RAPID reference manual - Technology

RAPID reference manual - Technology

RAPID reference manual - Technology


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ProcerrRecoveryAdvanced <strong>RAPID</strong>InstructionArgumentsProcerrRecovery [\SyncOrgMoveInst] | [\SyncLastMoveInst][\SyncOrgMoveInst]Data type: switchThe error can be handled in the routine that created the actual path on which theerror occurred.[\SyncLastMoveInst]Data type: switchThe error can be handled in the routine where the program currently is executinga move instruction when the error occurred.If the program currently is not executing a move instruction when the erroroccurred, the transfer of the execution to the ERROR handler will be delayeduntil the program execute next move instruction. The error can be handled in thatroutine.Program executionExecution of ProcerrRecovery in continuous mode results in following- At once stop of the robot movement without leaving the path- Set the variable ERRNO to ERR_PATH_STOP- Transfer the execution to some ERROR handler, according the rules for asynchronouslyraised errorsThis instruction doe’s nothing in any step mode.For description of asynchronously raised errors such as generated with ProcerrRecovery see <strong>RAPID</strong> kernel <strong>reference</strong>/Error recovery/Asynchronously raisederrors.ProcerrRecovery can also be used in MultiMove system, to transfer the execution tothe ERROR handler in several program tasks, if running in synchronized mode.Example with ProcerrRecovery \SyncOrgMoveInstMODULE user_moduleVAR intnum proc_sup_int;PROC main()...MoveL p1, v1000, fine, tool1;do_process;...ENDPROC358 <strong>RAPID</strong> <strong>reference</strong> <strong>manual</strong> - part 1a, Instructions A-R

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