RAPID reference manual - Technology

RAPID reference manual - Technology

RAPID reference manual - Technology


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IndRMoveIndependent AxisInstruction[ \ToRelNum ] (To Relative Numeric value) Data type: numAxis position defined in degrees.Using this argument, the position will NOT be affected by any displacement, e.g.EOffsSet or PDispOn.Same function as \ToRelPos but the position is defined as a numeric value tomake it easy to change the position <strong>manual</strong>ly.[ \Short ] Data type: switchThe axis is moved the shortest route to the new position. This means that the maximumrotation will be 180 degrees in any direction. The direction of movementtherefore depends on the current location of the axis.[ \Fwd ] (Forward) Data type: switchThe axis is moved in a positive direction to the new position. This means that themaximum rotation will be 360 degrees and always in a positive direction(increased position value).[ \Bwd ] (Backward) Data type: switchThe axis is moved in a negative direction to the new position. This means that themaximum rotation will be 360 degrees and always in a negative direction(decreased position value).If \Short, \Fwd or \Bwd argument is omitted, \Short is used as default value.SpeedData type: numAxis speed in degrees/s.[ \Ramp ] Data type: numDecrease acceleration and deceleration from maximum performance( 1 - 100%, 100% = maximum performance).Program executionWhen IndRMove is executed, the specified axis starts to move at the programmed speedto the specified axis position, but only a maximum of one revolution. If \Ramp is programmed,there will be a reduction of acceleration/deceleration.To change the axis back to normal mode, the IndReset instruction is used. The logicalposition of the axis can be changed in connection with this - a number of full revolutionscan be erased from the position, for example, to avoid rotating back for the nextmovement.162 <strong>RAPID</strong> <strong>reference</strong> <strong>manual</strong> - part 1a, Instructions A-R

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