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Answers to Exercise 16:1. surprising 2. rented 3. frightened 4. frightening 5. entertaining 6. completed 7.interesting 8. raised 9. alarming 10. inverted 11. soothing 12. covered 13. folded 14.Enticing 15. choppedAnswers to Exercise 1 7:1. The story was told to us by a nurse, wanting to entertain us. 2. Attracted by theadvertisement, she decided to apply for the position. 3. The parcel was delivered by acourier driving a brightly colored van. 4. Glancing from time to time at his watch, helooked through the book. 5. We replaced the flowers, wilted from the sun. 6. Cracklingand throwing off sparks, the fire delighted the children. 7. Wishing to do us a favor, ourfriend made us a cake. 8. The arena was soon filled with eager spectators, anticipatingan entertaining evening.Answers to Exercise 18:1. she 2. he 3. we 4. she 5. he 6. she 7. we 8. she 9. she 10. theyAnswers to Exercise 19:·The flag was lowered at noon·· can mean: 1) At noon, the flag was already down, or 2)At noon, someone lowered the flag.·The work was finished yesterday evening·· can mean: 1) Yesterday evening, the workwas already complete, or 2) Yesterday evening, someone finished the work.CHAPTER 22. ADJECTIVES USED IN COMPARISONS: PART 1As well as being used to describe persons and things, adjectives which refer to qualitiescan also be used to compare two or more different persons or things. For instance, inthe following sentences, the adjectives used in comparisons are underlined.e.g. He is as tall as his brother.She is older than her sister.They are the youngest students in the class.1. Positive forms of adjectives preceded and followed by AsThe unaltered form of an adjective is often referred to as the positive form of theadjective. In the preceding chapter, only the positive form of adjectives was used.The positive forms of adjectives referring to qualities can be used in making certaintypes of comparisons. For example, in the following sentences, the positive forms ofthe adjectives proud and intelligent are combined with the word as in order to makecomparisons.e.g. She is as proud as a peacock.They are as intellige nt as I am.When used in making comparisons, the positive form of an adjective is usually employed

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