RAPID reference manual - Technology

RAPID reference manual - Technology

RAPID reference manual - Technology


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InstructionCloseDirFile and Serial Channel HandlingCloseDir - Close a directoryCloseDir is used to close a directory in balance with OpenDir.ExamplePROC lsdir(string dirname)VAR dir directory;VAR string filename;OpenDir directory, dirname;WHILE ReadDir(directory, filename) DOTPWrite filename;ENDWHILECloseDir directory;ENDPROCThis example prints out the names of all files or subdirectories under the specifieddirectory.ArgumentsCloseDirDevDevData type: dirA variable with <strong>reference</strong> to the directory fetched with instruction OpenDir.SyntaxCloseDir [ Dev’:=’ ] < variable (VAR) of dir>’;’<strong>RAPID</strong> <strong>reference</strong> <strong>manual</strong> - part 1a, Instructions A-R 47

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