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and beyond the Neuroi towards the North Wind is a region withoutinhabitants, as far as we know. These races are along the riverHypanis to the West of the Borysthenes; but after crossing theBorysthenes, first from the sea-coast is Hylaia, and beyond this asone goes up the river dwell agricultural Scythians, whom the Helleneswho live upon the river Hypanis call Borysthenites, calling themselvesat the same time citizens of Olbia.[23] These agricultural Scythiansoccupy the region which extends Eastwards for a distance of threedays' journey,[24] reaching to a river which is called Panticapes, andNorthwards for a distance of eleven days' sail up the Borysthenes.Then immediately beyond[20] these begins the desert[25] and extendsfor a great distance; and on the other side of the desert dwell theAndrophagoi,[26] a race apart by themselves and having no connectionwith the Scythians. Beyond[20] them begins a region which is reallydesert and has no race of men in it, as far as we know. 19. The regionwhich lies to the East of these agricultural Scythians, after one hascrossed the river Panticapes, is occupied by nomad Scythians, whoneither sow anything nor plough the earth; and this whole region isbare of trees except Hylaia. These nomads occupy a country whichextends to the river Gerros, a distance of fourteen[27] days' journeyEastwards. 20. Then on the other side of the Gerros we have thoseparts which are called the "Royal" lands and those Scythians who arethe bravest and most numerous and who esteem the other Scythians theirslaves. These reach Southwards to the Tauric land, and Eastwards tothe trench which those who were begotten of the blind slaves dug, andto the trading station which is called Cremnoi[28] upon the Maiotianlake; and some parts of their country reach to the river Tanaïs.Beyond[20] the Royal Scythians towards the North Wind dwell theMelanchlainoi,[29] of a different race and not Scythian. The regionbeyond the Melanchlainoi is marshy and not inhabited by any, so far aswe know.21. After one has crossed the river Tanaïs the country is no longerScythia, but the first of the divisions belongs to the Sauromatai, whobeginning at the corner of the Maiotian lake occupy land extendingtowards the North Wind fifteen days' journey, and wholly bare of treesboth cultivated and wild. Above these, holding the next division ofland, dwell the Budinoi, who occupy a land wholly overgrown withforest consisting of all kinds of trees. 22. Then beyond[20] theBudinoi towards the North, first there is desert for seven days'journey; and after the desert turning aside somewhat more towards theEast Wind we come to land occupied by the Thyssagetai, a numerouspeople and of separate race from the others. These live by hunting;and bordering upon them there are settled also in these same regionsmen who are called Irycai, who also live by hunting, which theypractise in the following manner:--the hunter climbs up a tree and

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