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I-6 INDEX<br />

Fisheries (cont.)<br />

sustainability of fishing, 269<br />

total global fish harvest, 265, 266t<br />

total species, 266<br />

world’s major fisheries, 265f<br />

Fishing rights, allocating, 139<br />

Fission, 348<br />

Fission reactors, 364<br />

Flamingos, 251f<br />

Flatworms, freshwater, 157, 157f<br />

Flemining, Sir Alexander, 31<br />

Florida<br />

background radiation and, 354<br />

Bone Valley, 121–123, 123f<br />

Everglades, 170–171, 170f, 387, 388f,<br />

390<br />

Kissimmee River, 174–175, 174f<br />

Lakeland, 512<br />

Palm Beach County, 369, 369f<br />

Tampa, 383<br />

Flour beetles, 155–156, 156f<br />

Flow, biogeochemical cycle and, 112<br />

Fluorine, 202–203, 203f<br />

Flux, biogeochemical cycle and, 112<br />

Food<br />

distribution disruptions and, 73<br />

emergencies and, 216<br />

global water shortage and, 393–394<br />

international aid and, 216<br />

population growth and, 6–7<br />

prices and, 212<br />

riots and, 6, 8f<br />

Food chain, 84–88<br />

eating lower on, 228<br />

efficiency and, 95<br />

energy content of, 101, 101f<br />

Mono Lake, 23–24, 24f<br />

oceanic, 85<br />

Food webs<br />

defined, 84<br />

of harp seal, 85–88, 88f<br />

oceanic food web, 87f<br />

temperate, 86f<br />

terrestrial, 86<br />

Footprints, water, 387, 394–395<br />

Forage, 218<br />

Forec<strong>as</strong>ting population change, 66<br />

Forestry, 238<br />

Forests. See also Trees<br />

acid rain and, 470<br />

atmosphere and, 242f<br />

certification of forest practices, 246–247<br />

countries with largest are<strong>as</strong> of, 240, 240f<br />

deforestation, 247–248, 247f<br />

developing on lava flows, 96f<br />

dual human uses of, 239, 239f<br />

ecology of, 243<br />

effects of, 241–243<br />

forested watershed, 242f<br />

global warming and, 248<br />

growth, computer simulation of, 29, 29f<br />

harvesting trees and, 245, 245f<br />

management of, 244–246<br />

modern conflicts over, 238–239<br />

old-growth forest, 244<br />

ownership in U.S., 241f<br />

plantations, 245–246, 246f<br />

products, energy uses of, 339t<br />

public-service functions and, 238<br />

rotation time, 244<br />

second-growth forest, 244<br />

site quality and, 245<br />

sustainable forestry, 246–247<br />

tree growth, 243–244, 244f<br />

tree niches, 243, 243f<br />

viewpoint of, 237–238<br />

wood <strong>as</strong> energy source, 241<br />

world forest area, 239–240, 239f<br />

Formaldehyde, 488t<br />

Fort McMurray, Alberta, Canada, 322, 322f<br />

Fossil fuels<br />

alternatives to, 293–294<br />

black shale natural g<strong>as</strong>, 310<br />

cap rocks, 306<br />

characteristics of, 305–306<br />

coal, 314–321<br />

coal-bed methane, 309–310<br />

delivery and use, 312<br />

depositional b<strong>as</strong>ins and, 306<br />

methane hydrates, 310–311<br />

natural g<strong>as</strong>, 309<br />

oil and g<strong>as</strong> traps, 306, 306f<br />

oil in twenty-first century, 208t, 308–309<br />

oil shale, 321–322<br />

petroleum production, 306–307<br />

power plants and, 349f<br />

recovery and, 311, 311f<br />

refinement and, 312<br />

reservoir rock and, 306<br />

source rock and, 306<br />

tar sands, 322, 322f<br />

Founder effect, 153<br />

Fox, 178–179, 178f<br />

Fractional distillation, 312<br />

France<br />

national parks in, 252<br />

Paris, 512f<br />

Rance tidal power station, 335–336, 335f<br />

French Polynesia, Bora Bora, 55f<br />

Freshwater flatworms, 157, 157f<br />

Freshwater wetlands, 388–389<br />

Frogs<br />

dem<strong>as</strong>culinization and feminization of,<br />

196–197, 197f<br />

food chain and, 101, 191f<br />

Frontier science, 35–37<br />

Fruit fly mutation, 150, 150f<br />

Fuel cells, 333–334, 333f<br />

Fugitive sources, air pollution and, 463, 463f<br />

Fundamental niches, 157, 157f<br />

Fusion, 348<br />

Fusion reactors, 364<br />

Future vs. present value, 135–136, 135f<br />

G<br />

Gaia hypothesis, 10–11, 55, 108<br />

Galápagos Islands, 28f, 152, 152f<br />

Galileo, 24<br />

Gamma decay, 351<br />

Gamma rays, 350–351, 351f<br />

Ganges River, India, 232<br />

Garden city, 507<br />

G<strong>as</strong>oline tank leakage, 412, 412f<br />

General circulation models, 451, 451f<br />

General Electric, 399–400<br />

General fertility rate, 63t<br />

Generators, solar thermal, 331–332, 331f,<br />

332f<br />

Genes, mutations and, 149–150<br />

Genetic diversity, 146<br />

Genetic drift, biological evolution and,<br />

153–154<br />

Genetic risk, extinction and, 276<br />

Genetic tolerance, 205<br />

Genetically modified crops, 214<br />

Genetically modified food<br />

gene transfer and, 229–230, 230f<br />

new hybrids, 229<br />

terminator gene and, 229<br />

Genotypes, 149–150<br />

Geographic isolation, biological evolution and,<br />

152–153<br />

Geologic cycle, 113–116, 113f<br />

hydrologic cycle, 115–116, 115f<br />

rock cycle, 116, 116f<br />

tectonic cycle, 113–114, 114f<br />

Geologic sequestration, 456<br />

Georges Bank, 139<br />

Georgia, Atlanta, 383<br />

Geothermal energy<br />

environment and, 341<br />

future of, 341<br />

geothermal systems, 340–341<br />

types of, 339–340<br />

Geysers Geothermal Field, San Francisco,<br />

California, 340, 340f<br />

Ghana, population policy and, 75<br />

Giardi<strong>as</strong>is, 190<br />

Gir Forest, India, 339<br />

Glacier National Park, Montana, 452<br />

Glaciers, global warming and, 452–455<br />

Glen Canyon Dam, Colorado River, 391–392,<br />

391f<br />

Global chemical cycles, 111–112, 111f<br />

Global dimming, 468<br />

Global extinction, 274<br />

Global perspective, 10–11<br />

Global security and environment, 563–564<br />

Global thresholds, 565–566, 566t<br />

Global warming. See also Climate<br />

adjusting to, 456–457<br />

agricultural productivity and, 455–456<br />

animals and plants and, 454<br />

average surface temperature and, 430,<br />

430f<br />

biological diversity and, 455<br />

fundamental questions regarding,<br />

430–431<br />

glaciers and sea ice and, 452–455<br />

human health effects and, 456<br />

indirect forest damage and, 248<br />

international agreements and, 456–457<br />

issue origins and, 433–434<br />

river flow changes and, 451<br />

seal level rises and, 452, 452f<br />

Goats, 220<br />

Golden, Colorado, 529, 529f<br />

Golden eagle, 179, 179f<br />

Granada, Spain, 508, 508f<br />

Grand Canyon, Arizona<br />

banded-iron formations and, 109, 109f

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