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7. Had a flying saucer landed on the roof, he ___ not _____ more surprised.(to be)8. If only 1 _________ them of the truth, much time and trouble would havebeen saved. (to convince)9. If you _________ what might happen, would you have acted differently?(to guess)10. Had I realized he was in town, I _________ him. (to contact)Answers9. Fill in the blanks, indicating whether each of the following sentences is somewhatpolite (5), quite polite (Q), or very polite (V). Notice the indirect phrasing of the mostpolite requests and suggestions. For example:Could you pass the butter? Would you please pass the butter? QMight I trouble you to pass the butter? y..1. Could you help me? __2. Would you like some help? __3. Might I be of assistance? __4. You could come with us.5. You might wish to accompany us. __6. Would you like to come with us? __7. Might I trouble you for two pounds of fish? __8. I would like to buy two pounds of fish, please. __9. Could you give me two pounds of fish? __10. Could I have your opinion on this? __11. Would you please tell me what you think? _12. Might I know your feelings on the matter? __Answers10. Complete each of the following sentences with the auxiliary may, might or must.Use may or might when the event described seems somewhat probable, and use mustwhen the event described seems very probable. For example:You __ be right; we shall have to wait and see.You may be right; we shall have to wait and see. or You might be right; we shallhave to wait and see.That __ be our landlord; I would recognize him anywhere.That must be our landlord; I would recognize him anywhere.1. Although it _____ be true, it seems unlikely.2. That ____ have been the number 10 bus, because no other bus runs on thisstreet.3. We _____ have to wait a long ti me for a bus, because they do not run veryfrequently.4. That ____ be the right answer; there is no other possibility.5. Tell me your problem; I _____ be able to help you.6. It ____ have been he who answered the phone, because no one else was athome.7. Since we have never been to this store before, we ____ have difficulty finding

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