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not at all: not in any wayat all times: alwaysat any rate: whatever happenskeep someone at arm's length: avoid becoming closely involved with someoneat close quarters: very nearat one's disposal: to be used as one wishesat a distance: not nearat fault: causing something wrongat first: at the beginningsee at a glance: see immediatelyat hand: near; readily availableat last: finally, after some delayat a loss: uncertain what to do or sayat the mercy of: without defense againstat the moment: nowat once: immediatelyat present: nowat rest: not movingat risk: threatened by danger or lossat short notice: with little warningat stake: to be won or lostat a stretch: continuouslyat that rate: under those circumstancesat this point: at this place; at this momentat the wheel: in controlBehindbehind the scenes: (of persons) influencing events secretly; (in a theater) behindthe stagebehind schedule: not on timeBesidebe beside oneself: lose one's self-controlbeside the point: irrelevantBetweenread between the lines: deduce a meaning that is not actually expressedBeyondbeyond help: unable to be helpedbeyond a joke: too annoying to be amusingbeyond reproach: perfect; blamelessByby accident: not deliberatelyby all means: by any possi ble methodbit by bit: graduallyby chance: by accident; without planningby courtesy of: with the help or permission ofwin by default: win because of lack of competition

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