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assemble in still greater numbers than were already assembled; and asfor the sacrifices of Hegesistratos, they should leave them alone andnot endeavour to force a good sign, but follow the custom of thePersians and engage battle. 42. When he so expressed his judgment,none opposed him, and thus his opinion prevailed; for he and notArtabazos had the command of the army given him by the king. Hesummoned therefore the commanders of the divisions and the generals ofthose Hellenes who were with him, and asked whether they knew of anyoracle regarding the Persians, which said that they should bedestroyed in Hellas; and when those summoned to council[49] weresilent, some not knowing the oracles and others knowing them but notesteeming it safe to speak, Mardonios himself said: "Since then yeeither know nothing or do not venture to speak, I will tell you, sinceI know very well. There is an oracle saying that the Persians aredestined when they come to Hellas to plunder the temple at Delphi, andhaving plundered it to perish every one of them. We therefore, justbecause we know this, will not go to that temple nor will we attemptto plunder it; and for this cause we shall not perish. So many of youtherefore as chance to wish well to the Persians, have joy so far asregards this matter, and be assured that we shall overcome theHellenes." Having spoken to them thus, he next commanded to prepareeverything and to set all in order, since at dawn of the next day abattle would be fought.43. Now this oracle, which Mardonios said referred to the Persians, Iknow for my part was composed with reference with the Illyrians andthe army of the Enchelians, and not with reference to the Persians atall. However, the oracle which was composed by Bakis with reference tothis battle,"The gathering of Hellenes together and cry of Barbarian voices,Where the Thermodon flows, by the banks of grassy Asopos;Here very many shall fall ere destiny gave them to perish,Medes bow-bearing in fight, when the fatal day shall approach them,"--these sayings, and others like them composed by Musaios, I know hadreference to the Persians. Now the river Thermodon flows betweenTanagra and Glisas.44. After the inquiry about the oracles and the exhortation given byMardonios night came on and the guards were set: and when night wasfar advanced, and it seemed that there was quiet everywhere in thecamps, and that the men were in their deepest sleep, then Alexanderthe son of Amyntas, commander and king of the Macedonians, rode hishorse up to the guard-posts of the Athenians and requested that hemight have speech with their generals. So while the greater number of

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