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equal to the first; and if the Thebans did not give them up, theydetermined not to retire from the city until they had taken it. Havingthus resolved, they came accordingly on the eleventh day after thebattle and began to besiege the Thebans, bidding them give the men up:and as the Thebans refused to give them up, they began to lay wastetheir land and also to attack their wall. 87. So then, as they did notcease their ravages, on the twentieth day Timagenides spoke as followsto the Thebans: "Thebans, since it has been resolved by the Hellenesnot to retire from the siege until either they have taken Thebes or yehave delivered us up to them, now therefore let not the land of Bœotiasuffer[96] any more for our sakes, but if they desire to have moneyand are demanding our surrender as a colour for this, let us give themmoney taken out of the treasury of the State; for we took the side ofthe Medes together with the State and not by ourselves alone: but ifthey are making the siege truly in order to get us into their hands,then we will give ourselves up for trial."[97] In this it was thoughtthat he spoke very well and seasonably, and the Thebans forthwith senta herald to Pausanias offering to deliver up the men. 88. After theyhad made an agreement on these terms, Attaginos escaped out of thecity; and when his sons were delivered up to Pausanias, he releasedthem from the charge, saying that the sons had no share in the guiltof taking the side of the Medes. As to the other men whom the Thebansdelivered up, they supposed that they would get a trial,[98] and theytrusted moreover to be able to repel the danger by payment of money;but Pausanias, when he had received them, suspecting this very thing,first dismissed the whole army of allies, and then took the men toCorinth and put them to death there. These were the things whichhappened at Plataia and at Thebes.89. Artabazos meanwhile, the son of Pharnakes, in his flight fromPlataia was by this time getting forward on his way: and theThessalians, when he came to them, offered him hospitality andinquired concerning the rest of the army, not knowing anything of thatwhich had happened at Plataia; and Artabazos knowing that if he shouldtell them the whole truth about the fighting, he would run the risk ofbeing destroyed, both himself and the whole army which was with him,(for he thought that they would all set upon him if they were informedof that which had happened),--reflecting, I say, upon this he had toldnothing of it to the Phokians, and now to the Thessalians he spoke asfollows: "I, as you see, Thessalians, am earnest to march by theshortest way to Thracia; and I am in great haste, having been sentwith these men for a certain business from the army; moreoverMardonios himself and his army are shortly to be looked for here,marching close after me. To him give entertainment and show yourselvesserviceable, for ye will not in the end repent of so doing." Havingthus said he continued to march his army with haste through Thessaly

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