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would have been conqueror of the city from top to bottom,[71] butsince it blazed from the breasts, everything had been accomplished forhim which the god desired should come to pass. Thus speaking he seemedto the Spartans to speak credibly and reasonably, and he easilyescaped his pursuers.[72]83. Argos however was so bereft of men that their slaves tookpossession of all the State, ruling and managing it until the sons ofthose who had perished grew to be men. Then these, endeavouring togain Argos back to themselves, cast them out; and the slaves beingdriven forth gained possession of Tiryns by fighting. Now for a timethese two parties had friendly relations with one another; butafterwards there came to the slaves a prophet named Cleander, by racea Phigalian from Arcadia: this man persuaded the slaves to attacktheir masters, and in consequence of this there was war between themfor a long time, until at last with difficulty the Argives overcamethem.84. The Argives then say that this was the reason why Cleomenes wentmad and had an evil end: but the Spartans themselves say thatCleomenes was not driven mad by any divine power, but that he hadbecome a drinker of unmixed wine from having associated withScythians, and that he went mad in consequence of this: for the nomadScythians, they say, when Dareios had made invasion of their land,desired eagerly after this to take vengeance upon him; and they sentto Sparta and tried to make an alliance, and to arrange that while theScythians themselves attempted an invasion of Media by the way of theriver Phasis, the Spartans should set forth from Ephesos and go upinland, and then that they should meet in one place: and they say thatCleomenes when the Scythians had come for this purpose, associatedwith them largely, and that thus associating more than was fit, helearnt the practice of drinking wine unmixed with water; and for thiscause (as the Spartans think) he went mad. Thenceforth, as they saythemselves, when they desire to drink stronger wine, they say "Fill upin Scythian fashion."[73] Thus the Spartans report about Cleomenes;but to me it seems that this was a retribution which Cleomenes paidfor Demaratos.85. Now when the Eginetans heard that Cleomenes had met his end, theysent messengers to Sparta to denounce Leotychides for the matter ofthe hostages which were being kept at Athens: and the Lacedemonianscaused a court to assemble and judged that the Eginetans had beendealt with outrageously by Leotychides; and they condemned him to betaken to Egina and delivered up in place of the men who were beingkept at Athens. Then when the Eginetans were about to takeLeotychides, Theasides the son of Leoprepes, a man of repute in

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