<br />

<strong>and</strong><br />

pos- He no the Cov­<br />

na-<br />

time oi gathering fruit has come. <strong>The</strong> servants<br />

have come to the vineyard <strong>and</strong> how much fruit<br />

have they gathered How hard have they worked<br />

at the harvesting How much have they suffered<br />

<strong>and</strong> sacrificed in the gathering No one will ever<br />

know but God till the last day. <strong>The</strong>y were beaten<br />

<strong>and</strong> starved <strong>and</strong> burned. <strong>The</strong>y died for Him whom<br />

they loved <strong>and</strong> who sent them out to gather.<br />

How is it with you Which side are you on<br />

Are you among those who are trying with all<br />

their might to gather fruit for God Are you risking<br />

everything or even anything for God Is it<br />

costing you anything to be a Christian Is it<br />

bringing persecution to you in any form because<br />

you are trying to please Christ instead of the<br />

world Christ came to claim us as the fruit of<br />

his planting—what are you doing to gather in the<br />

fruit of the vine which is Christ Jesus<br />

Do you think that it was a great risk that God<br />

ran when he sent his son into the world to save<br />

men Do you think that Christ was running a<br />

great risk when he came to save his people He<br />

ran no risk. He came to certain death. From our<br />

st<strong>and</strong>point it looked like a risk but to Christ it<br />

was not. We did not know how it was gong to<br />

turn out, hut he did.<br />

Are you willing to do for Christ what he has<br />

done for you Are you willing to drink of the<br />

cup that he has drunk of Do not answer hastily<br />

for it is a bitter cup but he asks us to drink it.<br />

<strong>The</strong> world is not to remain in the h<strong>and</strong>s of<br />

the wicked always. <strong>The</strong> time is coming when<br />

Satan will no longer rule in the world as he seems<br />

to do now. Christ is abiding his time, but his<br />

time is coming just as surely as the sun rises<br />

<strong>and</strong> when it comes there is to be a great casting<br />

out <strong>and</strong> the woild will no longer be in the h<strong>and</strong>s<br />

of Satan <strong>and</strong> wicked men but in the h<strong>and</strong>s of<br />

Christ <strong>and</strong> his people.<br />

What are you doing to bring that time about<br />

Are you bringing it about in your neighborhood<br />

today If you are <strong>and</strong> all other Christians are,<br />

then the time is not far distant.<br />

Those who will not help in with the kingdom<br />

of Christ are the losers. It does not pay to resist<br />

Jesus Christ. You may get ahead in some things,<br />

hut in the end you will find yourself far behind<br />

even though you are left unmolested for many<br />

years to work out the fruits of sin.<br />

<strong>The</strong> man or the nation that runs up against<br />

Christ finds that he has come up to a stone wall<br />

<strong>and</strong> that there is no breaking through. You can<br />

go to one side or the other for a long ways sometimes<br />

but when you start ahead where Christ has<br />

set himself to block the way then you need beware.<br />

When the Stone falls on a man or a nation that<br />

is the end. How many nations nave been ground<br />

to powder <strong>and</strong> scattered to the winds <strong>and</strong> are<br />

f<strong>org</strong>otten today—even the great nations of the<br />

world.<br />

tower for, Helen "For the watchman." Now the<br />

vineyard is all ready—beautiful, safe <strong>and</strong> ready<br />

for some one to work <strong>and</strong> enjoy. This clothespin<br />

is the owner. He sends for some husb<strong>and</strong>men—<br />

men who know how to care for vineyards. <strong>The</strong>se<br />

sticks are they. <strong>The</strong> vineyard is such a wonderfully<br />

flne one everyone would want to rent it,<br />

but the owner 'chooses certain ones. He says<br />

they may rent the vineyard but must pay him so<br />

much fruit when the grapes are ripe. <strong>The</strong>n the<br />

owner goes away into a distant country.<br />

At this other end of the s<strong>and</strong> teble these boxes<br />

are the homes in the country to which the owner<br />

of the vineyard goes. <strong>The</strong>se sticks are his servants,<br />

<strong>and</strong> this white one is his son." it is the<br />

fall of th© year, probably September. "<strong>The</strong> grapes<br />

are ripe by this time surely;" the owner says to<br />

his servants, "so I want you men to go to the<br />

husb<strong>and</strong>men <strong>and</strong> collect the fruit." Here come<br />

