RAPID reference manual - Technology

RAPID reference manual - Technology

RAPID reference manual - Technology


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ISignalGORobotWare-OSInstructionLimitationsMaximum number of signals that can be used for a group is 23. This limitation is validfor all instructions and functions using group signals.Numeric value condition can not be used in the instruction to specify that an interruptshould occur on changes to that specific value. This must be handled in the user program,by reading the group signal value at execution of the TRAP.The same variable for interrupt identity cannot be used more than once, without firstdeleting it. Interrupts should therefore be handled as shown in one of the alternativesbelow.PROC main ( )VAR intnum sig1int;CONNECT sig1int WITH iroutine1;ISignalGO go1, sig1int;WHILE TRUE DO::ENDWHILEENDPROCAll activation of interrupts is done at the beginning of the program. These instructionsare then kept outside the main flow of the program.PROC main ( )VAR intnum sig1int;CONNECT sig1int WITH iroutine1;ISignalGO go1, sig1int;::IDelete sig1int;ENDPROCThe interrupt is deleted at the end of the program, and is then reactivated. Itshould be noted, in this case, that the interrupt is inactive for a short period.SyntaxISignalGO [ ’\’ Single’,’][ Signal ’:=’ ] < variable (VAR) of signalgo > ’,’[ Interrupt ’:=’ ] < variable (VAR) of intnum > ’;’206 <strong>RAPID</strong> <strong>reference</strong> <strong>manual</strong> - part 1a, Instructions A-R

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