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1. Ways in which possession is indicateda. The ending 'sOne way in which English nouns indicate possession is by means of the ending 's.e.g. the boy's hatSally's bicycleIn the above examples, the ending 's indicates that the hat is possessed by the boy, andthat the bicycle is possessed by Sally. The English ending 's is related to the Germanpossessive ending es.The ending 's is most often used with nouns referring to human beings or animals.e.g. the child's toythe bird's songNouns formed from two or more words joined by hyphens indicate possession by adding's to the last word .e.g. the runner·up's scorethe sister·in·law's childrenThe ending 's may also used with nouns referring to non· living things which aresometimes thought of as if they were living, such as ships, countries, corporations, andthe earth.e.g. the ship's bellItaly's exportsthe city's parksthe earth's surfaceThe ending 's may also be used with nouns referring to units of time.e.g. a day's worka week's delayIn addition, the ending 's is used with nouns referring to non· living things in a fewidioms such as the following:e.g. a stone's throw awayyour money's worthIt should be noted that the ending 's is used only with singular and plural nouns whichdo not end in s.e.g. the gi rl's hatthe children's booksthe men's jacketsb. The ending s'For plural nouns which end in s, the ending 's is not used. Instead, an apostrophe: ' isplaced after the s which indicates a plural. The following examples illustrate how theplural nouns students and Smiths indicate possession.e.g. the students' booksthe Smiths' houseIn these examples, the apostrophes indicate that the books belong to the students, and

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