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axe in the City Hall by a man who pretended to be a deserter, but whoproved himself to be in fact an enemy and a rather hot one moreover.39. Then after Stesagoras also had ended his life in this manner,Miltiades son of Kimon and brother of that Stesagoras who was dead,was sent in a trireme to the Chersonese to take possession of thegovernment by the sons of Peisistratos, who had dealt well with him atAthens also, pretending that they had had no share in the death of hisfather Kimon, of which in another part of the history I will set forthhow it came to pass.[25] Now Miltiades, when he came to theChersonese, kept himself within his house, paying honours in allappearance[26] to the memory of his brother Stesagoras; and the chiefmen of the inhabitants of the Chersonese in every place, beinginformed of this, gathered themselves together from all the cities andcame in a body to condole with him, and when they had come they werelaid in bonds by him. Miltiades then was in possession of theChersonese, supporting a body of five hundred mercenary troops; and hemarried the daughter of Oloros the king of the Thracians, who wasnamed Hegesipyle.40. Now this Miltiades son of Kimon had at the time of which we speakbut lately returned[27] to the Chersonese; and after he had returned,there befell him other misfortunes worse than those which had befallenhim already; for two years before this he had been a fugitive out ofthe land from the Scythians, since the nomad Scythians provoked byking Dareios had joined all in a body and marched as far as thisChersonese, and Miltiades had not awaited their attack but had becomea fugitive from the Chersonese, until at last the Scythians departedand the Dolonkians brought him back again. These things happened twoyears before the calamities which now oppressed him: 41, and now,being informed that the Phenicians were at Tenedos, he filled fivetriremes with the property which he had at hand and sailed away forAthens. And having set out from the city of Cardia he was sailingthrough the gulf of Melas; and as he passed along by the shore of theChersonese, the Phenicians fell in with his ships, and while Miltiadeshimself with four of his ships escaped to Imbros, the fifth of hisships was captured in the pursuit by the Phenicians. Of this ship itchanced that Metiochos the eldest of the sons of Miltiades was incommand, not born of the daughter of Oloros the Thracian, but ofanother woman. Him the Phenicians captured together with his ship; andbeing informed about him, that he was the son of Miltiades, theybrought him up to the king, supposing that they would lay up forthemselves a great obligation; because it was Miltiades who haddeclared as his opinion to the Ionians that they should do as theScythians said, at that time when the Scythians requested them tobreak up the bridge of boats and sail away to their own land. Dareioshowever, when the Phenicians brought up to him Metiochos the son of

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