RAPID reference manual - Technology

RAPID reference manual - Technology

RAPID reference manual - Technology


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InstructionIODisableRobotWare-OSIODisable - Disable I/O unitIODisable is used to disable an I/O unit during program execution.I/O units are automatically enabled after start-up if they are defined in the systemparameters. When required for some reason, I/O units can be disabled or enabled duringprogram execution.ExamplesCONST string cell1:=”cell1”;IODisable cell1, 5;Disable I/O unit with name cell1.Wait max. 5 s.ArgumentsIODisableUnitName MaxTimeUnitNameData type: stringThe name of the I/O unit to be disabled (with same name as configured).MaxTimeData type: numThe maximum period of waiting time permitted, expressed in seconds. If thistime runs out before the I/O unit has finished the disable steps, the error handlerwill be called, if there is one, with the error code ERR_IODISABLE. If there isno error handler, the execution will be stopped.To disable an I/O unit takes about 0-5 s.Program executionThe specified I/O unit starts the disable steps. The instruction is ready when the disablesteps are finished. If the MaxTime runs out before the I/O unit has finished the disablesteps, a recoverable error will be generated.After disabling an I/O unit, any setting of outputs in this unit will result in an error.<strong>RAPID</strong> <strong>reference</strong> <strong>manual</strong> - part 1a, Instructions A-R 169

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