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a. Verbs ending in a silent eWhen a regular verb ends in a silent e, only the letter d must be added in order to formthe past participle. For example:Infinitiveto closeto moveto pleasto receivePast Participleclosedmovedpleasedreceivedb. Verbs ending in yWhen a regular verb ends in y immediately preceded by a consonant, the y is changedto i before the ending ed is added. For example:Infinitiveto stugyto relyto carryPast ParticiplestudiedreliedcarriedHowever, when a regular verb ends in y immediately preceded by a vowel, the y is notchanged before the ending ed is added. For example:Infinitiveto pl.9.Yto convyto enjQYPast ParticipleplayedconveyedenjoyedSee Exercise 3.c. Verbs ending in a single consonant preceded by a single vowelThe rules concerning the doubling of final consonants which apply when adding theending ing to form the present participle also apply when adding the ending ed to formthe past participle.Thus, when a one·syllable verb ends in a single consonant other than w, x or yimmediately preceded by a single vowel, the final consonant must be doubled beforethe ending ed is added to form the past participle. In the following examples, theconsonants which have been doubled are underlined. For example:Infinitiveto rubto trimto planto stopPast ParticiplerubbedtrimmedplannedstoQQedWhen a verb of more than one syllable ends in a single consonant other than w, x or yimmediately preceded by a single vowel, the final consonant is doubled before theending ed only when the last syllable of the verb is pronounced with the heaviest

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