RAPID reference manual - Technology

RAPID reference manual - Technology

RAPID reference manual - Technology


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IndCMoveIndependent AxisInstructionProgram executionWhen IndCMove is executed, the specified axis starts to move at the programmedspeed. The direction of movement is specified as the sign of the speed argument. If\Ramp is programmed there will be a reduction of acceleration/deceleration.To change the axis back to normal mode, the IndReset instruction is used. The logicalposition of the axis can be changed in connection with this - an number of full revolutionscan be erased, for example, to avoid rotating back for the next movement.The speed can be changed by executing a further IndCMove instruction. If a speed inthe opposite direction is ordered, the axis stops and then accelerates to the new speedand direction. To stop the axis, speed argument 0 can be used. It will then still be inindependent mode.During stepwise execution of the instruction, the axis is set in independent mode only.The axis starts its movement when the next instruction is executed, and continues aslong as program execution continues. For more information see Chapter 6, Motion andI/O principles.When the program pointer is moved to the beginning of the program, or to a new routine,all axes are set automatically to normal mode, without changing the measurementsystem (equivalent to executing the instruction IndReset\Old).LimitationsThe resolution of the axis position worsens, the further it is moved from its logical zeroposition (usually the middle of the working area). To achieve high resolution again, thelogical working area can be set to zero with the instruction IndReset. For more informationsee Chapter 6, Motion and I/O Principles.Axes in independent mode cannot be jogged. If an attempt is made to execute the axis<strong>manual</strong>ly, the axis will not move, and an error message will be displayed. Execute anIndReset instruction or move the program pointer to main, in order to leave independentmode.If a loss of voltage occurs when the axis is in independent mode, the program cannotbe restarted. An error message is displayed, and the program must be started from thebeginning.The instruction is not advisable for coupled robot wrist axes (see Rapid ReferenceManual - Motion and I/O Principles - Positioning during Program Excution - IndependentAxes).150 <strong>RAPID</strong> <strong>reference</strong> <strong>manual</strong> - part 1a, Instructions A-R

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