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In the following examples, the subordinate clauses are underlined.e.g. Be ready to start when yo u hear the signal.He camped close to where the brook flows into the lake.In the first example, when you hear the signal is an adverb clause of time. In thesecond example, where the brook flows into the lake is an adverb clause of location.In addition to being used at the beginning of adverb clauses, how, when, where andwhy can also be used at the beginning of indirect questions. In the following examples,the indirect questions are underlined.e.g. I want to know how he did that.I wonder when they will arrive.Please tell me where the school is.I will ask why she left early.As pointed out previously, inverted word order is not used in indirect questions. Thus,the subject of an indirect question precedes the verb. In the following examples, thesubjects are underlined.e.g. We should find out how the information was transmitted.Ask her when she will be here.I wonder where they are.Please find out why he could not come with us.In these examples, the subjects information, she, they and he precede the verbs wastransmitted, will be, are and could come.EXERCISES for Chapter 241. Rewrite each of the following sentences, placing the adverb of frequency given inbrackets in the middle position of the main clause. For example:She is late for work. (rarely)She is rarely late for work.We visit hi m on Sundays. (sometimes)We sometimes visit him on Sundays.I have read that book before. (never)I have never read that book before.Yes, I do. (usually)Yes, I usually do.1. I had wanted to see the ocean. (always)2. They do. (frequently)3. She is very friendly. (usually)4. They have the opportunity to travel. (seldom)5. I am at home in the mornings. (generally)6. He has. (always)7. We were given free transportation to the school. (frequently)8. Birds return to the place where they were born to build their nests. (often)9. Albatrosses are seen close to shore. (seldom)10. We would. (never)

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