the servants to the vineyard. Will the husb<strong>and</strong>men<br />

treat them kindly, Ge<strong>org</strong>e "I'd think so."<br />

iSee what they do. <strong>The</strong>y take this firstservant<br />

<strong>and</strong> beat him, then send him away without<br />

any fruit. Another servant they kill, <strong>and</strong> at the<br />

other they cast stones, wounding him badly.<br />

What would you expect the owner to do, Ellsworth<br />

"Go down <strong>and</strong> kill the husb<strong>and</strong>men."<br />

But he still has patience, <strong>and</strong> sends more servants.<br />

<strong>The</strong> husb<strong>and</strong>men treat them the same<br />

way—beating some, killing some, <strong>and</strong> stoning<br />

the rest. Does the owner care, Bud "He must."<br />

Yes, the owner cares a great deal more than you<br />

or I can know. "What shall I do I will send<br />

my beloved son. <strong>The</strong>y will reverence my son.'<br />

This son is so good <strong>and</strong> noble, the father thinks<br />

the husb<strong>and</strong>men will surely be kind to him. Here<br />

comes the son toward the vineyard. As the<br />

husb<strong>and</strong>men see him in the distance they say<br />

among themselves, "This is the heir; come, let<br />

us kill him, <strong>and</strong> let us seize on his inheritance."<br />

And they cast him out of the vineyard <strong>and</strong> itill<br />

him. Now what will the father do, Alvin "He<br />

will surely kill them now." Yes, he will utterly<br />

destroy these wicked husb<strong>and</strong>men <strong>and</strong> turn the<br />

vineyard over to others who will be faithful.<br />

This world is God's vineyard. Who are the<br />

husb<strong>and</strong>men, Mary "We are." And who is<br />

the son he sends "Jesus." <strong>The</strong> Jewish Nation<br />

refused to accept Jesus <strong>and</strong> crucified him, so<br />

the Nation was destroyed. Anyone who refuses<br />

to accept Jesus as their Saviour is one of these<br />

twicked husb<strong>and</strong>men. To' reject Christ is to crucify<br />

him. Do you want to be classed with the<br />

wicked husb<strong>and</strong>men or with the friends of Jesus<br />

A story is told about when Solomon was building<br />

that beautiful Tem-ple in Jerusalem. <strong>The</strong> men<br />

were fittingthe stones together. We will make<br />

a tiny building with these stones on the table.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re was one stone which was oddly shaped. It<br />

would not fitin any place. <strong>The</strong> builders tried<br />

it this way <strong>and</strong> that, but it was not the right<br />

Lesson How VIL many men who have been August counted 16, 1914. the shape. Finally they threw it to one side <strong>and</strong><br />

great men LESSON of the world FOR THE <strong>and</strong> who CHILDREN have ruled with left It there. <strong>The</strong> Temple was a long time in<br />

an iron h<strong>and</strong> By as Anna tyrants Pritchard have heard Ge<strong>org</strong>e. the summons, building <strong>and</strong> this stone became covered with<br />

"Come!" THE <strong>and</strong> there WICKED was no HUSBANDMEN.<br />

resisting. <strong>The</strong>y went moss. We can place moss on this stone. Now<br />

to meet their God. Matthew It is 21:33-46. a terrible thing to fall the time has come for placing the corner stone<br />

nto Did the you h<strong>and</strong>s ever of refuse God when a gift he <strong>and</strong> has then set himself afterward for What is that, Ellis "<strong>The</strong> chief stone in the<br />

find your destruction. that it was what Are you like really the wanted Pharisees most who of building." lYes, <strong>and</strong> all the people come to see<br />

all perceive Today's that Christ lesson is speaking about people against who you refuse Do the corner stone laid, but the workmen cannot<br />

to you accept see that the you greatest are resisting gift God Christ's has to rule offer. in your find it, search as they may. Finally some one<br />

life'' 'First If we you will do have see that one then of Jesus' it is time stories. give A says, "Perhaps that stone covered with moss<br />

man up <strong>and</strong> plants make a vineyard. an unconditional What grows surrender in a to vineyard<br />

Remember, Mittie unconditional "Grapes" surrender You may is each far st<strong>and</strong> better <strong>The</strong>y try it, <strong>and</strong> it just fits. <strong>The</strong> stone the build­<br />

the which the builders rejected, is the corner stone."<br />

one ban of complete these leafy defeat. twigs in the s<strong>and</strong> on the table, ers rejected is the head of the corner. <strong>The</strong>y could<br />

for grape vines. Place them in nice even rows. not finishwithout it. Can we get along without<br />

<strong>The</strong>n he encloses it with a dense hedge. Of what Jesus, Elmer No, some people think they can,<br />

use is the hedge, James "To keep out-cattle."<br />

Yes <strong>and</strong> wild beasts too. So we will plant these<br />

prickly twigs all around the vineyard. In the<br />

center he huilds a press for the grapes. In this<br />

corner he builds a tower, about forty feet high.<br />

but the time comes when they need him badly.<br />

To be truly happy we must have Jesus. To reach<br />

heaven, we must have Jesus. Would you want<br />

to die without Jesus' h<strong>and</strong> holding yours, Grace<br />

It would be terrible. Jesus is the corner stone in<br />

We will make it of these stones. What is the this world <strong>and</strong> in heaven too. What is our Golden<br />

Text, John "<strong>The</strong> stone which the builders<br />

rejected, the same was made the head of the<br />

corner." Do not let us reject Jesus, but hold fast<br />

to Montclair, him all the N. way. J.

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