TRITON - Web Security Help, Version 7.7 - Websense

TRITON - Web Security Help, Version 7.7 - Websense

TRITON - Web Security Help, Version 7.7 - Websense


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Block PagesWhen the services have started, users receive the block page hosted on the alternatemachine.Determining why a request was blocked<strong>TRITON</strong> - <strong>Web</strong> <strong>Security</strong> <strong>Help</strong> | <strong>Web</strong> <strong>Security</strong> Solutions | <strong>Version</strong> <strong>7.7</strong>.xIf you want to investigate why a request was blocked, information is available in theblock page source code.If the block page was sent by Filtering Service (for users filtered by the applianceor on-premises software), click More information. Next, right-click anywhere inthe message text and select View Source. See Request blocked by FilteringService, page 129.If the block page was sent by hybrid filtering (in <strong>Web</strong>sense <strong>Web</strong> <strong>Security</strong> GatewayAnywhere environments), right-click anywhere in the block message and selectView Source. See Request blocked by hybrid filtering, page 130.Request blocked by Filtering Service<strong>TRITON</strong> - <strong>Web</strong> <strong>Security</strong> <strong>Help</strong> | <strong>Web</strong> <strong>Security</strong> Solutions | <strong>Version</strong> <strong>7.7</strong>.xThe HTML source for the more information block page shows information about whorequested the site, and what criteria were used to filter the request. Specifically, itshows:The user name and source IP address of the request (if available), and the time (inthe format HH:MM) that the request was made.Which policy is being applied to the request, and whether the policy is assigned tothe user, group, domain, computer (individual IP address), or network (IP addressrange).If more than one group policy could apply, the message also states whether theUse more restrictive blocking setting is in use. See Configuring <strong>Web</strong>sensefiltering settings, page 68.What aspect of the policy caused the request to be blocked (for example, categoryor limited access filter, file type, keyword, bandwidth usage).The name of the role in which the policy was assigned.What resource was used to categorize the site (<strong>Web</strong>sense Master Database, realtimedatabase update, a regular expression included in a real-time databaseupdate, custom URL, keyword, <strong>Web</strong>sense <strong>Web</strong> <strong>Security</strong> Gateway scanning, andso on).For example:User Name: WinNT://Test/tester1 Source IP Address: Current Time: 15:30<strong>TRITON</strong> - <strong>Web</strong> <strong>Security</strong> <strong>Help</strong> 129

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