The universal geography : earth and its inhabitants

The universal geography : earth and its inhabitants

The universal geography : earth and its inhabitants


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GKUGUYEV—SLA.VANSK—SLAYANOSEBBSK 437100,000 volumes, <strong>and</strong> (in 1878) 95 professors, 559 students, <strong>and</strong> a revenue of£530,000. But the place Buffers much from a scarcity of good water.North of Kharkov lies Belgorod, the " White Town," named from <strong>its</strong> chalkp<strong>its</strong>,<strong>and</strong> east of it is the historic town of C/mrjiti/cr, where are the remains ofnumerous gorodishtcha in which ltonian coins are often found ; but <strong>its</strong> former tradehas been mostly transferred to Kharkov. Below Izuni the Donetz is joined by-Fig. 232.Rostov <strong>and</strong> Xakhiuilvas.Scale 1 : 116/ 00.Eof Gr,the Toretz, on the upper course of which is the town of Slavansk, a serf settlementdating from the middle of the eighteenth century, <strong>and</strong> now chiefly engaged in thepreparation of salt from the liman <strong>and</strong> other little saline lakes in the vicinity.Slavanoserbsk, another Serb colony, founded in 1753, lies on a dead branch of theDonetz, within the lim<strong>its</strong> of <strong>its</strong> coal basin, <strong>and</strong> east of the Lugan, or Luganskmetal works, established here by the Englishman Gascoyne in 1795 on behalf ofVOL. V. G G

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