RAPID reference manual - Technology

RAPID reference manual - Technology

RAPID reference manual - Technology


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ISignalAIAnalog Signal InterruptConditionData type: aiotriggInstructionSpecifies how HighValue and LowValue define the condition to be satisfied:- AIO_ABOVE_HIGH:logical value of the signal is above HighValue- AIO_BELOW_HIGH:logical value of the signal is below HighValue- AIO_ABOVE_LOW:logical value of the signal is above LowValue- AIO_BELOW_LOW:logical value of the signal is below LowValue- AIO_BETWEEN:logical value of the signal is between LowValue and HighValue- AIO_OUTSIDE:logical value of the signal is above HighValue orbelow LowValue- AIO_ALWAYS:independently of HighValue and LowValueHighValueHigh logical value to define the condition.Data type: numLowValueData type: numLow logical value to define the condition.DeltaValueData type: numDefines the minimum logical signal difference before generation of a new interrupt.The current signal value compared to the stored <strong>reference</strong> value must begreater than the specified DeltaValue before generation of a new interrupt.[\DPos]Data type: switchSpecifies that only positive logical signal differences will give new interrupts.[\DNeg]Data type: switchSpecifies that only negative logical signal differences will give new interrupts.If none of \DPos and \DNeg argument is used, both positive and negative differenceswill generate new interrupts.InterruptData type: intnumThe interrupt identity. This interrupt should have previously been connected to atrap routine by means of the instruction CONNECT.180 <strong>RAPID</strong> <strong>reference</strong> <strong>manual</strong> - part 1a, Instructions A-R

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