RAPID reference manual - Technology

RAPID reference manual - Technology

RAPID reference manual - Technology


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IErrorAdvanced <strong>RAPID</strong>InstructionProgram executionThe corresponding trap routine is automatically called when an error occurs, in thespecified domain, of the specified type and optionally with the specified error number.When this has been executed, program execution continues from where the interruptoccurredExampleVAR intnum err_interrupt;VAR trapdata err_data;VAR errdomain err_domain;VAR num err_number;VAR errtype err_type;...CONNECT err_interrupt WITH trap_err;IError COMMON_ERR, TYPE_ERR, err_interupt;...IDelete err_interrupt;...TRAP trap_errGetTrapData err_data;ReadErrData err_data, err_domain, err_number, err_type;! Set domain no 1 ... 13SetGO go_err1, err_domain;! Set error no 1 ...9999SetGO go_err2, err_number;ENDTRAPWhen an error occurs (only error, not warning, or state change), the error numberis retrieved in the trap routine and its value is used to set 2 groups of digital outputs.138 <strong>RAPID</strong> <strong>reference</strong> <strong>manual</strong> - part 1a, Instructions A-R

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