RAPID reference manual - Technology

RAPID reference manual - Technology

RAPID reference manual - Technology


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MoveAbsJRobotWare-OSInstructionUsing the argument \Conc, the number of movement instructions in succession islimited to 5. In a program section that includes StorePath-RestoPath, movementinstructions with the argument \Conc are not permitted.If this argument is omitted and the ToPoint is not a stop point, the subsequentinstruction is executed some time before the robot has reached the programmedzone.This argument can not be used in coordinated synchronized movement in a MultiMoveSystem.ToJointPos (To Joint Position) Data type: jointtargetThe destination absolute joint position of the robot and external axes. It is definedas a named position or stored directly in the instruction (marked with an * in theinstruction).[ \ID ] (Synchronization id) Data type: identnoThis argument must be used in a MultiMove System, if coordinated synchronizedmovement, and is not allowed in any other cases.The specified id number must be the same in all cooperating program tasks. Theid number gives a guarantee that the movements are not mixed up at runtime.[ \NoEOffs ] (No External Offsets) Data type: switchIf the argument NoEOffs is set, then the movement with MoveAbsJ is not affectedby active offsets for external axes.SpeedData type: speeddataThe speed data that applies to movements. Speed data defines the velocity of thetool centre point, the tool reorientation and external axes.[ \V ] (Velocity) Data type: numThis argument is used to specify the velocity of the TCP in mm/s directly in theinstruction. It is then substituted for the corresponding velocity specified in thespeed data.[ \T ] (Time) Data type: numThis argument is used to specify the total time in seconds during which the robotmoves. It is then substituted for the corresponding speed data.ZoneData type: zonedataZone data for the movement. Zone data describes the size of the generated cornerpath.250 <strong>RAPID</strong> <strong>reference</strong> <strong>manual</strong> - part 1a, Instructions A-R

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