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Kyme, when they learnt that this was being done by the Mytilenians,sent a vessel to Lesbos and conveyed away Pactyas to Chios. After thishe was dragged forcibly from the temple of Athene Poliuchos by theChians and delivered up: and the Chians delivered him up receivingAtarneus in return, (now this Atarneus is a region of Mysia[162]opposition Lesbos). So the Persians having received Pactyas kept himunder guard, meaning to produce him before Cyrus. And a long timeelapsed during which none of the Chians either used barley-meal grownin this region of Atarneus, for pouring out in sacrifice to any god,or baked cakes for offering of the corn which grew there, but all theproduce of this land was excluded from every kind of sacred service.161. The men of Chios had then delivered up Pactyas; and after thisMazares made expedition against those who had joined in besiegingTabalos: and first he reduced to slavery those of Priene, then heoverran the whole plain of the Maiander making spoil of it for hisarmy, and Magnesia in the same manner: and straightway after this hefell sick and died. 162. After he was dead, Harpagos came down to takehis place in command, being also a Mede by race (this was the man whomthe king of the Medes Astyages feasted with the unlawful banquet, andwho helped to give the kingdom to Cyrus). This man, being appointedcommander then by Cyrus, came to Ionia and proceeded to take thecities by throwing up mounds against them: for when he had enclosedany people within their walls, then he threw up mounds against thewalls and took their city by storm; and the first city of Ionia uponwhich he made an attempt was Phocaia.163. Now these Phocaians were the first of the Hellenes who made longvoyages, and these are they who discovered the Adriatic and Tyrseniaand Iberia and Tartessos: and they made voyages not in round ships,but in vessels of fifty oars. These came to Tartessos and becamefriends with the king of the Tartessians whose name was Arganthonios:he was ruler of the Tartessians for eighty years and lived in all onehundred and twenty. With this man, I say, the Phocaians became soexceedingly friendly, that first he bade them leave Ionia and dwellwherever they desired in his own land; and as he did not prevail uponthe Phocaians to do this, afterwards, hearing from them of the Medehow his power was increasing, he gave them money to build a wall abouttheir city: and he did this without sparing, for the circuit of thewall is many furlongs[163] in extent, and it is built all of largestones closely fitted together.164. The wall of the Phocaians was made in this manner: and Harpagoshaving marched his army against them began to besiege them, at thesame time holding forth to them proposals and saying that it wasenough to satisfy him if the Phocaians were willing to throw down one

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