RAPID reference manual - Technology

RAPID reference manual - Technology

RAPID reference manual - Technology


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MoveCRobotWare-OSInstructionArgumentsMoveC [\Conc] CirPoint ToPoint [\ID] Speed [\V] |[\T] Zone [\Z][\Inpos] Tool [\WObj] [\Corr][ \Conc ] (Concurrent) Data type: switchSubsequent instructions are executed while the robot is moving. The argumentcan be used to avoid unwanted stops, caused by overloaded CPU, when using flybypoints, and in this way shorten cycle time.This is useful when the programmedpoints are very close together at high speeds.The argument is also useful when,for example, communicating with external equipment and synchronisationbetween the external equipment and robot movement is not required.Using the argument \Conc, the number of movement instructions in succession islimited to 5. In a program section that includes StorePath-RestoPath, movementinstructions with the argument \Conc are not permitted.If this argument is omitted, and the ToPoint is not a Stop point the subsequentinstruction is executed some time before the robot has reached the programmedzone.This argument can not be used in coordinated synchronized movement in a MultiMoveSystem.CirPointData type: robtargetThe circle point of the robot. The circle point is a position on the circle betweenthe start point and the destination point. To obtain the best accuracy, it should beplaced about halfway between the start and destination points. If it is placed tooclose to the start or destination point, the robot may give a warning. The circlepoint is defined as a named position or stored directly in the instruction (markedwith an * in the instruction). The position of the external axes are not used.ToPointData type: robtargetThe destination point of the robot and external axes. It is defined as a named positionor stored directly in the instruction (marked with an * in the instruction).[ \ID ] (Synchronization id) Data type: identnoThis argument must be used in a MultiMove System, if coordinated synchronizedmovement, and is not allowed in any other cases.The specified id number must be the same in all cooperating program tasks. Theid number gives a guarantee that the movements are not mixed up at runtime.SpeedData type: speeddataThe speed data that applies to movements. Speed data defines the velocity of theTCP, the tool reorientation and external axes.256 <strong>RAPID</strong> <strong>reference</strong> <strong>manual</strong> - part 1a, Instructions A-R

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