RAPID reference manual - Technology

RAPID reference manual - Technology

RAPID reference manual - Technology


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InstructionPackRawBytesFile and Serial Channel HandlingPackRawBytes - Pack data into rawbytes dataPackRawBytes is used to pack the contents of variables of type num, byte or string intoa ‘container’ of type rawbytes.ExampleVAR rawbytes raw_data;VAR num integer := 8;VAR num float := 13.4;VAR byte data1 := 122;VAR byte byte1;VAR string string1:=”abcdefg”;PackDNHeader “10”, "20 1D 24 01 30 64", raw_data;Pack the header for DeviceNet explicit message with service code and path stringaccording EDS-file into raw_data.Then pack requested field bus data in raw_data with PackRawBytes.The example below shows how different data can be added.PackRawBytes integer, raw_data, (RawBytesLen(raw_data) \IntX := DINT;The contents of the next 4 bytes after the header in raw_data will be 8 decimal.PackRawBytes float, raw_data, (RawBytesLen(raw_data)+1) \Float4;The contents of the next 4 bytes in raw_data will be 13.4 decimal.PackRawBytes data1, raw_data, (RawBytesLen(raw_data)+1) \ASCII;The contents of the next byte in raw_data will be 122, the ASCII code for “z”.PackRawBytes string1, raw_data, (RawBytesLen(raw_data)+1) \ASCII;The contents of next 7 bytes in raw_data will be “abcdefg”, coded in ASCII.byte1 := StrToByte(“1F” \Hex);PackRawBytes byte1, raw_data, (RawBytesLen(raw_data)+1) \Hex1;The contents of the next byte in raw_data will be “1F”, hexadecimal.<strong>RAPID</strong> <strong>reference</strong> <strong>manual</strong> - part 1a, Instructions A-R 317

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