The universal geography : earth and its inhabitants

The universal geography : earth and its inhabitants

The universal geography : earth and its inhabitants


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MINING AND MANUFACTURES.4G5a more frequent survey, besides which each village has <strong>its</strong> own customs <strong>and</strong>special development. Even in the same district some communes will redistributethe l<strong>and</strong> yearly, while in others the term varies from two years to a wholegeneration.* As a rule, the richer <strong>and</strong> more prosperous the commune, the lessfrequent are the redistributions.In order to insure equality there is usually a threefold classification of thel<strong>and</strong> according to the quality of <strong>its</strong> soil, <strong>its</strong> aspect, inclination, proximity todwellings, roads, or streams,<strong>and</strong> even then the parcels are awarded by lot.Mining <strong>and</strong> Manufactures.Mining operations, formerly so important, <strong>and</strong> at no epoch completely ab<strong>and</strong>oned,have acquired great development in the present century. A gildedpyramid at the St. Petersburg Exhibition of 1870, representing the quantity ofgold extracted from the Urals, mainly since 1816, weighed 1,610,000 lbs., <strong>and</strong> wasvalued at £102,000,000. <strong>The</strong> minerals, including, besides gold <strong>and</strong> platinum, iron,malachite, <strong>and</strong> precious stones, are confined chiefly to both slopes of the Urals,while the most copious naphtha springs occur at the two extremities of the Caucasus,<strong>and</strong> argentiferous lead ores <strong>and</strong> coal in the Altai <strong>and</strong> Transbaikal regions ofCentral Asia. Of all these treasures the most important are iron, coal, <strong>and</strong> salt,which exist in almost inexhaustible quantities, though still comparatively littleutilised. Russia still imports most of her coal from Engl<strong>and</strong>, <strong>and</strong> much of hersalt from Galicia.<strong>The</strong> chief manufactures do not employ raw materials of home production, <strong>and</strong>are still unable to compete with those of the West in quantity or quality. Cottonspinning <strong>and</strong> weaving, although representing one-third of all manufactured goods,occupy the fifth place only after Great Britain, the United States, France, <strong>and</strong>Germany, <strong>and</strong> are centred chiefly in the Moscow, Vladimir, Kostroma, <strong>and</strong>St. Petersburg districts. Wool, the next in importance, has <strong>its</strong> chief centre alsoin the Upper Volga <strong>and</strong> Oka basins, though Pol<strong>and</strong>, Livonia, Grodno, Chernigov,Little Russia, the Don <strong>and</strong> Middle Volga basins, are also engaged in this industry,which employs over 100,000 h<strong>and</strong>s altogether. Cotton <strong>and</strong> wool have thusreplaced the old national linen industry, which stood first till 1830, <strong>and</strong> formerlyexported largely to the West, <strong>and</strong> even to America. <strong>The</strong> raw material (flax <strong>and</strong>hemp) is now mostly exported, although the local dem<strong>and</strong> for linens is still largelysupplied from the looms of the Upper Volga, Kostroma, Yaroslav, <strong>and</strong> Vladimir.Leather has always been one of the chief Russian industries, <strong>and</strong> the birchbark employed by the Russian tanners has the advantage of imparting to theirwares a much-prized odour. Yet, although the local supply of hides <strong>and</strong> skinsexceeds that of other European countries, the quantity of the manufactured articleis less. Most of the tanneries are small, numbering in 1872 nearly 13,000, <strong>and</strong>producing over 10,000,000 dressed skins. A greater impulse has been given to* In the government of Saratov 128 villages redistribute annually, 22 every 2, 13 every 3, 21 every5, 20 every 6, 2 every 8, 32 every 10 years ; in 32 there has been no division since 1858 ;in 23 none since1862 ; <strong>and</strong> in one division has been theoretically abolished.

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