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The Reformed Presbyterian Standard and also 0\ir ... - Rparchives.org


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December 23, 1914.<br />


E D I T O R I A L<br />

John W. Pritchard, Editor.<br />


Sodom does not seem to have been any use<br />

to the natives, since it made them unfit to<br />

live anywhere. It was of no use to Lot, since<br />

he was finallypulled out of the city bankrupt<br />

in cattle <strong>and</strong> in morals. <strong>The</strong> real use of<br />

Sodom was indirect; it brought out the faith<br />

of Abraham <strong>and</strong> the wondrous mercy of God.<br />

Without that ungodly city we could not have<br />

had Abraham calling together his little b<strong>and</strong><br />

to follow up the allies from the Euphrates<br />

<strong>and</strong> force them to give up their captives <strong>and</strong><br />

their spoil. It must have made God rather<br />

proud of Abraham when he heard him after<br />

the victory refuse to take even a shoestring<br />

from the spoil lest some one might claim<br />

that Abraham owed his goods to some other<br />

than God. Nothing self-made about Abraham.<br />

Without Sodom we would never have<br />

known how far God would go to please a<br />

friend. Sodom needed to be wiped oft the<br />

earth <strong>and</strong> the place to be disinfected to keep<br />

the earth from spoiling. But God said he<br />

could not do the thing without talking the<br />

matter over with Abraham. It is in this affair<br />

that Abraham brings God out as only<br />

a friend could do. First he asks God to spare<br />

the city for fifty, <strong>and</strong> then dropped the figures<br />

down to ten, leaving off then because<br />

he thought that surely ten could be found in<br />

curse as a blessing.<br />

such a city as that. Perhaps Abraham was<br />

close enough to God to ask for a limit of<br />

five <strong>and</strong> get it, but even then it would not<br />

have been any use to Sodom. <strong>The</strong> only real<br />

use for Sodom, or for any wicked man, or<br />

city, is to bring out the character of God<br />

<strong>and</strong> his friends.<br />

LOYALTY.<br />

Among the passions which bless or curse<br />

mankind there are few more capable of both<br />

results than loyalty. When it has a worthy<br />

object it binds men together in the pursuit<br />

of the highest ends; when the object is unworthy<br />

it is capable of promoting great<br />

wrongs. Also the time element must be considered,<br />

since devotion to an institution may<br />

be a blessing at one time <strong>and</strong> a curse at another.<br />

In the days of the patriarchs the loyalty<br />

of the race had no broader reach than<br />

devotion to the family. Men divided into<br />

families at Babel <strong>and</strong> it was centuries before<br />

they learned any wider allegiance. Outside<br />

the family the individual was an outlaw,<br />

inside he found his place in being loyal<br />

to family interests.<br />

But loyalty to a family, however large,<br />

could never satisfy the sympathy which God<br />

meant that his creatures should lavish on<br />

their fellows. For this reason we find the<br />

families merging in tribes, <strong>and</strong> there arose<br />

the social need that the old loyalty to the<br />

family should be succeeded by the new loyalty<br />

to the larger unit. Again we find the<br />

In modern history one may date the rise<br />

of nationalism when Joan of Arc inspired<br />

<strong>and</strong> led her people, the French, in freeing<br />

their l<strong>and</strong> from English invaders. It was<br />

not her banner, not the recognition that she<br />

was called of God, not her faith in her mission,<br />

that made it possible for her to lead<br />

defeated armies to victory <strong>and</strong> crown the<br />

king at Rheims. All these had a place, but<br />

specially it was because Frenchmen had<br />

learned somehow to be loyal to France.<br />

During the recent centuries, loyalty to<br />

country has done wondrous things for the<br />

world. It has wrought into a common life<br />

such diverse nationalities as America has<br />

today. Nations that have warred ceaselessly<br />

at home here live peaceably side by side.<br />

But we have now reached the time when<br />

loyalty to country is quite as likely to be a<br />

What the nations now<br />

need is the teaching in the Parable of the<br />

Good Samaritan. Europe is cursed today<br />

with loyalty to country, right or wrong. It<br />

is that which has made it possible for a<br />

half dozen men intoxicated with power to<br />

plunge the world in an unholy strife. We<br />

need a new <strong>and</strong> wider loyalty. As the<br />

tribe succeeded the family <strong>and</strong> the nation<br />

took the place of the tribe, the time has<br />

come when humanity instead of the nation<br />

should be the end we serve. Wilhelm Liebknecht,<br />

as he votes against a war appropriation<br />

in the Reichstag, is blazing the way to<br />

