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She said something to her teacher.These verbs cannot take an indirect object which immediately follows the verb. Onereason for this may be to avoid creating sentences which are ambiguous or confusing.For instance, a sentence which began with the words He described the reporters ...would create the impression that it was the reporters who were being described. Whenthe reporters is preceded by the preposition to, there is no ambiguity.EXERCISES for Chapter 1 11. In each of the following sentences, underline the direct object of the verb. Forexample:She forgot the pencils.She forgot the pencils.Was he writing a letter?Was he writing a letter?You did not answer the question.You did not answer the question.1. I watched the birds.2. He did not close the window.3. She rang the bell.4. Did you find the answer?5. I opened the door.6. Did she play the violin?7. You will need an umbrella.8. They are not carrying the parcels.9. You organized the race.10. Were they using the blankets?Answers2. In the followi ng sentences, the direct objects of the verbs are printed in bold type.In addition, each sentence contains an adverb or adverb phrase indicating time.Depending upon whether or not there is a direct object, complete each sentence usingeither to lay or to lie, as appropriate. Use the Present Continuous tense if the actiontakes place in the present, and use the Simple Past tense if the action took place in thepast. For example:They _____ the bricks now.They are layi ng the bricks now.I ____ the money on the counter last night.I laid the money on the counter last night.Right now, the dogs ____ in the middle of the road.Right now, the dogs are lyi ng in the middle of the road .Yesterday, he __in bed until ten o"clock.

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