The universal geography : earth and its inhabitants

The universal geography : earth and its inhabitants

The universal geography : earth and its inhabitants


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388 RUSSIA IN EUROPE.beginning to reject the title of " Old Believers," applying it to the members ofthe Orthodox Church, whom they reproach for their cold formalism. New sectsarise, such as the Nemolaki, who disbelieve in the efficacy of prayer, <strong>and</strong> theNeplatekhtchiki, who denounce all taxation. Yet such is the tenacity of the oldritualistic hab<strong>its</strong> that even amongst the Spiritualists there has been formed a sectof "Sigbers," who sigh <strong>and</strong> pant incessantly at their gatherings, because the" breath" is "spirit."TOPOGRAPHY OF GREAT RUSSIA.<strong>The</strong> Upper Volga to Nijni-Novgorod.(Governments of Tver, Yaroslav, <strong>and</strong> Kostroma.)This region is peopled by Great Russians, <strong>and</strong> by Finns who have beenlargely Slavonised.numerous isolatedIn the hilly <strong>and</strong> more inaccessible districts of the "West alonecommunities of Karelians have hitherto kept themselves aloof,retaining their speech <strong>and</strong> customs intact. But even these are slowly becomingassimilated to the surrounding Slav element. <strong>The</strong> province of Yaroslav was, athous<strong>and</strong> years ago, largely occupied by Finns, yet the present population is nowregarded as consisting of pure Great Russians. <strong>The</strong> Finns never having beenexpelled, the ethnical transformation must have been slowly accomplished, <strong>and</strong>even the towns <strong>and</strong> villages now mostly bear Slav names, generally in honour ofsaints or religious feasts.<strong>The</strong> towns, nearly all originally mere fishing stations, are somewhat numerouson the main stream <strong>and</strong> <strong>its</strong> tributaries.Even in the upl<strong>and</strong> region of forests <strong>and</strong>marshes near <strong>its</strong> source occurs the industrious town of Ostashkov, st<strong>and</strong>ing on apeninsula of Lake Seliger, about 750 feet above sea-level.It is peopled by fishers<strong>and</strong> boatmen, <strong>and</strong> manufactures scythes, sickles, axes, boots, <strong>and</strong> sboes. Fartherdown are Rjov, a great hemp <strong>and</strong> flax mart, Zubtzop, Staritza, <strong>and</strong> south of theriver the town of Gjatsk, in the government of Smolensk, on a tributary whosehead-streams are intermingled with those of the Dnieper.Tver, formerly the most formidable political rival of Moscow, now the capital ofa government <strong>and</strong> the chief port on the Upper Volga, lies advantageously at thejunction of the Tvertza, which flows from the northern upl<strong>and</strong>s, <strong>and</strong> which at alltimes gave access to the Neva basin <strong>and</strong> Gulf of Finl<strong>and</strong>. Merch<strong>and</strong>ise hadformerly to be conveyed across the country from the Tvertza to the Msta, <strong>and</strong>although a canal has for the last hundred years afforded a navigable route fromTver to St. Petersburg, the city of the " Upper Portage," or Vishni-Volochok,still retains <strong>its</strong> name. During the fine season many thous<strong>and</strong>s of boats ladenwith corn <strong>and</strong> other produce call here, as well as at the industrious town ofTorjol; or " <strong>The</strong> Mart," which lies farther down on the Tvertza, <strong>and</strong> which evenin the Novgorod period was already a great emporium. As many as 4,000 boatsare yearly moored at the quays of Tver, which is the largest of the three commercialtowns on the St. Petersburg- Moscow railway, <strong>and</strong> one of the chief

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