the new internationalism. <strong>The</strong>re is one thing,<br />

<strong>and</strong> one alone, that will keep our loyalty<br />

pure <strong>and</strong> beneficent. That is loyalty to<br />

Christ. Is it too much to say that Liebknecht,<br />

the Socialist, who denies his Lord in<br />

speech, is more loyal to him at this hour than<br />

Harnack <strong>and</strong> his fellow churchmen who are<br />

backing up a mad ruler in his aim to dominate<br />

the world. <strong>The</strong> loyalty which follows<br />

the country right or wrong, is not loyalty to<br />

Christ. It may cry, "Lord, Lord," but he<br />

will say, "I never knew you." <strong>The</strong> loyalty<br />

which dem<strong>and</strong>s hatred of men who live across<br />

an imaginary line which some bloody battlefield<br />

has drawn can have no place for the<br />

follower of Christ. <strong>The</strong> hour of nationalism<br />

has struck. It is time for us to welcome<br />

a new internationaHsm in which our highest<br />

earthly loyalty will be humanity, <strong>and</strong> over<br />

all, to Jesus Christ.<br />

tribe merging in the nation, as it did particularly<br />


in the Wilderness under the leadership<br />

By Rev. J. M. Coleman.<br />

of Moses. Previously they must have lived<br />

So far we have considered only one point<br />

with a degree of separateness, but in the<br />

in the evolutionist's hypothesis, the transmtttation<br />

of one species into another. <strong>The</strong>re is<br />

trials of the forty years they were welded<br />

together about the conception of one God<br />

<strong>and</strong> the personality of Moses. But not altogether<br />

a harder gulf than that to cross. How did<br />

was this accomplished. Long after life begin We start with in<strong>org</strong>anic matter.<br />

the tribes had been settled in Canaan did tribal<br />

How get to <strong>org</strong>anic life How did the first<br />

jealousies threaten to wreck the national<br />

life cell come into existence Unless the<br />

life. Only in times of great external danger<br />

forces resident in mud can produce a life cell<br />

were they able to act together as a unit, <strong>and</strong><br />

not until after the captivity were tribal lines<br />

evolution fails.<br />

so lost as not to affect the unity of the Jewish<br />

people.<br />

"Protoplasm," says Professor Conn, "is not<br />

a chemical compound, but a mechanism. Un<strong>org</strong>anized<br />

protoplasm does not exist. It could<br />

Liebig declares that flowers could no<br />

more grow by chemical process than a book<br />

concerning them.<br />

Tyndall, after experimenting eight months,<br />

said: "From the beginning to the end of the<br />

inquiry, there is not, as you have seen, a<br />

shadow of evidence in favor of the doctrine<br />

of spontaneous generation."<br />

Huxley said:<br />

"<strong>The</strong> doctrine that life can come only from<br />

life is victorious all along the line."<br />

never have been produced by chemical process."<br />

Professor<br />

Conn says: "<strong>The</strong> doctrine of spontaneous<br />

generation is universally given up." Wilson,<br />

the great authority on the cell, says:<br />

"<strong>The</strong> study of the cell has seemed to exp<strong>and</strong><br />

rather than narrow the enormous gap that<br />

separates even the lowest form of life from<br />

the in<strong>org</strong>anic cell."<br />

<strong>The</strong> evolutionist has failed to show a single<br />

accepted case of a derived species. He<br />

has failed to show a single instance of an intervening<br />

link between the various species,<br />

though if evolution was a fact these intervening<br />

stages would be as plainly marked as<br />

the species itself. Also he has failed to show<br />

that life has ever developed from not-life <strong>and</strong><br />

has given up trying to show it. If he fails at<br />

either point his theory falls <strong>and</strong> he fails at<br />

both. <strong>The</strong> last point I wish to make to show<br />

that evolution is unscientific in that there is<br />

no evidence that mind has ever developed<br />

from matter. Professor Fisk says that it is<br />

inconceivable how man's mind should have<br />

been produced from matter <strong>and</strong> it is inconceivable<br />

that it should have been. Lord Kelvin<br />

wrote in the London Times: "Every act<br />

of man's free will is a miracle to physical, to<br />

chemical <strong>and</strong> to mathematical science." At<br />

three essential points for his theory, the evolutionist<br />

fails to make good.<br />

Professor WilHam Jones has put the matter<br />

fairly <strong>and</strong> clearly in saying "Evolution is<br />

a metaphysical creed." Yet upon this unproven<br />

hypothesis of evolution men are attempting<br />

to build a whole system of thought,<br />

the chief argument being that all scholars<br />

accept it. And this argument is no more<br />

substantial than the others.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re is one more question. What does

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