RAPID reference manual - Technology

RAPID reference manual - Technology

RAPID reference manual - Technology


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RobotWare-OSInstructionWhenever a program stop, emergency stop, power failure stop etc. occurs, the controllerretains the path context in order to be able to return to the path and let the robot continueprogram execution from the point on the path at which it was stopped. In <strong>manual</strong>mode, if the manipulator has been moved out of the path between a stop and a restart,the operator is informed by the following message on the FlexPendant: “Not on path!Robot has been moved after program stop. Should the robot return to the path onStart? Yes/No/Cancel”. This provides an opportunity of returning to the path beforerestart. In automatic mode, the robot automatically returns to the path.HollowWristReset removes the path context. This means that it is not possible to returnto the path in case of a program restart, if the HollowWristReset instruction has beenexecuted in the meantime. If this instruction is executed <strong>manual</strong>ly (“Special + Call ServiceRoutine ...” in the programming window), it should only be executed at a timewhen returning to the path is not required. That is, after a program is completely finished,or an instruction is completely finished in step-by-step execution and the manipulatoris not moved out of the path by jogging etc.SyntaxHollowWristReset ‘;’Related informationDescribed in:Related system parametersReturn to pathSystem Parameters - ManipulatorMotion and I/O Principles - Positioning duringProgram Execution130 <strong>RAPID</strong> <strong>reference</strong> <strong>manual</strong> - part 1a, Instructions A-R

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