RAPID reference manual - Technology

RAPID reference manual - Technology

RAPID reference manual - Technology


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InstructionProcCallRobotWare-OSProcCall - Calls a new procedureA procedure call is used to transfer program execution to another procedure. When theprocedure has been fully executed, program execution continues with the instructionfollowing the procedure call.It is usually possible to send a number of arguments to the new procedure. These control the behaviour of the procedure and make it possible for the same procedure tobe used for different things.Examplesweldpipe1;Calls the weldpipe1 procedure.errormessage;Set do1;.PROC errormessage()TPWrite "ERROR";ENDPROCThe errormessage procedure is called. When this procedure is ready, programexecution returns to the instruction following the procedure call, Set do1.ArgumentsProcedure { Argument }ProcedureIdentifierThe name of the procedure to be called.Argumentwith the procedure declarationData type: In accordanceThe procedure arguments (in accordance with the parameters of the procedure).Exampleweldpipe2 10, lowspeed;Calls the weldpipe2 procedure, including two arguments.<strong>RAPID</strong> <strong>reference</strong> <strong>manual</strong> - part 1a, Instructions A-R 363

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