RAPID reference manual - Technology

RAPID reference manual - Technology

RAPID reference manual - Technology


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LoadRobotWare-OSInstructionLimitationsAvoid ongoing robot movements during the loading.Avoid using the floppy disk for loading since reading from the floppy drive is very timeconsuming.Error handlingIf the file in the Load instructions cannot be found, then the system variable ERRNOis set to ERR_FILNOTFND. If the module already is loaded into the program memorythen the system variable ERRNO is set to ERR_LOADED (see "Data types - errnum").If the module cannot be loaded because the program memory is full, the system variableERRNO is set to ERR_PRGMEMFULL.The errors above can be handled in an error handler.SyntaxLoad[‘\’Dynamic ‘,’][FilePath’:=’][’\’File’:=’ ]’;’Related informationDescribed in:Unload a program moduleLoad a program module in parallelInstructions - UnLoadInstructions - StartLoad-WaitLoadwith another program executionAccept unresolved <strong>reference</strong>sSystem Parameters - Controller /Tasks / BindRef228 <strong>RAPID</strong> <strong>reference</strong> <strong>manual</strong> - part 1a, Instructions A-R

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